Friday, December 7, 2012

Light and Easy;)

Salam All:) 

I dont have new pictures yet, no serious issues to be discussed or hot gossip to be shared with everybody.

So i buat ajer lah entry ni haaa;);) Cerita baju anak2 ni tengok2 gambar they grow too fast!! Macam tak percaya!

2010- Little House on the Prairie girls wearing below than RM40 dresses from Brands Outlet- teamed up with ZARA turtle neck shirt and wellington boots - Farmstay at Swan Valley,WA.

2012- Dah besar my girls..dah pandai lentok2 depan LV pulak tu he he- wearing ZARA shirt,cardigan,pant and shoes- Champs Elysees,Paris.

And i look at this picture..oh my Tia you are already 5 going to be 6 next year..dont stop manja2 me okay- wearing Euro 10,cotton dress from local brand in Geneva.

Ha ha too much.. i love to see them in boy's shirt once in a while..but these two tak suka pulak they said " just like papa's office shirt!" - wearing shirt,pants,sandal all from ZARA except the PumpkinPatch scarves.

Finally..dah tak der cerita..i nak cakap....

Tangan kat pinggang ' Hepppp sapa cakap saya slim? Ya Allah?? If only it's true:):) menari Gnagnam style i..he he..Last night i cakap to my husband " Pa, i read about this African Mango,they said it's really good and if you take it with colon cleanser you can loose weight up to 10 kg in a month! But i am a bit worried, yelah losing weight cepat sangat macam tu tak normal,takut it will do harm internally especially to your cells in a long run"

My husband cakap apa " A  aah dont la" That's it..cuba dia cakap " Laaa why you nak take slimming pill semua,you are not fat"..kan sejuk hati i..kan bertambah rajin i nak buat Rosemary chicken or maybe this time lebih advance buat ribs racks with brown glaze..he he but man as expected..macam tu ler jawapannya:)Bukan tak biasa kan:);)

To Nadiah..tak ada apa secret pun and i dont think i bertambah slim..cuma fat2 i tu berhemah dan pandai nyorok sikit agaknya..i suka masak tapi i tak makan semua..and i lari2 manja jugak atas Treadmill..selain tu i walked a lot kat office,...bukan berjalan pi buat kerja tapi berjalan kaki dari office ke shopping malls:) Itu ajo:):) Sorry tak dapat membantu tetapi sesiapa yang dapat berkongsi rahsia menurukan berat badan tanpa perlu tak makan dan exercise tak berhenti sila lah berkongsi dengan kami di sini ya:):)

You all readers lagi banyak macam2 tips;) Ehh i dah cakap terima kasih kat yang bagi tips macam mana nak masak jantung pisang supaya tak hitam hari tu tak? Kalau belum..Terima kasih banyak2, it is really usefull..i akan cuba tak belah dulu,rebus bubuh garam dan minyak etc..sedap kan gulai jantung pisang;);)

So i leave you all with this gorgeous picture- one of my favourite- golden field behind farm house at Swan Valley,Western Australia;)

Cuti panjang lagi ke semua orang? Anybody going for vacation? I nak jemput my Kitchen Aid this weekend lah..tak sabar dah sampai friend tak ship kan pun..dia check in dengan luggage dia ajer so cepat lah sampai nyer..and i still have one small project nak buat tapi besar challenge dia..nak menyusun balik laundry area kat belakang rumah..tempat tu too small..but i dah belek2 i think it can be better:):)

Okay see ya soon! Take care all.



  1. Thanks Zu...i pun nak ikut style you la "exercise" di shopping mall selalu.

  2. KA dah nak Sampai...yeaaa sukanya ...x sabar2 nak tengok.
    Sukanya tgok baju2 tiamia.

  3. tak sabar nak tunggu si kembar saya besar macam tiamia..waktu tu mesti pandai bergaya di depan kamera hehehe

  4. Happy weekend kak zu ;)

    tia and mia dah boleh jadi model for ZARA dah ni...

  5. comelnyee the twin girls exchange gumboots dalam gambar first tu. sebelah lain, lagi sebelah pulak lain. that could possibly be a new trend. haha. or mama diorang yang jadi trend setter ni? hehehe. anyway, hi kak zu! :)

  6. Yaaaaa, x sabar nk tgk KA tu. Nanti Sis tayang2 ya, heheheee...
    Anak2 ni x perasan pun dia org dah besar, kan. Tgk2 dah pandai itu ini. Padahal rasa mcm smlm je lahirkan dia org. :)

  7. gambar last tu mcm little praire botul ha...tinggal tia mia tak tergolek2 jatuh dari bukit jo mcm opening credit cito tu.
    Wahhh velkem to the KA club kak
    Samo la kito berwano putih nanti..

  8. Salam Zu,
    comelnya Tia Mia, sejak kecik lg pandai bergaya. :)
    suka juga tengok pemandangan di swan valley. mcm teringin nak stay tp fikir2 bkn jauh mana dr rumah pun, boleh balik hari he he..
    tak sabar nak tgk KA Zu. agak2 apa projek pertama menggunakan KA tu nanti? :D

  9. Salam.. Kak Zu, cuba akak menari Gangnam Style sikit.. sure cute kan.. (saje gurau tau..)

    Wah KA dah nak sampai..Sure lagi banyak kek2 sedap dalam blog akak nih.. Cantik baju2 Tia dan Mia.. Kalaulah Nur ada anak sendiri.. (mode sedih.. :( )

    Sis doakan Nur ye.. Happy weekend..

  10. Salam kak :) sy syikin dr bru je knal blog akak tp sgt jatuh hati dgn penulisan akak..selama ni mmg admire akak nye dedication to write although akak bekerja..arini try resepi kek akak and alhamdulillah, ayah n ibu really like the cake...xsabar nak buat and hantar untuk nenek :) tqvm for the recipe, pasni nk try buat rosemary chicken...nk tny jga, akak gna happy call pan yang dr korea tu ke?sy sedang mencari jga brand pan akak, bleh akak share gmba pan ny?tqvm and salam ukhwah dr mersing

  11. Baiknyeeeee abg azam. If its on me la, I'll be ultra sarrcastic smp bini jd sycho hhaha. If its gonna happen la kan

  12. Tiamia dah makin besar, mama pulak makin muda. Kak Azu kena share lagi petua yang masih lagi rahsia ni...serius nak tau....

  13. The girls are so cute and bubbly! Whatever the wear, they really look gorgeous!

  14. man always like a man kan kak..langsung xde affort nak amik hati kita. x pe. Kita dah biasa..:)

    Niway, bila kita tgk gambar anak2 kita, terus terasa pantasnya masa berlalu..cepatnya ank membesar. Tak puas lg tgk derang time kck2 dulu


  15. i baru je tell my elder daughter pasal cerita Little House on the Prairie. i suka tengok cerita tu, dari laura kecik sampai besar.

    Ya lah in two years, they have grown so much! pose gambar pun makin bergaya :)

    i suka percaya that fat or slim ada link to genes haha alasan for me lah yang tak boleh dapat figure like mama and my good fren ;)

  16. Salam Zue,

    Love the little house on the prairie cottony dresses! How they have grown! So So Lovely!
    BTW, you look just nice, no need to diet la. but if you want to, just eat about 5 small meals each day. berulang tak per but make sure they are in small portion. actually rice is the main culprit. Eat less rice and more vege and fruits. Try to eat fruits and vege before rice so that by the time you have finished the fruits and vege, you will be quite full and tend to eat less rice. Cut down on fats ( No chicken skin for me ahah) and oily food. Fruits like banana is a no no if you want to lose weight.
    Other than that drink plenty of water and of course a little exercise will do a world of good!

  17. Salam all the way from germany. I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG. anyhoos, talking about weight loss, i recommend you to try weight watchers. You can eat anything you want, but loose weight at the same time. Ofcourse, moderation is the key. Banyak recipes yang diorang provide which are all delicious. Tak kesahla, baking ke etc. Youll be given a certain points which is based on your current weight, height and age. And then, you have to stick to the points given to you daily. They have online tools and apps which makes it even more easier. Im loosing 1kg every week without fail. Hope this helps. Tapi ada monthly fee la. Which is ok i guess, cause ik seeing the results from week to week.

  18. Assalam Kak Zu..=)
    wani ada tips nk kurus!
    wani cuba since cuti semester hari tu.
    beli buah-buahan yang kita suka banyak-banyak dan pelbagaikan.
    makan buah-buahan tu bila kit rasa lapar.
    kemuadian nak untuk elak kita jemu makan buah,beli cereal dan makan dengan susu.
    dalam 4minggu wani hilang 4 kg. ;)
