Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Last Day Colombo.

I never imagine that one day i will visit Colombo:):) It was an interesting experience, despite the terror ride etc it such a good experience and food was delicious:):)

Next year will be New Delhi and i dont know whether i ll be ready to be on the road of New Delhi:):)

Last day in Colombo- tak berapa nak mengambik gambar- hati sudah separuh-separuh ke Malaysia:):)

Fruits semuanya fresh kat Colombo- kalau macam mangga, kita berdiri kat situ baru dia potong:):)

Macam2 Sri Lankan's delicacies yang i enjoy- tapi tosai tak pernah lupa sedap sangat makan dengan sambar, coconut chutney dan fish curry:)

The 3rd day was special- sebab jadi Chairperson so pakai  cincin baru:) Citrine from Colombo:)

Unique opening ceremony for the Forum.

I was placed in the first session- no time to be panicked- took my time and it was fine. I didnt realize there's a giant screen yang tunjuk my biotdata- nasib baik tak pilih gambar bagi makan kambing kat OZ masa dia org mintak gambar;)

Carole Creola from Geneva, a very experience speaker.

It was a good session and you always feel lega after dah habis- Alhamdulillah.

Before we close the Forum we took a small tour around the studio- Stein Studio belongs to Maharaja Group in Colombo, they are very big and powerful. Ini studio "Siapa Nak Jadi Jutawan?":)

Malam penat tak boleh cerita hanya call Room Service.The grilled fish kat sini sangat lah sedap boleh makan sampai daun2 pokok rhu ni;)

The cut fruits presentation was superb.

Last day was excursion- so isi perut di restaurant yang best di hotel ni dulu.

Ini Egg Hopper Basket- macam paper tosai bentuk basket- dalam kita boleh isi macam2 and then ngapp- so sedap.

Swimming Pool by the sea at Mount Lavinia Hotel.

sementara tunggu bas datang ambik nak pi excursion pi jalan2 pantai dulu- dah 3 hari kat sini tak pernah cecah kaki ke pasir lagi:)

Beautiful beach- kat atas atap tu semua belanga tanah di letak kan;)

First visit was Stein News Room- dengar lah beriefing dia orang ni jap.

Then temple- ikut ajer lah untuk pengetahuan:)

After that they took us for visit at the Jones Tea factory- antara yg tertua di Sri Lanka.

Saya pun buat lah tea tasting- black and green tea adalah teh yang paling sihat sekali untuk di minum.

Antara jenis2 Jones's Tea.

Ini bandar Colombo- modern jugak ada ala2 twin tower di sini.

We had our lunch at the old Dutch Hospital yang dah jadi tourist attraction now.

I ordered seafood kebab- sangat sedap- pun habis licin:) sampai bergetar tangan ambik gambar sebab lapar;):)

Kat Colombo ni adalah ala2 Mark&Spencer- nama dia Odel- so petang tu pergi lah carik barang budak2 kat situ dan sempat jugak membeli 2 dress- tak banyak benda boleh di beli and Sri Langka pulak memang size kecik2 betul:):) Malam tu last dinner with kawan2 pakai lah dress dari Odel ni:)

And selfie satu, next time kena beli gopro ke monopod apa ke benda nya tu baru boleh snap baju bila travel sorang2;)

Flower arrangemant kat sini sangat cantik- macam kekwa ni pun nampak sangat cantik arrangement dia.

And i love this copper hood- i always love copper.

Bye Bye Colombo- and thank you for your hospitality:):)



  1. tgk pic pun dh blh th mknn dia sngt2 sedap =)

  2. nice picture kak zue. scroll sampai bwh terasa kat colombo pulak...hehe
    apa motif nye letak periuk belanga kat atas atap rumbia tu ye??

  3. terujanya tengok gambar2 akak.. alangkah bertuahnya dpt travel jejauh... hihi

  4. Subhanallah cantik nya bumi Allah... Suka tgk gmbr yg akk share di Colombo esp pantai nya. Tahniah kak Zu akhirnya semua berjalan dgn lancar dan baik Alhamdulillah
