Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shooting for Majalah LAMAN.


Pfuhhhh what a long weekdays! Ahakk..anak2 dah sekolah macam tu lah bila waktu bermula seawal pagi pekat- sepanjang minggu lah menghitung hari:) Working world can be really taxing sometimes-To Readres-Thank you for leaving me wonderful comments :):)

I have an interesting activity today:);) Never thought my cenonit garden will attract attention:) Thank You to Nor Salehan and Jasmi that came today to shoot my laman:) When Nor emailed me last month i was quite sceptical about it as my laman is really limited- i told her my house is just a  terrace- intermediate pulak tu- but she said they are looking for terrace house garden as not all readers have big garden and live in big houses- since i am passionate about garden i agreed to give a try.They came today and me including my girls had fun. It's a good experience;):) Nothing much from our garden but the team made us feel good and we are glad that we can share something meaningful to us with them.

Let's have a peek at few non professional photos by me using my iPhone;):)

Nor brought me a Laman January Issue.

I served tea and cake that becomes accesories for the garden table.

Happy that i can use the alas meja i brought from France and Carmina tea set from RD. 

The Chief Photographer Mr Jasmi- and girl si Mia bukan main lagi dalam gambar ni meleret rupanya senyum;)

Nor and Jasmi- a great team- Thank You very much;) Nor tanya konsep apa- i kata konsep asal kan selesa- i love French concept very much but not easy to get things here so i campur2 lah dengan English sikit:);) Nak kata mengikut tema betul nanti para expert gelak kan- garden kita hati kita lah jawabnya:)

Petang rajin pulak si papa ni siram bunga..he he..

So mama boleh santai2 pakai seluar harimau petang ni;) This is the reason why i suka gardening- penat,duit keluar tak apalah- yang penting seronok boleh melepas lelah dan menghilang kan stress. 

Petang masak simple tapi membuka selera- recipe campak2- Nor tanya i tak nak buat buku recipe ke- berminat pulak rasanya lepas dengar keterangan:) Kalau ada masa In sha Allah semuanya ingin di cuba cuma perlu pandai mencuri masa yang pack saja:):)

Malam routine homework -kadang2 mama yang pantau and kaadang2 si papa- ini ruang dalam rumah yang kena make over dah lama stuck dengan concept toddler ni- as the two already in standard one they need a proper place to do their work- in sha allah ada rezeki we transform this place into a little library,study place and we can also install your pull out bed here.

Wanita dan Rumahnya memang tak boleh di pisahkan- inilah office sebenar kita- kebahagiaan bermula di sini;) Mari cipta bahagia kita:);)

Have a nice weekend peeps. Dont wait to plant a pot of flower as the happiness that it's going to bring you will be abundance;);)

p.s Haii to adik ipar Hafiz Hamidun- akak memang suka his zikir:);)



  1. Cantiknya rumah mamatiamia ni....hafiz tu adik ipar mama ke?

  2. Salam kak zue.dh lama jd silent reader tak berkesempatan meninggalkan jejak.terima kasih atas segala perkongsian selama ini.sangat inspiring me.teringin nak ada dapur dan garden yg sgt goges tu.

  3. Bestnya. Kepuasan x terhingga kan... tgk bunga ditanam mula berbunga.

  4. congrats azu, nanti dah keluar bagi tau yer..dah lama tak beli laman, rasanya dia tak keluar every month..

  5. Aaaa..tak sabarnya nak tgu majalah tu papatkan gambar garden kak zu.

    Kita pun minat france style..that y suka style kak zu hias rumah.


  6. congrats kak zu!!!!
    meja buat homework tu sama dgn anak no 2 kita...mmg dia duk buat homework kat situ...not yet to change sbb no 2 kita comel lote...that desk just nice for her size....

  7. Congrate... Mmg ruangan istana k.zu sangat2 cantik lagi2 area dapor tu

  8. hiii..bukan adik ipar..kakak ipar hafiz hamidun lah..hehehe

    Affa Rahman

  9. i'm ur silent reader.. hopefully can be ur friend. admire the way u decorate ur house...

  10. kak tahniahh ..
    kak zu mmg the besat la hehe .. ~~

  11. Congrats on being featured in the magazine, really proud of you! Love that petai dish, I used to eat petai a lot before I left Malaysia, terliur pulak!

  12. Congrats on being featured in the magazine, really proud of you! Love the petai dish, used to eat petai a lot before I left Malaysia. Terliur pulak!

  13. kena beli la majalah laman nk tgk rumah tia mia...hehhe

  14. Nak kena cari magazine Laman ni.. Kak Zu kalau buat buku resepi, saya mesti beli...♥ Tahniah sis.. Laman akak memang sesuai masuk magazine tu..

  15. teringin betul lah nak rase rendang ayam dgn daun puding tu.. ohhhh harap kat nilai ni ade org jual..^^
