Monday, February 17, 2014



Been gone for quite sometimes:) Ditelan kesibukan di sana sini- kalah pada cuaca panas mc beberapa hari- Alhamdulillah lately ada hujan membasah bumi- walaupun sedikit semua in the garden pun happy:)

Little updates from me.

Rain or Shine- Alhamdulillah- both have different contributions- rose sangat rajin berbunga sekarang- jatuh satu keluar 4 atau 5 kuntum yang baru.

Terasa nak berbunga di luar dan di dalam- menghilang stress dan kepenatan:)

Make over uwan's sofa- tempat lepak uwan seharian- sofa dah usang- nak di buang bukan senang- di beri nafas baru sikit- dulu2 travel ke Cannes bukan main rajin bawak balik patchwork ni- sekarang banyak boleh di beli di sini "Made in China" tapi yang di beli jauh2 susah nak bawak balik ni tetap istimewa di hati:) Di buatkan tempat rehat orang yang istimewa jugak- terletak di tepi dapur di bilik study sedang nak berkomunikasi dengan uwan bila masak. Cushion2 sandar sofa ni di buang supaya tempat duduk lebih luas macam daybed- ini pun langkah berjimat kan:)

Busy days and nites,full weekends - i miss simple kampung life- i like to see kitchen racks full with homemade pickles, unperfect self-sewn table cloth- i made some jeruk belimbing buluh in my favourite Mason jars- thought of making lime and lemon pickles too:) 

Cooking? Not many pictures of my cooking this time- caught in office and jam on the way back- this is the highlight for this week- simple but delicious pais ikan tenggiri with garlic paste,turmeric,black pepper and wrapped in daun kunyit- just bake in the magic pan-oh lala sedapnya.

Weekend was full too- Saturday the girls had pre sport day at their school- they have yet to start with their swimming lesson- will only start in April- so pergi cheer anak orang ajar.

Both participated in Telematch- no more lari dalam guni nowadays- they have replaced it with "Burger Race"

Last Sunday we sent the girls to their classmate birthday party- excited dapat invitation from classmate 

The theme was Fairytales and i bought them new dresses and shoes.

There! ready to go:)

The 3 good friends.

The girls had a good time there-

The papas too:).

But pergi macam Princess balik serabai! jumping non stop:)

Bye bye for now from all of us-(2012 picture taken in Paris)



  1. Ohh tengok belimbing buluh tu terus kecur liur tingat kat sambal belimbing pahang.

    Tia Mia are lovely as ever, same liek their mother :)

  2. seronok tgk bunga2 tu...
    bila lah ada masa nak berbunga kat rumah ni jugak...huhuhu..

  3. kenapa mama tak pakai baju fairy tales jugak

  4. Akak, U are so creative & the girls looking good. Manis anak dara berdua tu. Have a good day ahead, kak!

  5. sis....suka i tengok ur blog and all the pictures..esp ur garden! it so much

  6. yeahhh there you go .. ade pun kak su .. nice entry as usual kak .. !!!
    bestnye mknan kampung

  7. akak...jeruk belimbing buluh tu makan ngan nasi ke
