Sunday, November 11, 2012

The House,The Kitchen and Us.


Hope everybody enjoy their weekend.Ours? We had the usual weekend,usual joy and usual cry and laughters;) Tomorrow is Monday but it's not going to be so bad because Tuesday will be a public holiday  and same goes with Thursday:) We can't go anywhere because the papa couldn't take leave in between but the mama will be on leave the following week *wink*wink*.Thanks to all readers from the previous entry..yg datang duduk di pangkin kayu bawah pokok rambutan:):)

Here are the stories from our House,Kitchen and Us.

Saturday we had morning session with Ustazah.

This week ada sessi tulis2 so we sat at the table.As usual 1/2 jam ajer tahannya the girls,another 1/2 jam lagi 'murid senior"..susah jugak minggu ni..bila dah kena bab lidah nak kena ketepi kat geraham bagai tu:):)

After Iqraq we went to piano class and in the evening i baked moist chocolate cuppies for them.

The recipe was from TheJoyof Baking- i used Dark Moist Chocolate Cake receipe,the cuppies were moist and i cut the sugar more than half from the recipe.If anybody is interested you may visit the website,boleh dapat banyak cuppies,i used half bowl for cuppies and the other half as cake in ramekins.

I made my own cream cheese,no measurement,agak2 ajer.I used half bar of butter,half bar of cream cheese  vanilla extract and confectionary sugar secukup rasa.The cream cheese was very nice against the not so sweet chocolate cake.The girls love shell shapes so piped theshape..tapi tak lah perfect:)

After the cuppies was done i made Blue Poppy Seed Butter Cake,sebab uwan nanti tak suka chocolate cake dgn cream ni semua.I just used the Traditional Butter Cake Recipe but i added lemon juice and blue Poppy seed.I buat cake senang pening2 kepala,as simple as possible tapi nak sedap.

6.30pm Butter Cake tak siap lagi..the girls dah bising nak makan Roast Chicken as i promised to cook one for them:) I dah marinate the chicken since tengahari,i bought the new Mc Cormick marinate powder "Zesty garlic' flavour,truly recommended,sangat sedap my husband and the girls gave 10/10 they said "hooray for mama"

Sama macam masak cake,my Roast chicken pun simple.You just need to buy one whole chicken,carik yang fresh daging nampak merah dan keras lagi serta kulit cantik tegang. You boleh buat marinate sauce sendiri or in my case i just bought Mc Cormick zesty garlic from village grocer. Clean your chicken thoroughly,espcially the inside,basuh dgn asam jawa inside out banyak kali,drain your chicken,mix the marinate powder with litte water.In a bowl rub the marinate mix thoroughly all over the chicken especially under the skin,you can use your finger to separate the skin from the flesh and rub the powder many many times including inside the chicken.I rubbed serbuk Rosemary dari bottle jugak all over the chicken and after that masuk dalam Zipped Lock bag and simpan dalam fridge for at least one hour. After that i grease the Happy pan well with olive oil, i put in the chicken with potata,carrot and cloved garlic..jgn tambah garam or anything dah..tutup pan and letak atas api stove yang kecik.Flip few times,check bila dah masak and kuning bukak pan dan biar kan air dia kering..then boleh lah angkat.

The Chicken was so tender and juicy..until hari ni makan Chicken Chop kat Marche the girls cakap mine still better..yup Marche dah tak sesedap dulu:(

Habis dinner..ktingggg bunyi oven..Blue Poppy seed cake pun masak.It was just perfect,bau wangi and moist.

Recipe ni after cake dah semalaman jadi tambah sedap..sebab butter and magerine dah keluar.

I need more silicone moulds;):) So far kat Aino ada bentuk ni ajer..senang sungguh guna ni:):)

Today,Sunday morning i cooked nasi lemak kukus,sotong kuning kembang for everybody..i masak banyak since Pashik nak datang hantar phone kat si heni.Si Heni kan hilang kan phone dia kat kampung hari tu,phone tu i jugak yang bagi,the first Nokia slide Pashik cakap dia ada phone Nokia lama nak bagi Heni..macam2 lah Si Heni...dah nak balik cuti ni anak nak kahwin ni mestilah nak pakai phone.He he my nasik lemak berselirat dgn serai dan pandan,angkat ajer semua sekali.

 Uwan happy breakfast dengan anak lelaki dia..duduk kat hujung tu jadi Chairwoman:);) Pashik pun suka my cake,dia pun selera klasik jugak..nak butter cake saja.

After breakfast and there's no rain so we went to MPH Curve.

They chose their own book to bring back home.I was really excited to see the Enid Blyton Collections,it was my favourite when i was small:)

We had our lunch at Marche, with an exception to this mushroom soup yang lain semua dah tak okay.

Pfuhhh pfuhhh beriya si mama menghembus anak2 tak sabar;):) Sayur goreng pun masin penuh oyster sauce and large size dia guna pinggan alas cawan teruk nak untung.I would say RM120 for lunch here is not berbaloi at all,kalau mahal sedap tak apa.

Putt Putttt..gurau senda after perut kenyang tapi tak puas:);)

We went to check out the new Ice Skating Rink at Royale Hotel but the girls tukar fikiran takut pulak:(

And i bought our favourite Rosemary Loaf from The Italiannies,it was priced at RM8.50 big and long,sedap makan with olive oil and black vinegar.Selalunya Italianies serve as starter bila we dine in.
Nampak tu dah patah,dalam kereta pun ada org tak sabar nak makan.

I bought this cupcakes kits from MPH,not really for the girls,for me actually,melayan perasan kanak2;)It has more than 50 cupcakes recipes in a form of postcards..nice,i boleh bind it:):)

In the evening i made dessert from the left over chocolate cake.I just dice the cake,put in the paper cups drizzled melted icing sugar and add some toppings.

This girl was very happy..memang asyik berulang kat counter ajer.

Finally in the evening i made Strawberry Milk Shake for everybody.I bought 3 for RM12 strawberries from The Curve Sunday market.

My Strawberry Milk Shake recipe- put about 15 to 20 strawberries in a blender with half carton of fresh milk and few spoons of sugar. Blend well until fine and smooth,add in few ice cubes and blend for few more minutes.It was very refreshing..especially nak sooth bibir yang terbakar makan asam laksa:):)

Happy Monday All- signed - Happy Pangkin!


  1. Just landed. Cewah haha

    Seerious akak ckp pasal marche tu. Dulu blanja member mkn situ. So order la roasted chicken. Alahaiiii hambarnye dh la tambah ape2 siket kene charge lg. Bosan.

    Akak nye family looks so fun and ceria. Won't u mind adopting a 22 year old son? Hahahaha

  2. Mama Tia Mia,
    Enid Blyton Collections also my favourite when i was small:)
    Wah! smootie tu tak boleh tahan ! Cuti ni nak panjat CH lah borong strawberry puas2

  3. Salam Zu,
    sedapnya tengok gambar2 makanan tu. roast chicken pun nampak sgt yummy! cupcakes pun sedap.. buku pun menarik. kat sini byk buku resepi mcm tu.. siap dgn tool lg :)

  4. hai azu dah tersampuk baking ker...bila ada yang appreciate n ulang ulang makan memang seronok...dulu i rajin bake...takder sapa twin dah besar...suka makann..bila buat cupcake n muffin...dorang la tukang perabis but the mojo of baking not like few years ago...payah nak datang balik...the only kuih yang i rajin bake...kuih bakar bijan...tu sebab semua in tbe house makan...enjoy laaa tengok weekend azu...

  5. Kak zu,
    Niza sgt soookaaa starter kat Italianies..
    Mkn punye mkn, time nk mkn main dish, perut sudah kenyang...Haha tp mmg Sedap the rosemary loaf deep with olive oil and black vinegar..

  6. salam mamatiamia, talk about enid b, hardy boys, nancy drew, teringat zaman kecik2 dulu yg mmg suka sgt baca buku2 yg dialih bahasa ke bm. since dulu tak mampu nak beli, mmg tunggu2 perpustakaan bergerak. semangat pinjam buku sebelah pagi then abisksn bacaan so boleh rtn on the same day n borrow more books :-). since buku2 tu takde gsmbar cuma gambaran dlm bentuk tulisan, it helps me alot to berimaginasi bila menjawab soalan karangan bm :-)) mmg murah stoberi rm10 3 pack sbb yg cheapest me biasa beli kt village grocer dlm rm7.99 for small size stoberi

  7. salam mamatiamia, talk about enid b, hardy boys, nancy drew, teringat zaman kecik2 dulu yg mmg suka sgt baca buku2 yg dialih bahasa ke bm. since dulu tak mampu nak beli, mmg tunggu2 perpustakaan bergerak. semangat pinjam buku sebelah pagi then abisksn bacaan so boleh rtn on the same day n borrow more books :-). since buku2 tu takde gsmbar cuma gambaran dlm bentuk tulisan, it helps me alot to berimaginasi bila menjawab soalan karangan bm :-)) mmg murah stoberi rm10 3 pack sbb yg cheapest me biasa beli kt village grocer dlm rm7.99 for small size stoberi

  8. salam, kak zu..
    u alwaysss creative in making food!!
    best nye kalau duduk sebelah rumah kakzu..hehe...
    seriously saya jadi terinspirasi..:))
    steam fish kakzu dalam oven saya dah cuba..memang sangat mudah dan sangat sedap!!

  9. salam kak zu,

    sgt suka tgk blog kak zu.. terasa sgt indahnya hidup ni.. thanks akak sbb menulis di blog yg dpat memberikan inspirasi kepada pembaca yg melawat blog akak.. semoga hidup akak sentiasa bahagia dsekelilingi org yg tersyg.

  10. Wah!! chicken roasted tu mmg nmpk menyelerakan..Just nak tnya. ayam tu mkn dgn sos apa kak zu? Sos cili biasa aje ker?

  11. salam mama tia&mia. what a wonderful weekend!!!btw alhamdulilah good for both princess & the queen to spend time with private ustazah. atleast better one to one basis kan (mcm i skrg ni le, xle malu sangat kalau sebutan xbetul. pastu ustazah blh direct tegur).

  12. alahaiii semuanya nampak sedap2 belaka. terliur sgt tgk sambal sotong dgn petai tu

  13. salam kak zu, terliur tgk strawbeery smoothie kak zu... thanx for sharing kak zu

  14. Salam Sis,

    Saya pun sangat suka buku-buku tulisan Enid Blyton. Di rumah ada banyak koleksi buku Enid...yang tu sangatlah sayang sampai baca ulang2 kali...

    Oh ya...teringin juga nak try masak ayam dalam pan ajaib tu macam sis...nanti bolehla saya cuba ^_^

    Happy holidays!

  15. Hi MamaTiaMia,
    U might like this page .. ada design lain utk cake mold.. regards to uwan.. -elizarahil-

  16. Salam.,, Kak Zu
    really admired your photo.. pls share with me what type of camera u use, if you don't mind. tried to browse old entry tp tak jumpa.. gambar2 seme cantik....

    thanx Kak Zu

  17. As.salam mama tiamia

    no wonder i saw u last saturday kat giza. masa tu tak sempat nak tegur u sbb u dah turun eskelator.. :)

    hope to c u again next time with the twin :)

  18. Salam kak....

    Kenangan pundung durian kekocik memang sweet memories....saya punya pun sangattttttt la sweeetnya sampai hari ni mmg ingat.Kisahnya haritu siap bawak2 bekal bagai nak makan kat pundung kan...Dusun kami dlm hutannn betul sekali baru nk bismillah ada rimau sudah aum aum kan...apalagi lari tak cukup tanah.At last kami pajak je kat org suruh kutip buah hahahahahh

    Wah murahnya KA kalu rm 700.
    habis baking class saya pun berkoba2 nak KA heheheh...last2 saya sambar kat The Strand rm 2400 sebab tu je yg pling murah saya jumpa..

  19. Rajin betul akak ni.. Ada saje menu hidangan lazat.. Anak2 Kak Zu memang suka kek..

  20. a ah la..marche dah tak berbaloi pegi..mahal gila..portion toooo small celah gigi je... rasanya takat sayur goreng mcm tu kita buat sendiri lagi sedap dan banyak..hahah.. sedapnya strawberry shake tuuu,, baru beli blender nie.. macam nak try plak ;)

  21. strawberry milkshake ! sedapppnyerrrrr sis..... dh lama tk pergi marche....
    itu pemanggang ajaib ke mama mia-tia hehehe

  22. strawberry milkshake ! sedapppnyerrrrr sis..... dh lama tk pergi marche....
    itu pemanggang ajaib ke mama mia-tia hehehe

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. saya pun ada buku cupcakes tuh hehehehehe
