Saturday, April 5, 2014

MY Dapur in DAPUR.

Nearly forgot about the shooting of my kitchen 2 months ago:) Sekarang tema dapur dah lain sikit:)

Thank You to the Impiana DAPUR team- Suhaidah Abd Wahab, Asril Aswandi and not forgetting another guy (he was the Interior designer i think)- they have done a good job, the pictures are good- i like it:) I was a bit malu at first, my house and kitchen is small and nothing much to talk about- but the team is surely good in bringing out the best in anybody's kitchen:)

Sharing some pictures of my dapur from Impiana DAPUR May-Jun issue 2014. Thanks again team:)

lastly Tuan rumah nampak so gemuk here- he he i cakap kat the photographer 'jgn bagi akak nampak gemuk okay" dia cakap " semua org pun cakap macam tu kak" ha ha ..i edited the photo here but if you look at the picture in the magazine my jeans under the jubah is not helping at all:( tak tau why i pakai jeans under the jubah,may be sebab Friday hari tu:):)

And this time the magazine banyak dapur yang hebat2:):) Sharing some of it here:

Compared to this kitchen my dapur nampak so tiny and bare:) Tapi Alhamdulillah dengan apa yang ada:)

And i like Wan Kamaruddin's (Al Hijrah presenter) kitchen too:) i think because of the rug:) His house is a bungalow at Bukit Jelutong:)

This one is a terrace at Putrajaya- very cute and sweet too:)

This month my kitchen theme dah bertukar:) dapur kecik kena lah tukar selalu supaya tak boring:)

Mengenang salah satu kenangan terindah ketika bercuti dengan rumah dan dapur yang comel:);)

Kecik or besar yang penting selesa dan kemas serta practical- one of my favourite kitchen is the farmhouse kitcthen at Torquay, Victoria- Australia- small but so warm and inviting:)

I dont mind to have a small kitchen that attached to the living room like this- it was airy with big windows and doors that opened up to garden.

The plank roof make so much different to the house.

Fun time.

Awesome bedroom:)

i love fireplace:)


Happy weekend peeps;)

Enjoy your time with the loved ones;)

p.s : Thanks diandra berkongsi info on the cherry ripe:):)



  1. yeehaaa!!! tak sabar nak serbu kedai esok pagi cari magazine ni...Tahniah diva!

  2. love your kitchen, Zuraida! good job!

  3. our dapur here is much smaller kak, beberapa langkah jer size dia, tapi senang I gerak masak everything is within reach hehehee. And I always adore your dapur.

  4. i suka ur deco..nampak kemas sgt..

  5. I m Still trying to be a hard working n multi talented just like u sis.. ur kitchen mmg superb.

  6. Yesterday I pegi tesco ade nmpk majalah Dapur, so I pun beli just nk tgk zu punyer dapur dlm tuh....dlm kereta terus belek page dapur zu jer...arini sunday baru ade masa nk "study" majalah tuuu...hi..hi...congratulations again..good job..;)♡♡♡♡

  7. Your kitchen so nice Kak Zue.Salam ziarah kak zue.

    I ada cari balik psl penginapan Kak Zue ni kat St Kilda right?Tp x jumpa.Boleh Kak Zue bg link sekali lagi.Im so sorry Kak Zue.I live in Brisbane so teringin sgt nak holiday ke tmpt ni.Sgt la nice.I rasa dah baca satu2 entry tp tak jumpa link tu.TIA Kak Zue.Itupun kalau Kak Zue ada kelapangan la : )

  8. Assalamualaikum. ....yayy dah beli pg tadi lagi....mmg cantik aduhai dapur u...nak tiru lace curtain kat tingkap kecik u tu...hehe

  9. yes kak , i love the farm house kitchen too .. senang nak move around kan even small pun .. sbb semua ade kat tepi kita .. the susunan tu best ...
    smbil msk bleh nmpak org kat ruang tamu .. so tak la busan sorg2 even masak huhu ,,

  10. cantik nyer dapur tu sis...
    sy ni idamkan dapur cantik..
    but selalu terpk ..masa utk mengemas tu takde..huhuhu..

  11. wahhh salam cantiknya dapur...

  12. Salam Kak Zu,

    Seronok sgt jumpa Kak Zu hari tu di Ikano, harap kak Zu masih ingat just a silent reader tapi bila jumpa in person dgn Kak Zu excited sampai keluar air mata haha mcm jumpa retis gamaknya. Alhamdulillah dan semoga Kak Zu sekeluarga termasuk uwan dirahmati Allah swt sentiasa dunia akhirat.
    Love Yani,Mutiara Damansara.

  13. Salam mamatiamia...

    Lama akak tak jenguk dan lepak kat pangkin umah Zu nie.

    Busy..busy..busy...ya amatz.

    Aduiiii...bagaimanalah nak dapat dapur secantik dan sekemas dapur Zu nie. Kalu duk berjiran boleh gak minta tolong Zu deco dapur akak yang sekangkang kera nie... :)

  14. Yey! Seronoknya! Syabas dan congratulations. Awak sungguh popular sekarang :-)
