Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lazy Pictures:)


Cuaca panas buat tangan malas mencapai camera/phone untuk ambik gambar:(

For the past 3 Saturdays i had been attending preparation for Tia Mia's Sport Day- it was a hard work! basicly for the past 3 weeks i only had 1 day off i.e Sunday. The first Saturday we had to be at the school field at 7.30 am, second Saturday was 7.30 am at UIA Stadium and yesterday was 7.30 am at the School Sport Complex- Alhamdulillah it was the finale yesterday- i dont think i can last for the 4th Saturday- with the heat,sweat and thirst i kalah- my body was itchy all over-definitely i am not cut to be a sport woman- no wonder i didn't win anything during my school days;):)

But Tia Mia- they had a wonderful time- it's all new experience for them@ I just wanna feel this moment:)

So these are few pictures from my malas hand- anak first time masuk sport pun i tak bawak camera- lupa actually- orang dengan camera canggih siap stand pacak tepi padang i mengcangkung lah ambik gambar pakai iPhone:):)

Sport Day- Finale- Tia is in the green house while Mia is in red.It was a very happening event- the school made a very good job- unlike during my time- if you tak menang anything tak ada lah medal- sini as long as you participate the school gives you medal- they want the student to feel that they part of the whole event and important;);)  Surely it means much to the little people- dapat medal first time:);)

Tia and Mia took part in Telematch- dressing up the Charlie Chaplin:)

Each house made performed for the opening ceremony- Red House staged " Grease" and it was really good.

Both got medals for the first time- tapi Tia punya cicir pulak kat padang- so kena tunggu replacement- kesian:(

The Mariachi from Desperado performing "Mary had a little lamb":);)- While all this while both had been practising their music lesson on keyboard- this month we have upgraded them to piano:);) Hope rajin berlatih lagi.

Today we went out to buy book shelves- yang lama ikea punya dah roboh- bertahan 8 tahun lah- boleh tahan jugak lamanya- after 8 years it cannot take my thick law&MBA books- hari ni keluar nak ganti- leceh betul lah pi dengan orang lelaki 4 kedai masuk hingga ke petang tak ada yang perfect- akhirnya hantar Tia Mia gunting rambut- i need to go alone i surely can get it. 

Tia nak shoulder length- si Mia nak keep her hair long- so potong fringe ajer;)

Tia new hair.

Happy dapat temporary straight hair:)

Mia with her straight hair- dah kena blow taruk minyak nampak lah straight;)

Dah berminggu tak ambik gambar lauk- malam ni masak simple asam pedas sardin dan kangkung- snap lah gambar- sedap tau- taruk asam banyak:)

Lemak putih pucuk manis dan kentang- goreng ikan- sambal belacan- perghhh sodap;)

Ha ha ni siapa bersantai pakai seluar askar lagi ni:);)- dua2 ni dah mandi dan berbedak:) duduk di study room menunggu orang masak;)

One reader shared with me a beautiful corner in her garden- and i feel honoured to share it here- hope it's okay with her- cantikkan:);)




  1. Comey nya uwan pakai seluar askar hahaha...btw sis normally kita org pompuan yg cerewet nak beli terbalik pulak...

  2. dah lama saya tak singgah blog sis..dr smlm teringat sis..teringat uwan. Nak tau gak bagaimana keadaan uwan. Alih2 pagi ni nmpk sis update..terubat rindu

  3. Kiutnyeeeeeeeeeeee uwan pakai suar sojar!! ekeke..

    pucuk manis campur keledek tu mmg lauk peberet sy tu kak..mkn ngan smbal belacan, ada pulak ikan pekasam ke kan..huaaaaa..jejes ailio ni hah!

    P/s: smoga uwan akan sentiasa sihat dan happy begitu

  4. nice hair tia mia.. cute jer both of them...
