Friday, May 24, 2013

You and Me - 11 Beautiful Years Together!

Alhamdulillah, tomorrow gonna be our 11th Anniversary (25/5/2002)- We had a little celebration tonight,we didn't go out anywhere i baked the anniversary cake,made simple dinner and prepared hubby's favourite dessert i.e Tiramisu;)

Alhamdulillah we are blessed with two wonderful girls,my mom is at my side- that is happiness and that is rezki:) Terima kasih pada semua yang meninggalkan comments di entry sebelum ni, to those who have requested for the recipes,will try to write down when i am free ya- tonight a too tired- Cake and Tiramisu in one evening is quite tiring:):)

I prepared egg custard for Tiramisu (5 eggs yolk mixed with 3/4 cup of sugar and stir with 2/3 cup of milk on medium heat)- let it chill,keep in the fridge for 1 hr before using. 

The two always excited whenever i bake- they love to eat butter with sugar;)

I used Classic Tiramisu recipe from the website- for the cream cheese, you need mascarpone cheese,and heavy cream- beat the heavy cream until stiff peak, then add in mascarpone cheese and mix well, dip your lady fingers biscuit in thick coffee or in my case i just used coffee essence which bought from cake shop mixed with warm water. put your dipped biscuit in a dish then add your egg custard followed by the cream cheese, buat satu lapis lagi and simpan dalam fridge for minum 4 hrs or longer.

Tadaaa cake dah siap- I used Wilton Belle Pan:)

Let it cool down before you decorate with cream.

I never like the extra sweet butter cream- so i google 'less sugar buttercream' i found this recipe- really nice-kurang manis, you kena buat white sauce dulu- 250ml milk mix with 50 gram flour and masak atas  dapur with medium heat macam buat custard or white sauce for lasagne. Dah tu you beat your butter and sugar macam biasa, bila white sauce dah sejuk, masuk sikit2 dalam mixer sampai habis- tambah vanilla extract 1 sudu- memang sedap, very creamy and fine and less sugar.

My homemade Anniversary Cake- 11 years- 1+1= we are 2!

Homemade Anniversary card too:):)

The very nice Tiramisu:)

Heavenly creamy with the nice coffee taste;)

I am satisfied- it is really gorgeous:)

This is the happiness,this is Rezki.Thank You Allah! Alahmdulillah:)

The 24 hrs love around me:);)

Turn any way these loves will follow:);) The greatest gift a woman could have:);)

Sweet Anniversary drawing from the girls;) Thank You Darlings:)

And buat yang melahirkan,membesarkan,menyediakan majlis perkahwinan, merestui tanpa henti dengan doa- Terima Kasih tidak terhingga- without you Emak i will not be here:):) I cooked her favourite dish tonight;)

Ta ta All..nite nite:):)



  1. happy anniversary kak zu n husband!

  2. Happy anniversary zu...semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat...amiin..♡♥♡♥♡♥

  3. hepi 11th anniversary. May allah bless u and your wonderful family till jannah. Aminn...

  4. Happy Anniversary kak Zu. Moga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. ♥

  5. MamaTiaMia,

    Happy Anniversary..
    Nice & creative card by Tia Mia..
    Uwan..adalah segalanya

  6. Happy anniversary sis..
    Terliur tengok tiramisu n kek tu.. Dan juga gulai lomak kotam ni

  7. Happy anniversary sis..
    Terliur tengok tiramisu n kek tu.. Dan juga gulai lomak kotam ni

  8. Kak Azu,
    selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan.
    Semoga cinta dan kasih bersama selalu.



  9. Kak azu,
    Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan.
    Moga cinta dan kasih bersama selalu.



  10. Salam mamatiamia..

    Happy Anniversary 2u dan encik suami.

    Semoga kekal bahagia berkasih sayang hingga ke Jannah..

  11. Happy anniversary dear Azu....rezeki paling indah ialah kebahagiaan dan ketenangan hati kan....

  12. Salam MamaTiaMia...

    Happy 11th Anniversary...
    Semoga sentiasa dalam rahmat Ilahi dan bahagia hingga ke syurga...

  13. Happy anniversary kak du. Semoga terus bahagia n cpt2 bg adik Kat Tia mia.

  14. happy 11th anniversary~! I'm so happy for u kak! =)

  15. Happy anniversary!!! Moga bahagia ke akhir hayat.

  16. Happy anniversary kak zu
    .semoga berbahagia selalu dan semoga sentiasa dlm redha Allah

  17. Selamat Ulang tahun! semoga hidup akan lebih diberkati hingga ke akhir hayat :)

  18. Happy anniversary. May I ask, you pakai electric oven yea? Which brand? I am looking for one but not sure which one can be used to bake cake and cookies. Thank you.

  19. happy anniversary kak!! moga bahagia hingga ke syurga

  20. Happy Anniversary Sis.
    Semoga terus dirahmati Allah

  21. happy anniversary my dear blogger friend, may you have many more blessed wonderful years together!

  22. happy anniversary zue....semoga berbahagia ke hujung nyawa...

  23. Happy belated Aniversary Zue.. All the best for both in life n hereafter.

  24. Assalamualaikum. hye sis! im new here! n yes i loveeee to read all ur post. fyi, im just married and now i know being a wife wasnt that easy but yes, its worth it. kiss for tia & mia! they have a wonderful mummy i must say. take care sissy! & keep on blogging. such an inspiration. *hugs*

  25. Happy belated anniversary Zue n love one. Semoga bahagia dunia akhirat

  26. Happy belated anniversary Zue n love one. Semoga bahagia dunia akhirat

  27. Happy anniversary azu and husband, moga berbahagia hingga ke syurga firdaus :-)
