Wednesday, October 23, 2013


As a woman you have your own wish lists- when it reaches certain stage,those wishes which were on the top before is no longer a priority.

With small kids growing up&old mother at home i wish i could be with them all the time- send them to school,pick them up,bathe them,cook whatever they like, same goes with Uwan- if possible i want to be there for her all day- But again- not all that you wished for can be materialized- a girl got to do what a girl got to do *wink*wink* . I must remember to syukur every now and then,it will help you to see that you ve been blessed - Cannot forget Subhanallah,Alhamdulillah&Allahuakbar:) HE has given so much:);)

Hmm..that's the secret wish that you have when Monday is approcahing- Monday blues..he he so malas to go office..the blanket is too warm to be left behind, the kitchen is too inviting not to sit down for long and sip your coffee and the grass in the garden is too green not to just sit around and stare at your flowers:):)

The girls are growing fast, next year they will be in Standard one- when i am not around they depend on Heni to get them food etc- most of the time they ended up munching on chips,chocolate and sweet. I want them to be able to fix a simple snack- I created this corner, everything within their reach, they can fix a toast or sandwich, I taught them to use the toaster and keep jam,nutella,honey there. So far there are very excited to make their own sandwich- they like to draw heartshapes with the honey on the bread;)

And i hang bekas bahulu tembaga yang anak Heni bagi masa dia balik raya hari tu- yang kuning sebelah kanan- dari Lampung datangya. It has been a while I  didn't 'ubah and alih" in the kitchen- missing the joy of doing it.

I bought a bread bin- been wanting to buy the wooden bread bin, it will keep the bread soft for long but i couldn't find it- I bought this plastic one for RM59,90 at Living Quaters- that's the only type that they have. My sister said she bought a tin bread bin and she will send to her freind for folkart painting- i can imagine that it will be beautiful:):)

As usual my cooking- Asam pedas is my favourite- Ikan pari with kobis jeruk.

I cooked ikan selar salai with daun asam gelugor for uwan.

This week rezeki murah Alhamdulillah- pukul 10.30 malam menunggu orang nak menghantar Congo Bar ke rumah- Terimakasih kak ita- kalau sudi hadiah lah lagi:)

I never tried Conga Bar before this- been reading about it on FB- macam ni rupanya yerr:)

My girls suka sebab sweet- i makan sikit2 saja sebab i suka benda masam dari sweet:)

These few weeks every evening we will be blessed with heavy rain- heavy rain during weekend sangat syok- we can just snuggle on our sofa and fix sumptous snack for tea;)

I made cucur udang with kucai- udang besar2 dalam setiap satu.

I have frozen kuah kacang from the Eid- it was super delicious to eat cucur udang with kuah kacang- my friend said that's how orang Utaraq makan cucuq udang:)

Dinner the girls as usual will ask for pasta- i made a simple sausage bolognese pasta.

They love it;)

For dessert i made few banana cupcakes.

As requested by the girls- i put chocolate topping and kit kat on top for them.

Yesterday Mia had a fever- i took one day off to monitor her- i have abandoned my KA for quite sometimes after the Aidil Fitri- last night i baked again.

When i was small whenever uwan makes cake, i will ask her to make a small one for me to decorate.Now my girls asked me the same thing- i made two small cakes for them to decorate- This is how Tia's decorate hers.


Old fashion buttery cake is always the best and favourite in our family.

I like butter cake which is heavy, damp with butter- jenis yang pegang pun butter lekat- I ve been using this recipe since i started baking- the result is always great. Nowadays ramai ladies yang pandai baking- kalau tengok kat fb- macam2 cake yang cantik2 dia orang buat- Alhamdulillah- baking your own cake for your family is always the best- the best part bila bau meresap ke seluruh rumah.

I baked one and keep it here- evening when uwan comes down for tea she can have a slice- Uwan always love plain butter cake.

Buttery and nice,

Stevie wonder- our cat- semua pun sayang- semalam Mia demam dia pun sedih hantar kita ke kereta nak ke hospital.

Sian Mia tekak sakit nak makan- uwan tengah bagi nasihat;)

Looking at this picture- my wish comes running again- wish to sit down in the garden with the loved ones and do nothing:);) Itu Uwan semalam berdendang sayang atas swing lepas perut kenyang- menyanyi- nyanyi dia:)

This is last weekend's picture- we went to Pashik House- seronok jadi cikgu dia orang.

Kalau pergi rumah Pashik mesti ingatan berputar masa bujang2 duduk di sini, buat Chambering di bangunan Kuwasa, naik bus Len Seng no 123 berhenti di Jalan Silang,dapat allowance tak seberapa sangat seronok bershopping di Metrojaya Cahaya Suria- masa tu brand East India and Summerset sangat happening:)

Minggu ni rezeki murah - dah 3 bulan birthday berlalu masih ada yang ingat dan menghantar hadiah di pejabat- terimakasih,i love these coasters:)

And kawan2 tak putus memberi hasil tanaman di rumah dan ada jugak emak dia orang yang berkirim- Alhamdulillah sangat di hargai:);) Cantikkan bunga kantan di beri kawan- sebelum masuk ke periuk di buat hiasan dulu:);)

Again this week is going to be a very busy week, too many meetings and conferences- hopefully yang tak sihat sembuh cepat- risau bila anak demam- macam2 wish lah timbul masa tu;):)

Wishing everybody a nice and meaningful day.



  1. love with ur nice and cute...

  2. Salam zu
    Selalu singgah sini..Tapi dah lama tak tinggalkan komen.
    Ikan salai tu beli Kat mana?
    Kek butter mmg lah best kan...ingat zaman kecik2 Dulu.

  3. salam..
    slalu blogwalking page nie..suka sgt kitchen akak, bole bagitahu x almari putih tue beli mn yer...saya bekenan nau (hehehe)..tia...

  4. Cantiknyaaa dapurr....dahlah rajin memasak...impressed ;)

  5. suka baca blog u... sometime rasa nak mintak u decorate dapur I lak... suka the way u write...

  6. Rindu nyer ngan butter cake dan dapur zu...

  7. assalamualaikum kak,

    dah lama mahu betanyakan tentang kabinet putih yang akak letak kek tu, kat mana boleh beli? IKea ke? saya berkenan sangat dekat kabinet tu memandangkan dapur rumah saya kiut miut jadi macam nak beli je kabinet kecil macam tu..

  8. hai kakak... lama x singgah sini... tahun depan tia mia darjah 1 dah ye... twins adex 1 tahun lagi.... happy baca uwan sihat....

  9. loveeeee your writting dear..menusuk kalbu, mcm u tell me bed time story,and buay rindu kampung halaman :) jgn berhenti menulis...walaupon sikit tapi ayat2 tu menusuk kalbu.. :D

  10. Salam mamatiamia..

    Sejak akak ambil resepi tradisional butter cake dari blog Zu....tak pernah akak ubah resepi yang lain lagi.
    Memang sedap...

    Sian mia sakit tekak...semoga mia cepat sembuh.

  11. Salam mamatiamia,
    Kak, kat mn akak beli nordic bundt pan tu ye?


  12. love love love your kitchen.small tp close to heart. apa guna dapur besar tp tak masak ye tak? :)
    kak, wooden bread bin saya pernah jumpa di jusco.cuba cari kalau masih interested.

  13. yup, seriously rasa tenang singgah di blog u zue.. rasa kehidupan you mcm tak de masalah jer...

  14. assalamualaikum Kak zu,

    Hai, I just drop to comment this :) I found kak zu punya blog takde label.. was trying to search for the entry yg kak zu ajar buat gulai lemak telur itik tu..

    waaaa nak belajar balik sebab nak buat utk husband... I found your entry so informative..semua petua and tips you bgtau.. pls ye kak zu.. label for recipes :) muah..

    jgn marah tau.. I just love your blog :)
