Monday, May 26, 2014

Hullo from Mount Lavinia Colombo!


It has been quite a while since the last update. So so sorry I can't attend to questions in the previous entry yet- was so busy for the last two weeks- I had so many things to prepare before leaving to Colombo.

Yup I am in Mount Lavinia Colombo now- today is my 3rd day here attending the Copyright meeting and conference- this year, again i have been invited to chair one of the session for the Forum:) Miss my girls and everybody else at home so much:( But will try to make the best from this trip- the meeting yeaterday was long- it was 10 1/2 hours! But i rewarded myself with a 2 hrs massage at the Spa in the Hotel:) It was heaven:)

So how's Colombo? So far so good:) the food is marvellous, the people is wonderful- people from this part of the world has very high standard when it comes to hospitality- they open door for your, bow and greet you all the time:) My sister tanya" how about hygienic? I never been to India before and this is my first time in Colombo- i cant give views on the overall of Sri Lanka but the Hotel that I am styaing i.e Mount Lavinia is very clean- Mount Lavinia is a high end area here in Colombo- the surrounding and environment here is like Cherating if i want to compare it with Malaysia and lil bit like Maldives as Maldives is only 45 mins away by flight fro here. And you know what the toilet kat Hotel ni punya lobbyu bau Masala Tea yang sedap macam kat Tanah Rata Cameron nice:);) 

I have to rush- it is 5.45 am here in Colombo- dia lewat 2 jam dari Malaysia- i bangun seawal pukul 4.00 untuk call my girls yang nak pi Sekolah hari ni- hari ni last day practice for Concert:)- Hopefully session today berjalan lancar and i have few pictures to share with everybody- will share some more when i have time:)

I flew MAS- cant describe the feeling when we flew over Indian Ocean- Masha Allah- Ya Allah semua di tangan Mu- Kebesaran Mu sangat di rasai.

WE had bad turbulence for nearly 1/2- it was scary- Alhamdulillah tidak terhingga bila sampai and doa dari keluarga dan kawan2 sangat bermakna kali ini.

I booked the Hotel transport- ha ha the guy tunggu lama kat arrival hall hampir give up- i dok pi beli local starter pack- kat sini Celcom ke Maxis ke semua tak dapat- so beli lah local sim- less than RM50 and can use for 1 month- dah tu i buat macam2 baru ingat nak pi carik dia:)- it was 1hr journey from the airport to the hotel- orang Colombo ni bawak kereta gila- langsung i tak suka- hon asyik berbunyi dan memotong sangat2 lah kegilaannya- kalau lemah jantung tak boleh duduk Sri Lanka.

The room is very nice- my bilk on the ground floor bukak sliding door boleh berlari ke laut dan hamparan rumput hijau yang luas.

Letak jer bag i pi lunch kat restaurant tepi laut dia- makan chili crab- wahhh sangat sedap:)

Cafe dan semua activity pun mengadap laut di sini.

This Mount Lavinia Hotel- it is a colonial building dah berumur 200 years!

Green against the white backdrop:)

Mount Lavinia is a 5 star hotel here.

My room- duduk bawah blanket dan pandang pantai:)

But until today belum sempat nak mencecah kaki ke air:)

Deco semua exotic di sini- see how they arrange the heliconias- very nice kan:)

Keluar ajer gate hotel ada stretch of shops- pun cantik cara dia atur- catering for International tourist.

Gem stones! Di sini masalah saya bermula! ha ha

Ni metered taxi kat sini- 

Masalah? Yup i bought one within less than 1/2 hour lepas sampai:) kah kah- i cant resist this beautiful citrine- tapi ni bukan white gold cuma silver - harga sangat lah reasonable:) yang kelilling citrine tu bukan diamond hanya cubic zirconia:) Tapi workmanship sangat fine- the owner selalu travel ke malaysia buat exhibition kat PWTC with Habib Jewels etc- nak tempah apa pun boleh:)

Pfuhhh happy Kak Ton dapat citrine hari pertama:))

To be continued…..Ta ta taaaaa...


  1. seriously cantik sangat ring tu kak..

  2. assalamualaikum zu, akak ni boleh consider sbg silent reader blog ni. hihihi suka sgt bila zu update blog. cepat2 continue yer and semoga semuanya berjalan lancar. InsyaAllah

  3. Happy travelling dear sis..
    Cantik jgk sri lanka ye

  4. Wah kak Zu...bestnye...more pictures please...

  5. *gasp*.. beautiful place... and beautiful ring!

  6. Colombo 2012. Duduk sane 10 hari. Ble naik gile layan orang2 kat situ. Its just like Malaysia in the 80's but with the latest 2014 technology. But it was fun especially the trip to Candy or Kandi. 2 or 3 hours of terror ride and suddenly u found peace!!

    Enjoy beb
