Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Sangat emosi dengan berita kehilangan MH370- i can really feel it and keep thinking about the people in the flight, when you are in a flight- you like in a big cylinder- no way to escape if anything goes wrong. Also when you re in the flight the moment you put on your seatbelt and the Captain take off- you submit yourself to Allah Swt- you safety,your journey and your fate depend on Him- Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyanyang. Me, my husband and the girls experienced bad turbulance on the way back from Paris when we passed over Kabul mountains- it was quite bad and  we were like thrown few times from our chairs- sangat menakutkan,sangat merisaukan- i held the girls's hands- if anything- macam mana lah:( teringat my old mom,terfikir how to deal with it:( we prayed hard and non  stop Alhamdulillah by the time bukak puasa (it was Ramadhan) the turbulance stop for a while and food can be served untuk kami berbuka. Moga MH370 di dalam peliharaan Nya dan apa pun ketentuan Nya ada hikmah untuk direnung dan di pelajari. Keep praying for MH370.

Untuk yang meninggalkan komen2 sebelum ini- Thanks so much- and to Ida&family Alhamdulillah- dah kembali dari menunaikan umrah rupaya. Yang bertanya about the bookshelves- i bought from Ikea:)

Weekend saturday morning tak dengar sangat lagi pasal MH370- i took uwan out for lunch at Secret recipe for Women's Day dan sempat membeli benda2 kesukaan wanita macam jar ini:)

dah lama tak post gambar2 food- bila weekend budak2 macam2 lah seleranya- walaupun hanya 2 orang tapi nak masak ikut 2 selera dua orang pun berpeluh jugak- sorang nak baked macaroni dan sorang lagi nak baked spiral pasta;) so kena lah masak dua2 letak sebelah-sebelah:)

Spiral pasta is not so suitable for baked dish actually because it it quite hard- but ada selera yang nak ikutkan ajer:)

Ready! Hot and melting:)

I had to cut short the baking time since they cant wait- so the macaroni masih berderai sikit lagi- janji sedap dan laku:)

Sunday afternoon Kak Ikin came with these beautiful Spanish plates- yup kak ikin went to Spain recently and both of us bercerita pasal MH370 sampai beremosi air mata:(

I baked butter cake for kak ikin.

We didn't go anywhere- camping depan tv mendengar berita..hmmm i really want to change my sofa- bought these leather set dulu2 sebab anak kecik2 tak larat kalau fabric- now i think they can behave already.

Sian Tia was really boring and sibuk nak potong Stevie's moustache;);)

Finally Allah Swt tempat kita mengadu dan meminta pertolongan- open your eyes..if you look just right you ll see the signs..

Nite nite.



  1. I can't focus on anything else right now, like you, memories of turbulences during previous flights come to mind. I never sleep during a flight, as you said, kita memang berserah totally to Allah whilst up there. Nothing can be done but pray, if things do go wrong, memang dah takdir. Hope they find something soon Inshallah, the families involved must be in agony.

  2. berdoa utk MH370..
    #nape tia boring? mia mana?

  3. Rasa sedih sebab xdapat nak tolong apa2 dalam insiden ni. The only i can do is keep praying for their safety. Insyallah..

  4. just to remind, the cats might not sense their way back home if you cut your cats moustache:)

    be careful.

  5. Kak...

    ese disini pun poning pasal sofa...ponek amek meronda. Fella dah poie Ikea dah poie...apo ko mahal bona sofa skang ni..
    se pun ala2 leather type yg dah start terkopek sana sini..thinking nak beli yg fabric too...

  6. Jom visit www.happyneasy.blogspot.com untuk perkongsian tentang kesihatan :)

  7. Salam kak...boleh bagi resepi dan cara membuat baked macaroni tu tak..
    so tempting lah teringin
    email to me yattisa@gmail.com

    yr long2 ago silent reader
