Monday, February 11, 2013



Seronoknya holiday kan! We are at home enjoying our time:)Golek2,makan2,apa lagi nak buat,rehat2 dan buat itu ini sikit:)

Ohh i i got good news,i managed to recover all lost photos from Paris trip last year in my Mac:):) So excited looking at those photos even it was more than 6 months ago:):) I thought of putting up entries on those photos here:) Unfortunately my Mac mula lah buat hal balik,kejap2 Microsoft utlook,quit,nak upload gambar pun ada problem sikit, dah delete thousands of pictures still macam tu..sometimes memang give up dengan Mac ni:(

Below are some pictures i managed to upload today sebelum Mac buat hal lagi.
We are enjoying our holiday hopefully all of you outhere share the same vibes:)

Sinca tak pergi duduk hotel mana,the two girls were allowed to camping dalam bilik kat lantai malam2,syok tidur atas comforter ajer dia orang;)

Pagi bila malas,keluar  carik makan- Ipoh chicken hor fun..sedapp:)

Baju and tudung pun jimat,satu hari pergi pakai macam ni:)

The next day hantar Tia Mia piano class pakai sama lagi he he:)

After piano class we lunch at Just Thai.

Malam for the first time i made Shark fin soup,now the raw fins is cheap at the supermarket:) anyway i got lecture from my animal lover friend not to help endanger shark;) But to those interested in trying the shark fin soup this is the recipe-the simplest i took from a chef in Singapore- wash the fins,drain it,boil chicken feets with ginger and garlic,simmer for a while,take out the ginger,chicken feets and garlic, add black pepper powder, sliced shitake,a bit of sweet and salty soy sauce and chicken cube.Let it boil,add the fin,add some salt if needed, stir in some corn starch,mix well.Turn off the fire and add in an egg,stir well,serve hot with black vinegar or chili jeruk:)

The next day lunch time i cooked kampung chicken hainanese rice.

To complete  the "Chicken Rice Shop' recipe i added steam soft tofu too.The girls love it.

Today we went out for breakfast.

We had porridge, roti bakar,dried mee,fish and chips etc.

Balik i masak gulai masak lemak cilipadi kepala ikan merah,ucuk paku dan terung;)

And super sedap Tomyam Udang with shitake mushroom.

That's all for today,jom continue rehat lagi before the holiday ends;)



  1. I noticed u suka masak gulai lemak kan. sah orang nogori ni tak lari nak makan gulai lemak..tapi masakan gulai lemak orang nogori ni memang sedapppppppp...

  2. Cik Epal buat hal again.. sayang la kan gambar2 semua tu.
    Holiday makan2 golek2 is the best. hihihi

  3. kak zu x baking ke?? bake something since i love to see all your cakes.. :-)

  4. Hor fun tu musti mkn kat OTWC kan kan kan kak zu?? hehehe..peberet kita gak tu kak

    Kak zu pedap ngan Mac..kite pedap ngan blog kita tu hah. Hosting blog kena hach ngan 1 pihak,then ngan blog2 sy sekali la kena, lgsg x bley nak buat hapa! bayar, service hampeh.

    And..msk lemak kepala ikan merah tu mmg kijam kak..meleleh2 airlior tgk lauk akak! Sruppppp *kaver airlior*

  5. Best nyeee hols kt uma and masak2....i n family br balek dr hols kat tk luper nk jenguk tiamia kt sini...hehehe

    Salam syg dr

    Umi Triple S.Y.A.

  6. terliur i tengok udang2 tu berenang2 dlm soup hehee...nampak so kan kat malaysia, semua jenis 'raya' dpt cuti...


  7. Hi MamaTiaMia,

    sungguh bertuah TiaMia & esp Uwan ada seorang mama & anak yang rajin memasak.
    betul la tu 'Tangan deen dah tak ada bulu'.. hehee

  8. Food.. food... food.....
    Yummy nye esp tgk udang merah2 dlm kuah tompyam . hehee...

    Seronoknye golek2 atas toto tu....

  9. Salam Kak Zu

    Nak minta tolong bagi resepi masak lemak cili api ikan masin dengan nenas.

    Hari tu dah masak dah masak lemak telur itik dgn kulit rambai. Tapi yang peliknya kulit rambai tak masam pulak. Terlebih rebus ke kulit rambai? Saya dok tambah asam keping lg nak bg masam.

    Apa2 pun tq bagi resepi.


  10. Dah cuba buat ceaser salad n soft boil egg..ank2 sume suka..tq for sharing resepi ;)
