Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Blue Ones belong to Najib! The Asam Pedas and Pengat Pisang belong to Mama!


Voting Day is finally announced! This is the most busy election year for me- under the new department  I am very much involved with some of the process involving broadcasting and printing- I received / sent smses and emails in middle of the nights, sometimes had to sent letter at 5.00 in the morning! A totally new and different experience for me but interesting:)

So semua orang keluar mengundi tak nanti? I can't really stand comments and critics yang too much ;posted by supporters at fbs and everywhere else- it applicables to both ruling and opposition -people when they follow their hearts membuta tuli  and set aside their heads - they forgot about the basic teaching and the good values.  They become means, ruthless and less human- You can have different opinions and political views but dont stop behaving like a human. Where is your moral and values?-budak2 baca pun memalukan.So sad to see people with good background and education swearing and cursing in order to put across their views and stands.Semangat "perjuangan' pasti ada dalam setiap orang- dan semestinya kita punya pendirian menyokong seseorang tapi basicnya kita masih manusia jangan lah hilang pegangan.

Anyway my girls rupanya on the way to school learnt a lil bit of election process from their papa- today they told me " mama that blue flags belong to Najib! But i like the green flags too because i love green"- ha ha that comes from an innocent heart:):)

I have some pictures to share- nothing much, just few food photos for the past 3 days;):)

The rainy season has started again- food that can warm your tummy is most preferable- I cooked Talapia merah asam pedas with minimum oil on Monday.

Asam pedas goes well with romain lettuce fried with oyster sauce.

Dinner@Home on Monday.

Today balik dalam hujan lebat,reached home at 6.45pm- Uwan duduk menunggu at verandah,risau.Kesian dia, i thought of cooking one or two dishes to tambah lauk for dinner. But kesian kat dia, i called her to the back and asked her to sit at the bench while i prepare her favourite pengat pisang- boleh lah sambil masak sambil sembang:)

Dah nak Maghrib and nak cepat i just used Halal frozen rice balls i bought from Supermarket. Fast and easy- frozen rice balls ni macam puteri mandi lah,dari tepung pulut- so buatkan kuah santan dan gula,dah mendidih masuk pandan,gula dan masukkan kejap rice balls ni dan tambah pisang.

Walla dan jadi pun jelita dan sedap;)

Dah pukul 9.30 buat Milo bawak sepinggan kerepek Air Hitam naik ke bilik..hmmmmm dapat lah berangan-angan kejap)

Ini bukan angan2:);) i kirim 5 pasang Clarks shoes kat my friend yang pergi Bicester Village UK- She texted me and said she got all 5 ! yeayyyyy sangat happy- i think can last me 5 years,tak payah beli kasut. I am in love with Clarks suede version tapi tak banyak kat malaysia- i ada one pair beli quite sometimes kat One Utama- comfortable and cantik- so i am so happy dapat this one:)

This is another one yang i kirim- i like it because the wedge is stable and sturdy- i read the comments from Purchaser they gave 10/10 to this shoes;)

And i kirim Wellies for the girls jugak- murah at Clarks or M&S it priced around 8- 10 pounds only.I cant wait for my friend to come back with all the shoes!

Night Night All:):) Sweet dreams:)

P.s  Ramadhan anak Heni tak sure nak masuk skola penerbangan or modelling- anaknya ganteng:) so dapat offer masuk skola model modelan gitu):)



  1. setuju bab politik ni,klau di FB tu penuh carut2, jangan berani lah nak komen, nanti berpanjangan,mcm2 perkataan baru keluar, tp bila x ambil kisah, orang kata xde pendirian,haha, macam2 politik sekarang

  2. wah..puteri mandi tu look so tempting the colour...naknkena buat laaa esok...lama nyer tak buat apa ap desert sekarang ni..dapat masak lauk nasi pu. sangat syukur ..seronoknya masak di teman omak kan...boleh laa sembang sembang....ermm...rindunya dengan my mak..

  3. Salam Zu,
    Saya pun setuju dengan pendapat Zu tentang politik..nilai murni dah hilang waktu menegakkan hal parti mereka..
    Romain lettuces tu kegemaran saya...sedapkan mmmm
    Puteri mandi buat Uwan nampak sedap tapi kalau saya makan, mesti saya tak makan pisang hehehe..
    Kasut pulak memang cantik...the girls mesti suka ngan wellies tu ^_^

    Happy Thursday!

  4. Salam Zu..since you brought up the election subject, i pun nak mengomen jugak le :) i pun pening bila masuk FB sekarang ni, maki memaki macam perkara biasa je, kita nak baca komen dia org pun takut, kesian org2 yg mengutuk ni, tak pasal2 je pahala dia org pegi kat org yg dia kutuk kan..i pun nak mengundi jugak, tapi jadi pengundi luar negara inshaAllah...i doa2 sgt lah jgn la malaysia kacau bilau dan haru biru disbbkan org2 yg taksbub poliitk ni..

    your asam pedas looks soooo yummy, you masak apa je semua nampak sedap :)

    sorry terpanjang pulak komen kali ni :)


  5. ermmm sedapnya tgk gulai kepala ikan ngan kacang bendi tu. feveret akak

  6. x nak komen psl politik..nak komen psl kasut jep. amboiiii kak zu!!! 5 pasang sekali order yeh??

    Err..leh caye ke tahan 5 tahun x beli kasut?? klu sy, tahan 5 minggu je kot. Hihihi

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  8. mmg jelita pengat pisang untuk uwan tu...btw, ade ek jual frozen rize ball tu...macam tak pecaye...beli katne?

  9. haha..tergelak baca pasal anak heny last2 tu.btw,i selalu follow akak punye blog tp malu nk komen.hehe.i love reading your stories..

  10. ingatkan marshmellow rupa2nya rice balls..waahhh nampak macam senang, nanti nak cari jugalah:)

  11. Salam kak zu..

    alamak.. dah jatuh cinta dgn kasut2 k.zu tu.. and jatuh cinta dgn ur table cloth.. cantiknya..

  12. Hi MamaTiaMia,

    wah sedapnya Asam pedas & lemak udang
    baru Yong tahu roman lettuce nice with oyster sauce. kena try lepaih nie..

    ps: tak larat nak layan GE13 kali nie, nampak hodoh sangat masing2 Over. sedih sayu pilu

  13. Sedapla kakak nampak kari tu. Boleh bau sampai kat sini. :)

  14. salam zu.
    MasyaALLAH!!!!lawanya kasut tuuuuu. dah lama xshopping kasut utk keje since dah keje @dapur ni. yg girls tu pun cute. sukeee

  15. assalam Zu... dah pening dengan perang bendera biru dan hijau, lagi pening kalau masuk blog politik or komen di FB

    bestnye lagi singgah sini... tenang, lihat masakan Zu yg penuh warna warni
