Sunday, January 12, 2014

Missing so many things.

How time flies! While i still can't digest that it's already 2014 - January will come to an end soon! Last year my girls were in kindy and that last year sounds like a long time ago but it was just half month back- Now both are in school- doing okay- they enjoy their time:) Alhamdulillah- balik sibuk cerita kena bawak tour by the Teacher to the library, checking things at Science Lab, great time at Art Class, and nice Ustaz that taught them Rukun Iman. One of the best time at School is "Bus Bay Time!"They look forward to go to Bus Bay and wait for the School van to bring them back home- duduk makan leftover bekal and have fun in the van:):)

The mama somehow misses her daily routine quite badly:(:( For the past 3 years rain or shine i will patiently stand outside the kindy during the lunch time to pick them up.Now i feel like losing one task that is really important to me- nearing lunch i will rush things- tiba2 rasa ehhh tak payah ambik anak lagi sebab they keluar at 3.30 and ada van ambik- Last Friday i was nearly in tears- over lah sangat kan;);) but normally every Friday during kindy time i will pick them and we stopped somewhere for lunch- dekat2 dah nak habis kindy  for one month non stop we went lunch together- i know that once they start schooling i can't have our routine. Nowadays they finish school at 3.30 from Monday to Thursday, Friday school finishes at 12.20 but ada ngaji pulak kat rumah- that is so normal in life kan- one day your children will leave you- they will have their own life- ohhh so sad- that's how your own mama dulu2 rasa kan- with the feeling that i have now i try to enjoy every moment that we have- it's good that i can feel how my mom rasa dulu- Sometimes when we have too many chores or works to do we feel tired and wish that we don't have to do it but once it's gone you ll feel empty inside you- It may sounds funny but you are blessed to have works and chores to do as it completes your life and makes it colourful;);)

Dah pindah office berbulan- bulan di Bangsar baru lah berpeluang pergi Floristika- wahhh bestnyer banyak bunga yang affordable- the coldroom boleh buat kita haru biru memilih bunga segar- i bought this baby breath for RM9.00.

So seronok- rasanya boleh ada fresh flower sepanjang tahun di rumah! ada lah yang menggembirakan hati yang lara kerana pindah;);)

Berita sedih di hari Khamis- anak sedara uwan yang dulu kesayangan nya meninggal dunia di Paroi Seremban- i drove Uwan to Paroi- lamanya tak drive sendiri jauh2 seja berkahwin apatah lagi pergi balik hari yang sama- berjumpa ramai orang kampung menggamit berbagai kenangan masa kanak2- memang banyak yang di rindukan- missing so many things.Uwan apatah lagi mestilah banyak yang di fikirkan- hiba suasan di masjid- yang dulu di kendong telah pergi meninggalkan- Al Fatihah buat Tuan Haji Ustaz Alias- bertahun- tahun di Mesir tetapi janji bersemadinya di sini- meninggal dalam tidur sambil tersenyum.

Came back from Paroi Uwan was exhausted- i gave her warm bath-snugged her under the thick blanket- gave her hot Milo and some biscuits on the bed terus dia tidur sampai pagi.

This week was a long week and I miss my cooking session at my little wet kitchen- no more like before ada masa nak snap2 gambar- zasss masak and sass segalanya- So this Saturday i made a point to linger in my kitchen and cook few dishes.

Melancholic sungguh this week- nampak bench yang Uwan selalu duduk and teman me masak pun rasa sedih- sekarang sejak mata kabur Uwan hardly sit here dah- baru macam semalam dia boleh duduk2 di belakang tolong buang kaki taugeh- now dah tak boleh. Alhamdulillah ada kenangan dulu2,ada gambar boleh di lihat- sekarang mencuba ubat baru moga ada perubahan kat mata Uwan.

Nasib baik 2 orang ni duduk2 meneman;);)

What did i cook? I baked Red Talapia in Daun kunyit- sekarang banyak betul daun kunyit di halaman- so I  bersihkan ikan tumbuk kunyit hidup,bawang putih,merah,sapu ikan dgn garam dan lada hitam,lumur bahan tumbuk,bubuh 2 sudu olive oil alas dan tutup dalam daun kunyit and baked in Magic Pan;);)

And i made my favourite- terung Sambal;)

Gulai nangka with ayam for Uwan.

They tak berapa banyak homework sebab school habis at 3.30 the last one hour selalunya utk habiskan kerja rumah di sekolah - kalau tak habis boleh buat kat rumah and papa tukang supervise;):)- i have to makeover family area kat tingkat atas for these two- kalau ada rezeki lebih boleh lah buat small library- both have been asking for pull out bed- tengok macam mana kita boleh buat bergantung budget okay.

The two miss Teacher Claire very much- they love each other- so semalam sebelum ke OU bawak these two jumpa Claire- berpeluk punya lama with tears in their eyes - so sweet;)

Malam ni Kak Ikin datang- we girls keluar makan kat hypermarket dekat rumah- so seronok just duduk2 cerita kosong- we must do it often ya Kak Ikin. Uwan pun selera makan mee hoon soup.

Tomorrow is Monday- wishing everybody a good Monday - may it be colourful and lovely!

Night all- to all friends yang meninggal kan komen- Thanks so much- i managed to visit most of the blog cuma tak berkesempatan meninggalkan komen- i know ada yang punya wardrobe baru, cooked delicious food- prepared nice bentos for her children etc etc:):) See again soon!



  1. Hi sis, i just found your blog 1 week ago.I'm so inspired and after spent 1 week baca your blog, i tanam azam macam2,nak jadi good working-mom&wife,nak jaga parents sebaik2nya,nak belajar masak and many more.Please continue your inspiring stories!

  2. salam kak zu.. Sedapnye gulai nangko ngan ayam. Lama dah tak mkn...

  3. Hi Zu, i pun terjumpa your blog baru last week. Seronok membaca sambil belek2 deko rumah u especially the kitchen. Love it. Skrg ni dok menyelak-nyelak entry lama u ... hehe

  4. Salam Kak azu...
    Lamanya tak tinggalkan jejak di sini. Semoga kak azu sekeluarga bahagia selalu hendaknya...

  5. suke pegi floristika jugakkk !!
    bilik sejuk itu mmg buat org mabukkk , mabuk bungaa ..
    murahhh and smpai rambang mata tatau nak beli ape ...hehe

  6. salam kak zu,
    cherish every moment right? baca catatan k.zu kali ni, mix of feeling. Hope jumpa la ubat terbaik utk mata uwan. kalau catarax boleh buang and boleh nampak clear balik..tu je la yg saya tau.

    Mcmana nak buat anak seronok ke school ya? my auni standard 1 juga,tapi pagi2 masih ada adegan pujuk2 macam zaman kindy dulu..hehe

  7. salam k zu,
    thanks for this post. make me realise to cherish every moments in life and belai parents sementara meraka ada. What u give u'll get back, ur tiamia will be kind hearted exactly like you,insyaAllah..

  8. salam sis,
    best baca blog kak zu! Very inspiring.. Wish to be like u..
    anyway feel free to visit my blog >>>

  9. sebln lebih kenal blog sis ni sy rs sgt bersemangat nak bercucuk tanam...bersemangat nak hias halaman rumah dengan bunga-bunga warna warni...uishhh betul2 sumber inspirasi la u ni sis..

  10. salam k zu, a few times after i read this kind of entries, i drove back to see my mom at kampung during weekend..terima kasih k zu kerana sering mengingatkan..semoga k zu dilimpahi pahala yg byk utk ini..amiin..

  11. terperasan yg uwan tidur kaki menghala ke al quran (if i not mistaken la)...kalau ye, mebbe zu tak perasan kot....
    salam ukhuwah....suka bc blog sis.....:-D

  12. Assalam zue... ur blog really inspired me... seronok baca cerita u... i pun rasa nak berblog juga tapi selalu pikir takde masa... yg ada pun fotopages n tu pun dah berkurun tak update! nice knowing you....
