Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah Tia Khadeja and Mia Ayesha.

Salam Maal Hijrah my girls!

I hope you understand the meaning of 'Hijrah' at least a little bit as explained by mama and papa,we will tell you more as you grow up.

I chose this picture for you because you always love butterfly:) SubhanAllah so beautiful ya girls.Let us be beautiful inside and outside,starting with our iman and heart. Biar cantik agama,budibahasa,diri yang cantik adalah diri yang berusaha menjadi lebih baik,biarlah tidak cepat asal berusaha.

Alhamdulillah we managed to berdoa together this morning;) You woke up and recited the doa with us.We thank Allah SWT for the life,health,rezeki and many many more. Mama cooked pulut kuning and kari tulang for breakfast,pulut puning is significant to any islamic occasions celebrated by Uwan in kampung during those days.Kalau Nisfu syaaban,Maal Hijrah,Maulidur Rasul pergi ke surau mesti lah membawa pulut kuning.I don't want her  to miss those beautiful feeling:):) Mama used curry powder given by auntie Rufa from Kota Bahru,papa said it is nice.

While waiting for Ustazah Jamian to come:)

Bokittbit (Bokitta/Rabbit) Model.

Mari mencantikkan jiwa dengan ilmu..belajar dengan ikhlas moga segala ilmu senang di pelajari

A day with Ustazah on Maal Hijrah,the lesson is getting tougher mama dah tersasul beberapa kali hari ni:):)

This is the cake mama cooked during Devali's holiday:) Kebetulan colurful like Devali.

Vanilla sugar powder in heart shapes on top,

You both like the colours.

Our colourful cake with a leaf /light shape in the the middle:)

Salam Maal Hijrah buat semua saudara mara dan kawan2 yang berkunjung di sini.Alhamdulillah bertemu dengan rakan2 yang cantik hati dan budi:):)



  1. salam maal hijrah utk zu,uwan, tiamia and papa.semuga allah merahmati kehidupan kita.melimpahkan rezeki.mengurnia kan kesihatan yg baik dan mdmberikan sinar bahagia utk kita sepanjang tahun ini ...

    Sedap pulut kuning makan dgn kari tulang,kalau ado samba ikan bilis mo potai lai'e la sodap ...

  2. Salam Maal Hijrah untuk you and family. Comel betul anak you ni tau! Suka baca cerita you. Nanti rajin2 visit blog I dan follow yer

    Blog Qashmere
    Style Me Gorgeous By Qashmere For Plus Size Fashion

    Take Care Sis

  3. salam maal hijrah kak, saya baru je beli cake stand tu, sebijik mcm akak punya, bawa balik bagi mak, hehe, tengok pulut tu saya dah rasa nak buat dah, selamt bercuti juga.

  4. Everytime tgk gambar makanan kat blog ni sure terliur. hahhaa.. nanti share recipe Traditional Butter Cake boleh? ke sama mcm kat entry ni ( ??
    Salam Maal Hijrah buat akak sekeluarga!

  5. Salam maal hijrah untuk sis juga ^_^

  6. salaam maal hijrah buat mamatiamia dan the whole family, blog readers and followers :-)

  7. Salam Maal Hijrah buat mamatiamia sekeluarga, tidak lupa juga Uwan. moga thn baru bawa lebih kesejahteraan dan kebahgiaan.pulut kuning dg kari ayam mmg favorite sokmo...sedapp.

  8. Kak, salam maal hijrah to u n ur family. Smoga pulut kkuning kekal gebu, kari tulang kekal spicy, and murah rezeeki sentiasa. Aminnnn

  9. Salam Maal Hijrah buat Kak Zu sekeluarga.. Tq kerana sudi berkunjung ke blog Nur.. Sedapnya tengok kek tu.. Nur baru balik bercuti di KL.. Semalam jalan2 area Shah Alam, tiba2 boleh teringatkan akak.. ;) Ok sis, do take care... Sampaikan salam pada Uwan..:)

  10. Salam Maal Hijrah buat kak Zue sekeluarga...

    salam dr Christchurch, NZ

  11. Salam Maal Hijrah buat Zu sekeluarga. seperti biasa sentiasa tersenyum baca post Zu, tengok gambar Tia dan Mia yg menyejukkan mata memandang dan pulut kuning yg lazat tu.. hmm dah lama tak mkn pulut kuning :)

  12. cantiknya blue butterflies first ingatkan flowers ke...apa ke...rupanya butterflies....Subhanallah...

  13. salam maal hijrah to mama mia and tia :))

  14. hi,

    mamatiamia....nice to read ur blog. Even i dh try ur recipe kek butter & jd sedap.

    thank you for sharing

  15. Dear MamaTiaMia,

    I just cant wait until office hr end to write this comment. thanks so much for such inspiring blog. reading ur blog brings hapinness, renew my spirit to become a better person (mom, wife,daughter)..also a good reflection of how we can makes someone's life beautiful..and also how to make our surrounding beautiful by just a simple act..i dont know, my sentence berterabur..but really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much..keep on sharing,keep on inspiring..thanks to my sister who introduced me to this blog..

    Mama Auni
