Sunday, March 30, 2014

In the Mood for Blue,Yellow and Green.

Terima kasih yang menghulur salam perkenalan:);)

Yang bertanya tudung ZARA ada jual lagi tak? rasanya tak ada sebab dah setahun lebih akak beli- kalau ada akak pun nak beli spare:):) Recipe ringkas baked macaroni my style: rebus macaroni hingga lembut, tos kan, tumis bawang,mince meat, masukkan sos spaghetti, tomato yang di dadu,atau yg dlm botol,garam,gula masak hingga pekat, gaul dalam macaroni rebus campur sedikit cooking cream atau fresh milk, ratakan dalam baking dish yang dah di sapu butter, tutup dengan cheddar cheese dan bakar hingga wangi dan masak:)

This week- i had several things in mind;) nothing big just few simple things that can make me happy:) Since i was small i love to make over areas in my house:) Se awal sekolah rendah dah ada hobby tu- when my mom went out to market,attending wedding or visit her friends i will take that opportunity to move around things in the house. It gives me a big pleasure-  things like putting the cut flowers in the bottles and place it next to bed or  on the kitchen and dining table, changing the table cloth, rearranging plates in the cupboard or move the furnitures in the house . Until now i like to do that- cuma sekarang  Alhamdulillah di beri Allah Swt rezeki dapat lah beli sikit2 apa yang suka unlike masa kecik dulu had to make do with limited things in the house . I love to live in a nice environment- masa kecik2 dulu i apperciate white linen, sparkle shining floor, nicely arranged furnitures, warm and inviting kitchen. As i had written many times here in my blog i thank my mom for that- she brought me up in those environment;):) - no unfolded laundry on the chair or bed- if you dont have time to fold it,put in a basket and  hide it under the bed until you fold it!:);)

So this weekend my maid punya turn cuti- since Friday i had few ideas- lagi pun tak boleh keluar jauh nanti- sebab uwan now susah nak bergerak jauh- setakat lunch or breakfast dekat2 boleh lah. Friday ramai orang cuti lagi,lunch time i merayau-rayau carik benda2 kecik buat penghibur hati di hari minggu.

Actually hari minggu tu penat nya kalau di ikut kan nak jadi selfish ajer- nak berurut-urut,tak nak masak, nak pergi beli2 baju-tapi mengenangkan commitment kita buat lah activity menghibur hati di rumah- banyak hati yang boleh di gembirakan:);) Dan nak membeli barang sekarang pun banyak yang perlu di kira- anak2 sekolah banyaklah yang perlu di kekang,nafsu sendiri perlu di 'jinakkan' sedikit:):) 

Believe it or not small thing for the kitchen like this can bring huge happiness to me:):) 

This week i am in the mood for Blue,Yellow and Green:) i went out to look for a green teapot during the lunch time.

And i had tassled cushion in mind too- something similar to the picture above.

Saturday i started my 'alih2 & mix&match" project:) Spring in my kitchen.

My mood  for blue, yellow and blue can be seen clearly here.

I finally found the green teapot and brought it back home- now it's sitting happily on my shelf;)

The best thing about having this little shelf at this corner is: you can change the items here according to your mood- you dont have to buy all new things everytime you want to change- mesti you ada banyak barang dalam almari yang lama tak pakai, few colours yang boleh combine kan etc etc:);) itu kalau ikut taste i lah-  i suka country feel- yang bukan nampak se dondon atau pun perlu  mahal- i just i like 'market/pasar' look:)

And i finally managed to hang these plates and bowls;) Plates ni my own i beli masa travel ke Amsterdam dulu- while the goregous bowls were given by Kak ikin when she traveled to Spain recently. Dah 4 kali gantung guna adhesive hook- 4 kali jugak jatuh nasib baik lah tak pecah- ada sedikit chip ajer- this time i beli hook yang ada paku halus boleh paku kat corner 4 segi tiles tu- so kuat lah and tak jatuh:)

I bought 4 new cushions cover for my living room- so cushion lama di depan yang berwarna biru di pindahkan ke bench dapur.

Now i have more blue in the kitchen.

These are the new  cushion with tassels  for my living room.

Untuk alas apa2 kat dapur i guna kitchen/tea towel ajer- cantik dan murah- Ikea has nice tea/kitchen towel- kalau travel pun cantik2 semua- sayang nak guna sapu tangan or lap kitchen;)

Ini lah orang2 yang suka menghuni dapur- my two girls semua benda buat kat meja dapur- lagi pun ini lah antara are yang sejuk dalam rumah.

Minum Milo dan biskut kering sebelum keluar petang adalah sesuatu yang menyeronokkan selepas kita ubah alih barang dapur.

Not big but enough for my family:)

A lil bit about my cooking today- breakfast i made poached eggs with homemade garlic bread.

Yang minat nak buat garlic bread sendiri- i cincang alot of garlic- gaul dalam butter tambah garam dan sedikit herbs Mc cormick, sapu kat roti dan toast atas non stick pan.Puas hati makan byk garlic:)

Strictly for gooey egg lovers;)

After lunch  baru pi market beli ikan today- Heni cuti i bersihkan all the ikan- penat bagai nak rak dalam cuaca panas sekarang.

And this muka masam girl penat membuat homework..he yr work okay mama will cook your favourite dishes;) 

Bubur Cha cha 

Everybody's favourite.

and sambal sotong is always nice to go with tumis labu air.

Happy faces:)

Divine dessert;) Kundang manis;)

That's all for tonight…and now i tengah asyik mimpi and teringat benda ni tak it's not Prada or Chanel..

It's the flying carpet! Zam Ala Ka Zam! he he..yer i asyik tengah gila minat kat this Turkish Tribal Rug/Carpet- aiyaaa it's too expensive lah dah masuk few shops- satu carpet besar paling murah RM5-6K!..yang kecik pun dalam RM2K- tu pulak besar sejadah;)So simpan keinginan dulu:)

Night,night sleep tight:)



  1. I have something like that.. the flying carpet, double the size of a sejadah and it was abt 1K i think. sale @Kohimaran last year. tad bit too rough to sit on so we put it right in front of front-door.

  2. mine about 3 time sejadah, beli lama dah from a turkish friend dkt 1k jugak but that was 15 years ago, mmg wool dia rasa agak kasar, tapi suka warna dia yang colourful. Me letak kat master bedroom, hamparan untuk solat.

  3. ala..berkenan dengan akak punye white rack and the green box macam tin tue...

  4. kak kedai karpet kat armcopmall ade jugak kn ?
    romantika shop kat armcop mall dh g tak ? sesuai dgn konsep umh akak ..
    nice jugak ..armcop mall kan everyweekend ade jualan mcm sunday market oversea tu ...kan kan kan .. pun best

  5. omaigoddd.....cantiknye your house sis.....kemas and bersih...
