Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 Marine Parade,St Kilda,Melbourne- September 2013.

Salam !

This is our fifth night at Edgewater Tower Marine Parade St Kilda,we just got back from Mount Buller trip,while the two are curling next to me sleeping, i am sitting on the bed typing this first entry;)We had so much fun playing snow and Tobaggan at Mount Buller today,will write about it later.

We had booked this trip to Melbourne months back in April 2013, sepatutnya tak pergi mana this year but papa's enrich points nak expired this year dan since ini lah jugak tahun terakhir the girls free sebab next year start primary 1,so we just made this trip. Towards the end and when the date nak travel dah dekat so many thing happened pulak- dah 2 hari nak travel lagi macam2 berlaku- akhirnya i just berdoa pada Allah Swt kalau ada rezeki nak pergi semuanya selesai sebelum bertolak,semuanya di permudahkan, semuanya ada jalan dan dapat pergi dengan aman- Alhamdulillah semua nya selesai,memang syukur tak terhingga- ini betul2 percutian untuk meringankan minda semua orang:)

So St Kilda, here we come!

8 hours journey to Tullamarine Airport,Melbourne- tak lah terasa- the two girls just enjoyed themselves with food,games and nice treatment from MAS cabin crews.

Eat and eat- that's what you do on the aeroplane:)

As usual i booked Childmeal for both of them- so dapat lah cepat makan sikit;)

Mia enjoying her Magnum di awan biru:)

Then,kita pun sampai- Alhamdulillah,semua nya mudah melalui immigration- Melbournians nampaknya semua baik2 belaka;)

Lepas ambik bags tiada hassle dan sebagainya- we pun book a taxi to St Kilda- St Kilda is 20 mins by car from Melbourne City- it is a town by the beach and it reminds me so much of Cannes,France.

This is our apartment- this time around i booked much cheaper apartment,it is smaller and simpler but has all the things that we need.The view from this apartment is totally awesome,i ll show what i mean after this.Ni sampai malam pukul 9.00 tak lah nampak apa lagi, masa sampai taxi turunkan we all sebelah yang salah,owner tinggal kunci kat entrance belakang and nak pergi belakang tu pulak kena buat one round, it was really cold and the girls mengigil-gigil but so ramai yang baik hati,membantu- Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat lah masuk apartment.

Kitchen is important to me- i need stove and basic things to work with.

Hall yang cukup luas for us.

Good sofas and cushions.

Bilik tidur ada satu with awesome view- tapi we tak tidur pun kat sini- kat hall ada aerobed and it is really comfortable- me and the girls tidur atas aerobed while papa sleeps on the comfortable sofa.

Basic Olive oil,sugar,pepper,pasta,coffee,tea etc are provided.

Malam baru sampai tu dah boleh masak- owner pun tahu dia dah tinggalkan telur,pasta,stir through pasta sauce- boleh lah masak dinner,kalau tak malam2 pukul 9.30 tak kan larat nak keluar ke kedai.

First cooking in St Kilda.

Penne with vegetarian sauce.

Dinner is ready!

Sedpanya malam yang sejuk makan telur lembut2 macam ni- especially bila yolk dia ni really orange warnanya:)

The next morning we woke up to this awesome view- by our window and balcony-enjoy!

Till the next entry- Salam All!


  1. Isk..isk..isk..patutpun akak lama tak update!!

    Penat tau tunggu akak update! Hehehe..

  2. walawehh!! best nye ;) view yg sgt ohsem!

  3. setiap hari ku tunggu entry mu, hampa. rupanya jauh nun di sana. salam perkenalan. kak ngah_pj

  4. salam, kebetulan tgh cr aprtment at melbourne for my nov trip.mcmana book ye? direct online? just bit worry sbb nk kena letak cc detail :) hope blh jwb
    btw enjoy yr holiday with the lovely twin..

  5. sorry, not sure if u get my fisrt msg. this is my first time comment on someone blog :)
    mcmana book the apartment? online from their website?

  6. Best nyer dapat pergi Melbourne...enjoyssss♥♡♥

  7. Best nyer dapat pergi Melbourne...enjoyssss♥♡♥

  8. enjoy ur holidays kak, really miss ausie bila tengok ur pic, hehe

  9. waaaaaa hebatnya!!!! happy holidays 4 of you...can't wait to see more

  10. patutlah dah lama tak update.. rindu tau...

  11. share yekk camner nak booked apartment yg akk sewa tu yekk..

  12. Salam sis ...

    St Kilda memang awesome. Beach yang best dan flea market yang happening.

    Tulah, I pun nak jelajah di other part of Australia cuti sekolah nanti bawak anak-anak, tak sabar rasanya bila tengok gambar you tu.

  13. lama mengilang, tup2 muncul di Melbourne, sabar aje lah hehhe, enjoy your trip sis...and nanti kena share pasal ur apartment tu, nanti senang kalau nak ke sana , dah tau where to stay

  14. Awesome views! Really worth it to be rewarded with that kind of view when you open your eyes in the morning. Enjoy!
