Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter in Highlands:)

Salam:) We ve been away for 4 Days 3 Nights from 15.12.12 to 18.12.12. Tak jauh pun :):)..It was a last minutes arrangement,papa had a meeting and all of us including Uwan tagged along.We had a wonderful time there,especially Uwan, she treasured the moment there.When papa was away attending meeting there were only 4 of us in the room,in the same bed,cuddling and giggling:) It was really really cold this time around in Cameron Highlands..it reminds me of European countries,good time to unwind and berangan...so we berangan bercuti masa Winter:):)

Cameron; dah pergi few times pun but it is always special too us.We love Strawberry Parks but with Uwan around we need to book into hotel yang senior citizen friendly,no climbing,on a flat land etc,so we chose Century Pines Hotel.We have some good pictures to share:) Thanks to those leaving comments in the previous post, will answer some of the queries at the end of this entry.

Day 1

On the way to CH- Happy girl.

Happy mama.

Alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat.

Spacious Duplex Suite with sofa bed on the first floor.

We brought lunch from home because Uwan surely tired to go out when we first arrived. Syukur she was fine and excited. 

View from our balcony.

X large king size bed on the upper floor.

It was really cold,after sembahyang,bath and lunch Uwan pun berselimut tebal.

Evening we packed special mee sup utara for tea.

So sedap menghirup sup di kala sejuk:)

Beautiful morning in Cameron.

Breakfast at Hotel Cafe,Uwan had porridge and nasi goreng.

It was a nice breakfast at the outdoor terrace.

Uwan bergaya:)

Waiting for Mia to do her 'business".

Uwan and Tia.

Nice weather for old citizen like Uwan.

After Mia is done,we went to the Butterflyfarm but since the place is berbukit-bukit i just sat with Uwan at the Cafe.We had Tea,Cheese Cake and Ice Cream..wonder why ice cream in cold weather? because it was a set RM10 for tea,cake and ice cream:)

Some pictures snapped by the papa,looked like they had a good time at the butterfly park:)

They always fascinated by butterflies.

Mia and the beauty.

It was a rainy evening in Cameron.

I love looking at the planters box with fake flowers outside some of the apartments in CH-good effort.

Waiting for papa to buy food.

Mama and Mia- until the next entry nite,nite.

1. How to take out cake from the mould without breaking it?- grease the bundt cake pan well with butter,i taruk really banyak,tak tunggu sejuk pun but i make sure the cake really masak until yang kat tepi2 tu pull away from the pan,after 3 mins taking it out i letak pinggan kat atas mould terbalik kan..it came out nicely. Mesti guna recipe bundt cake only?  Salmi i cuba butter cake jugak,it came out just nicely, may be the mould pun plays an important role..some books says grease with butter then drizzle with flour but i tak suka the white flour effect bila dah masak,so i jus sapu butter banyak2.

2.What is the temperature like? Depends on the recipe- i alwyas set to 250 or 290 degrees first bila dah nampak kuning i turunkan ke 190 - 200 dan cover with baking paper or aluminium foil kat atas supaya boleh masak betul2.

3. Whether i used voltage convertor for my KA? Yes it should but I have yet to use my KA,tak sempat beli convertor lagi,my friend dah beli kat Ace Hardware,she said the manual for KA says you need to buy voltage higher than the voltage stated at the KA..kalau kat KA tulis 350 watt you kena beli something like 400.So all my cake yang i tayang2 kat sini tu pakai RM80 handmixer and oven brand "Cornell" only.To those yang takut bake cake tak jadi..dont,and you dont need canggih gadget pun kalau ada lagi elok lah.Cuba and cuba,one of the reason in beriya belajar dulu,sometimes bila kita nak tempah cake kat orang ada jugak yang tukang bake tu macam "tak sudi' nak terima tempahan,kita nak cake,dia cakap macam2,dah tu kalau kita dah belajar dan masih nak beli cake kena lah sindir pun ada " you kan dah masuk class baking,bukan susah pun buat butter cake,buat lah sendiri'..so a good thing jugak kena sindir...saya berusaha hingga berjaya;)

4. Mana beli churros? To churros lovers kat One Utama,New Wings kat Lower Ground outside Cold Storage tu ada small shop selling macaroons,cake,churros and few other dessert,dia goreng churros tu behind the glass window so boleh tengok:)

Untuk yang mintak doa kan,surely doa buat sahabat2 dan sisters out there:) In shaa Allah apa yang di hajatkan tercapai,kalau tidak tentunya Allah Swt ada perancangan yang lebih baik buat kita.Bersabar dan berdoa,yang penting jagalah hati dan penting jugak menjaga mulut-some how statement "tak apa lah mulut jahat,hati baik" i dont think it works..kalau dah mulut pedih,tentunya menyakitkan hati orang,berbahagia kah kita kalau hati orang sakit..kalau kita satisfied atau bahagia hati orang sakit..masa untuk kita menjengok hati kita:) 

Ta taaa..taaa:)


  1. Akhirrrrnya...ada n3 baru...dah berkali2 Akak buka blog ni...hihi
    Rupa2nya gi CH.
    Akak pun suka CH ...rasa mcm Kat oversea je kan.

  2. Salam mamatiamia,

    Bercuti rupanya ye...Wah! Seronoknya pegi CH. Akak jarang pegi CH sebab en.suami lagi suke ke Genting..

    Hopefully...nanti akak boleh pujuk en. suami bercuti ke CH pulak. Sukenya tengok gambar-gambar u.

    Take care ya..

  3. Nak pegi la, dh 13 thn xgi. Nk bawak cewek. Bhahaha

  4. Rindunya kat Kak Zu dan anak2.. Bercuti rupanya.. Bestnya.. Cantiknya Kak Zu..awet muda..

    Actually Nur sama macam Kak kasihredha..Dah beberapa kali masuk blog ni tapi masih entri lama.. Tq kak atas doamu dan nasihat2 yang tak putus2.. Memang tak gemar orang yg bermulut 'laser'..

  5. patut lah lama menyepi kak, berjalan2, rasanya lazt pergi CH ni masa sekolah rendah, balik kena pergi ni kalau tetiba rindu sejuk, haha

  6. Yes! Puas hati baca entry kali ni. Banyak gambar uwan! Thank you zu :-D

    <3 shahid

  7. Dah lama tak pegi CH.twin marah klu pegi CH ummi suka beli vege bnyks

  8. "tak apa lah mulut jahat,hati baik" i dont think it works..kalau dah mulut pedih,tentunya menyakitkan hati orang,berbahagia kah kita kalau hati orang sakit..kalau kita satisfied atau bahagia hati orang sakit..masa untuk kita menjengok hati kita:)

  9. Salam..... sorry belum comment dan clik send.... saya setuju dgn statement atas... bukan ke apa yang diperkatakan di mulut keluar dari hari.. if hati baik.. mesti apa yg kluar dari mulut adalah baik.. if not.. sebaliknya....

  10. weee... rasa sejuk tu sampai ke sini bila baca post ni. :)

  11. salam zu, alhamdulillah uwan seronok g CH, tiamia makin comel la..n nak tanya, cantiknya yr complxion zu, bole jadi model sk2 lah..hehe

  12. bestnya u all dekat dengan cameron, senang je nak naik hujung minggu! we maseh terkenang2 bestnya di sana. belum dapat repeat visit lagi.

    polkadots raincoats nice! corak kain uwan, nice i like!

    nak try jugak la duplex suite, next time when we get to sampai cameron again.

  13. Huaaaa..i miss youuuuuuuu kak zu!!! Lama x berentry baru tau. Rupanya dia pi jenjalan kat CH lg.

    Uwan mmg nampak sgt hepi..:)

  14. Salam Zu... menikam kalbu post kau ni.. haha.. hasil tolakan telah menarik membeli KA... nanti sama-sama kita mengocak mixer ye.
