Sunday, May 12, 2013

Di Kau Ratu Di Hati Ku, Daku Ratu Di Hati Mu!


Happy Mother's Day to All- we think about our mother everyday and we love them endlessly, it is sweet to dedicate one special day to them- In sha Allah we remember and love them for the 360 days;) Whether we are a mother or not surely this day is special to all as one way or another - Kau Ratu di Hati Ku and Ku Ratu Di hati Mu:) Alhamdulillah endlessly.

Untuk semua ibu2 yang lebih di sayangi oleh Allah Swt Al Fatihah to them. To All bloggers and readers MTM we send doas-may all be blessed with love and good health:) Amin.

This year we had dinner at Kak Ikin/Badin Place called Gangnam Station- the restaurant serves Muslim Korean Food:)

She is : Ratu di hati Ku- one the way to Gangnam Station:)

I am going to No 1 Ratu Di hati Ku ( Uwan yang dah 3 hari tidur rumah Maklang) at Kak Ikin's place.

The nice and cosy place. This place used to be "Mexican Grill" before this but looking at the competition and marketing strategy they changed it to Korean Food- So far so good, Alhamdulillah.

Ample space for children to run around.

The Appetizer- they are all delicious.

These Appetizer are free and refillable.

My favourite- kerang chilies:)

I like the home made Kimchi too.

The Grilled Beef.

The nice seafood steamboat.

Eager to eat.

Busy eating.

Uwan received present from Tia and Mia.

And kena suap Tutti Fruitti too:)

Mama and Kak Yan. 

Mama and Kak Ikin.

Maklang@my sister and mama.

Ratu Di Hati Ku makan tembikai;)

After the good lunch, we went back and saw these under the table light- kesian berhempas pulas my girls membungkus ni- nak cut the tape and all, the bow ribbon tu dari baju lama dia orang yang dah tak pakai:) Thank You Darling:)

Woke this morning my husband was excited to give me the present he hide in the store:) Know what he bought for me? He bought me a new pot...ha ha ha so thoughtful Pa! I shall cook for your don't worry:) And the girls gave me these cute polka dots bowl with cover.

My Ratu Hati Ku after the eating my Nasi Lemak,sat on the swing with a bowl of Triffle i bought from Alinas Treat:):)

It is so meaningful to see her on the swing infront of my house- when she was so sick in the hospital early last year and i thought she couldn't make it- we had this conversation - "Kau jangan lah sedih sangat kalau emak mati,emak dah tua mestilah yang hidup akan mati jugak"- 'Mak mesti lah kuat mak, kalau dah sampai masa mesti lah kita akan mati,tapi kalau Allah swt bagi emak umur yang panjang boleh tengok Tia Mia sekolah..emak nak balik rumah Azu tak? " Mesti lah emak nak balik rumah kau,emak suka duduk rumah kau,emak suka duduk di atas buaian depan rumah kau,tengok budak2 main"- I was so sad at that time, i went to the washroom and cried loudly, I prayed to Allah Swt to be given chance to take care of her some more and be able to bring her back to my home. Seeing her again on the swing- only Allah knows how i feel;)

These are my  Ratu2 Hati Ku- sama2 tunjuk lutut:):)

To make the girls happy  i displayed all present they gave,the stripey in the middle is Uwan''s bowl, Tia Mia bought Heni present too- it was 2 golden mugs, Heni was so happy she hugged Tia Mia tightly:)

And to make The King of my heart yang beli periuk dan sorok dalam store for me happy i pun masak lah pakai periuk yang dia beli:)

My Asam pedas for everybody.

And for Tea i made hotdogs with sweet relish.

That was my day with the people i love- I hope everybody had a good one too:)

Note: Kniedaz- i guna serbuk sup sayur adabi untuk kuah steamboat and kadang2 kalau rajin saya rebus tulang2 ayam with bawang and lada sulah:)

Dan terimakasih pada semua yang singgah especially yang menjaga ibu yang tua dan yang memberi kasih sayang pada semua- Special Thank You pada Pacificblue, The Singing Pilot,Norcy Atan,Kak Kasih Redha,NazeeraMayonnizz,Zaila,Ita 4 KayEs,Ida,Kniedaz, Uncle Lee,Hani,Liyani and yang jauh di perantauan Mazni- may all of you had a good time today:) Salam.


  1. Sodih eh donga uwan ckp camtu sobab omak se pun dah tuo...kdg2 bilo teringat satu hari nanti dio akan poie gak se kato se mesti kono redho gak time tu tapi ontahlah kan...bilo tibo time eh nnt tu cmano lak ghoman eh.adoiii omakkkk....
    Smlm hari ibu mertua omak msk gulai tempoyak ikan kerisi, pecal dongan smbl bilis hitam.... (omak masak ok..betuah punyo menantu).Balik di bokal an sekilo tempoyak, terung splastik, pisang sekeropai, botik 3 biji...lopeh ni nk ko umah mak se pulak.toringin nk mkn ketupek pulut mo ghondang ayam daun puding...tapi kang kono sekeh la ngn omak sobab poso pun bolun laie ekau dh nk mkn ketipek bagaiiii hahahaha

  2. salam perkenalan... you adalah sumber inspirasi utk i hias rumah..suka tgk suasana rumah u... hopefully we can be friend

  3. akak sungguh bertuah sebab Uwan sentiasa ada di sisi akak, sedih saya baca yang Uwan cakap tu..Terus teringat mak ayah di kampung:(

    Happy mother's day buat akak juga:)

  4. Lama x jumpa kak yan(azian)
    Senyuman yg Manis Dan gigi yg cantik.

    Alhamdulillah uwan sihat kembali Dan dapat duduk Kat buaian sambil tgok cucu2 main.

  5. salaam azu, thank you for the doa's. Happy mothers day all year round to you and everyone..xoxo

  6. happy mother's day MTM. Rumah akak cantik.

  7. wah, terharu kan bila u citer apa uwan cakap.
    Moment tu akan tiba jugak satu hari nanti kan Azu...tapi ntah sapa pergi dulu, skarang ni ada jugak emak yang 'menghantar' anak dulu.
    Setiap hari ida berdoa semoga Allah panjangkan umur kedua orang tua ida..

    Sukaaa tengok uwan atas buaian tu..bukan main cantik dengan kaftan...and bukan main seksi sama2 tunjuk lutut hehehe...

  8. salam from england! fabulous post as always zu, worth waiting around for! hope not too late for me to wish you and the rest of the amazing moms who read this blog a Happy Mother's Day...

  9. Salam from England...fabulous post as always zu, worth waiting around for! Hope not too late to wish you and the rest of the amazing moms who read this blog a Happy Mother's Day...

  10. Salam mamatiamia..

    Lama tak jejakkan diri kat sini..

    Happy Mother's Day 2u. Seronok masih berpeluang menyambut hari istimewa nie bersama uwan. Semoga keluarga uwan dan keluarga Zu dirahmati selalu.

    Nak tanya...'Gangnam Station' tu kat mana lokasinya...akak memang pengemar makanan korea.

    Take care!

  11. Salam Kak Zu,

    Nak tanya jugak restoran korea tu kat mana ya? kalau ada alamat lagi bagus. Dah lama nak try makanan korea tp xtau nak cari mana yang halal ;-)

  12. Salam Kak zu,

    Nak tumpang tanya,off topic skit,can I have contacts to Tia and Mia kinddy kat tmn tun tu, try to google cant find any details . Tq so much Kak & happy Mother's Day supermum!


  13. salam k zu, nak tanye..sblm ni saya ada tebaca k zu penah cancelled booking hotel melalui Agoda..dpt full refund ke..? cepat tak dpt refund? depa ada kenakan charge tak..

  14. Teringinnya makanan korea ... sup tu hamueltang..dipenuhi dengan seafood. kedai ni macam real homemade korean food..would love to try.. dekat mana ni eh?
