Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love-Hate relationship.


I am broadcasting from a new port tonight *wink* wink* Yup i got a new PC:):) I ve been to several shops on Saturday, as i mentioned in the previous entry - I hate Apple! No more Apple for me, my current MacBook Air satu bulan entah berapa kali crash:(:(

So no more apple:) Before i show my new 'station' let see some foodie pictures.Not much actually last week sibuk plus down due to laptop problem,so malas nak snap gambar:)

Gulai nangka muda with pisang muda:) A very nice combination,add terung goreng sambal and ikan masin,sedapnya:)

Seafood Olio at Hotel Istana during the conference. Not bad too.

Rojak Mamak  near the office on Friday.

My Garlic Roast Chicken on Friday- everybody's favourite. I used happy Pan, a lot of juice came out, no need to make additional gravy. We ate with zucchini and tomato salad.

And memenuhi kerinduan membaking.I made super moist chocolate cake. tested recipe from the website - no butter in the ingredient just oil,milk apart from flour,eggs,sugar,baking and soda.Very easy to make, it rises high but don't worry after it cooked and you took out from oven it will come down to the right height.

I spread some chocolate cream topping and drizzle desiccated coconut.

Soft and moist.This evening i went to the Electrical shop to buy Zanussi floor oven priced at RM1450 but was told by the salesman that it is not recommended sebab ada customer yang complaint pasal handle oven tu cannot take the heat.The heat will escape and cause the handle to be extremely hot and ruin it. I am not sure whether it was a factory defect case but he said the lady has changed 3 X the handle tapi masih sama. I was so dissapointed because i had my eyes and set my mind on Zanussi, i remember one reader recommended this Zanussi to me, boleh kongsi pengalaman? I just want to find out whether that lady particular oven jer yang rosak (isolated case) or semua Zanussi oven macam tu? I tak boleh beli built in oven because my current cabinet tak cater for it. If i want to renovate it i have to sacrifice one portion of cabinet,sayang pulak.Ye lah dulu2 manalah minat baking ingat counter top oven pun enough:)

Ini picture prawn wantan noodles with lots of cili kicap, our breakfast at Homst:)

Saturday before hunting for laptop we isik perut kat OU first, papa wanted to belanja at The Italiannies, dah tutup pulak kat Ou, we went chilies, que punya lah panjang, we went to the new Chicago Steak House, belum dapat sijil halal pulak:( Penat la ke hulu hilir we finally went to TGI's Friday. The Ceaser salad was super marvellous and i ordered cheese nachos for the girls.

Super nice too- it was served with salsa.

We ordered ribs.

Yum Yum ribs- but Tia prefers Tony Romas,she said this is a bit hot:)

Selalunya after makan ribs memang rasa sangat "Cannibal" :);)

After hunting laptop punya lah lama,dah lah carik lunch pun lama,sangat penat,tak sempat lah nak beli kueh for Uwan, balik i made puteri mandi with pisang and nangka.

Three of them had the pengat at the back to accompany me masak dinner;)

So apa laptop apa yang i beli? Setelah bergaduh dengan Apple? He he... so malu to admit, as mentioned by my niece Ikin- " once an Apple will forever be Apple" he he...this is what i brought back:)

After looking at HP,Dell, Acer,Sony i tak dapat lari dari Apple because i dah so used to the picture quality and the extensive photo editing- in other words i cannot live without Iphoto because it is compatible to my iPhone:):)

Since MacBook Air capacity is low, i bought MacBook Pro this time,it has more storage with DVD player and other office gadget.

Air Vs Pro :) - Actually i can sell back my MacBook Air, the guy at Maccity can help ,half price lah my MacAir baru setahun but my husband asked me to keep it.

So i m keeping both.

Hopefully macam namanya yang Pro- it will not let me down:)

Night,night everybody- Thanks Ramadhan for some inputs on Manado. Hope every had wonderful time cooking and spending time with loved ones. It a short weekend indeed and we look forward to our Cuti2 Malaysia in two weeks time.



  1. hi there :)

    im using mac book pro as well. dah dekat setahun, alhamdullillah tak pernah crash or even bagi problem to me.

  2. congratulations on the macbook pro!!!! mine has been perfectly amazing for almost four years!! hehe. you will love it ;))))


  3. Kak Zu, bukan Chicago steak house dekat sbelah LaSenza new wing in OU mmg tak HALAL and takkan dpt sijil HALAL kot, coz they serve Pork Ribs dan seangkatan. They even letak gambar pig byk2 dlm tu so dat org tak confuse... Erkkk.

  4. salam zu..yummmm semua t foodies...alhamdulillah..rezeki makan dan sihat ni rezeki paling orang kurang syukuri, selalu amik for granted..alhamdulillah sgt sgt kalau kita sihat dan boleh makan dan dapat mkan apa saja kan.. best eh de dua epal..hihi..kak susu manis

  5. Salam Zu,

    I have been using the table top (or floor top) Zanussi oven for a few years and it is really good. So consisntent bila masak kek or cookies. The heat distribution just nice. I installed an expensive built-in Rinnai and it is terrible. The heat distribution is bad and kek selalu tak naik sangat or hangus sebelah. Kalau masak cookies some part of the trays dah hangus some masih tak masak. I fully recommend Zanussi oven tu.. I bought mine about RM1100 a few years back so must be the same. But make sure you get the electic and not gas oven


  6. salam kak zu

    chicago ribs house tu mmg tak halal coz they serve pork ribs. they are managed by the same company yg manage tony roma's.used to work with them. tony roma's is like a 'halal' version of chicago ribs house coz they want to expand their market.just sharing with u ;)

  7. Assalam kak zue, ma sy beli zanussi since i was standard 6... lg 3hari nak genap 29tahun umur saya... 17tahun ooo guna itu dapur.
    of course lah ada kurang sana sini. beli dapur baru xpakai,beli lg dapur lbh kurang zanussi pun xpakai juga. betapa sayangnye my mom to zanussi lama tu.
    btw dia mmg pandai jaga barang tp kalau selama itu, mbebel juga saya...yg baru ada katanya syg nak guna. pulak dah... hehehe...semua masih function~
    huhu. Brg lama2 mst kualiti bagus... Tu yg sy perasan~~

  8. Assalam kak zue, ma sy beli zanussi since i was standard 6... lg 3hari nak genap 29tahun umur saya... 17tahun ooo guna itu dapur.
    of course lah ada kurang sana sini. beli dapur baru xpakai,beli lg dapur lbh kurang zanussi pun xpakai juga. betapa sayangnye my mom to zanussi lama tu.
    btw dia mmg pandai jaga barang tp kalau selama itu, mbebel juga saya...yg baru ada katanya syg nak guna. pulak dah... hehehe...semua masih function~
    huhu. Brg lama2 mst kualiti bagus... Tu yg sy perasan~~

  9. Assalam kak zue, ma sy beli zanussi since i was standard 6... lg 3hari nak genap 29tahun umur saya... 17tahun ooo guna itu dapur.
    of course lah ada kurang sana sini. beli dapur baru xpakai,beli lg dapur lbh kurang zanussi pun xpakai juga. betapa sayangnye my mom to zanussi lama tu.
    btw dia mmg pandai jaga barang tp kalau selama itu, mbebel juga saya...yg baru ada katanya syg nak guna. pulak dah... hehehe...semua masih function~
    huhu. Brg lama2 mst kualiti bagus... Tu yg sy perasan~~

  10. Salam Kak Zu, lawak la bila baca statement kat atas dan bwh skali. Btw, saya dah agak kak zu akan beli Apple juga. Heee... :)

  11. Salaam Azu, yes zanussi memang qualiti sekarang dah degrade berbanding dengan dulu2. Masalah handle tu memang I dah experience few times, sebabnya memang masa hari raya, I baked cookies everyday for 2 months, so to me its normal kalau handle tu pecah sebabnya long baking hours macam 9 hours camtu and dalam satu jam tu 3 or 4 kali bukak oven tu, so it should be ok lah kalau tak heavy duty baking. Zanussi yang I ada datang sekali dengan dapur memasak tu. And, I ada 2 delonghi oven, yang memang I sangat2 prefer sebab memang heavy duty, dah 12 tahun I guna pun masih ok, tapi sekarang delonghi oven, dah susah nak cari..kalau ada pun dah mahal juga for the table top tu dalam 1200, and yang tu ada kipas kat dalam, option nak guna kipas atau tidak sebab tak semua cookies perlu kipas untuk membakar. and yang latest sekali me ada europa standing oven..hahaha serious banyak oven macam bissness besar jer..hihhi, yang nie memang ok juga, guna kipas, bakar kek cantik sekata..yang nie me beli kat TBM bangsar village, price dalam 1150 free delivery :-). The size slightly smaller dari zanussi. Ekcelli masa decide nak beli another oven tu, me consider handle zanussi yang tak tahan tu, buatkan me opt for europe jet cook oven. Hope dat helps

  12. Kakak,

    You can try Europa Jetcook Oven. Around RM1200. Can buy directly from the supplier, Kee Huat Sdn Bhd.

    I am using this and quite happy with it.


  13. Assalamualaikum kak,

    just blogwalking & terjumpa blog akak..seriously terus jatuh cinta dengan blog akak, hari2 saya dok baca entri yang dah lepas. seakan memberikan tenaga positif dalam diri ini:))

  14. Hi kak zu!! Finally..beli gak yg baru!!

    keep 2-2 pun okey..just like me,my 1st lappy ada prob,then i beli 2nd lappy. But 1st lappy x let go.

    Repair molek2 then leh bg anak2 pakai..drpd jual, bukannya bleh beli 1bj yg baru pun kan?? :)

  15. Seronoknya ada lappy baru...makanan tu semua ooh so yummy...mengancam jiwa sungguh!

  16. Azu..
    Bestnya tengok semuah juadah2 itew..

  17. As friend n aunt have been using zanussi oven without any far so good but they bought few years back @ price abt Rm1k only. Both r them are part time bisnes sell cookies, cake etc. So far alhamdulillah....especially my fren , kiranya oven dia tu heavy duty la.... may b quality skrg berbeza

  18. As friend n aunt have been using zanussi oven without any far so good but they bought few years back @ price abt Rm1k only. Both r them are part time bisnes sell cookies, cake etc. So far alhamdulillah....especially my fren , kiranya oven dia tu heavy duty la.... may b quality skrg berbeza

  19. so tempting looking at ur choc cake's photo. nanti share la recipe..hehehe

  20. salam wahhhh mcm2 menu kat atas teruje tengok

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  22. salam!

    boleh share link to the chocolate cake recipe?


  23. Salam kak,

    Sorry seems out of topic, tadi TGI mmg confirm halal ea? Ada sijil halal? Tanya sebab been wanting to go there tp my bf x bg sebab dia kata x halal.. Hope u can clarify :)

  24. Salam, I've been using the Zanussi stand alone cooker/oven for 9 years. Very true about the handle. It breaks ver easily. By the way mine is the same model as the current one with the composite handle as opposed to metal like the much older models. I changed the handle recently n it broke within a few days. The burners are also bad. The fire is weak n not suitable for Asian cooking. I stuck with it all these years coz I don't wanna waste my money but I will soon replace it.
