Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Holiday Pictures.

Holiday:):) I took a day off yesterday- so dapat lah 4 hari:)

Didnt't go anywhere far but we had fun too. Dah lama tak post picture masak2 this time a lot of pictures as i had time to snap the simple food i cooked for them.

Saturday morning- i made pancakes for the girls- I used "Old style pancakes recipe from All Recipes-from Google"- sedap recipe ni- gebu and not sweet.

Enhanced look- to entice the girls:):)

After breakfast duduk2 luar kejap= Alhamdulillah hujan dan panas berselang seli buat garden sangat subur- berbunga semua bunga tanpa perlu di baja.

Was thinking what to cook for lunch but my girls asked for Nasi lemak- so i prepared nasi lemak using whatever i have in the fridge.

I made roast chicken in Happy Pan- i blended garlic,ginger,salt,added 1 spoon of chicken stock and 2 spoond of dark caramel sauce- gaul semua masuk dalam happy pan with 3 spoons of olive oil.


Evening took the girls to Butterfly Park in KL.

They are always adore butterflies since kecik.

After butterfly we singgah Sushi King to warm our tummies with hot soup.

And bought them their first Beta fish or Ikan Laga- so we have Grace and Shine in the family now;)

Sunday morning was "wise" breakfast- dont waste your leftover- use it for delicious breakfast;) I ada bolognese sauce dalam fridge- so i potong Roti Arab sapu tengah dia dengan the sauce- tabur cheese dan tutup dgn sekeping lagi- dalam kuali sapu butter dan letak the roti tekan2 dan balik2- tak payah pakai sandwich maker- both side crispy and nyam:)

Nasi lemak lebih pulak jadi nasi goreng kampung- tak payah taruk banyak ingredients sebab dah berperisa- minyak pun pakai olive oil sikit jer.

Before lunch teringin pulak nak masak cake dah lama tak buat- this time tak buat pakai resepi sendiri try Cik Mat Gebu (The Blue Tiffins) punya resipe- Mocha Marble- simple hanya guna tepung, melted butter, susu pekat,sedikit gula dan 2 telur- sedap hasilnya. Terima Kasih Cik Mat berkongsi resipi bagus2:)

Adunan menggunakan 125 gram tepung saja so cake kecik dan just nice untuk sekali atau dua kali makan- i guna mould agak besar so cake jadi nipis- tapi budak2 suka cepat masak dan crispy di luar- luarnya.

Just the way i like Marble cake to be- tak fine sangat- macam dulu2 punya- wangi dan tak muak.

Lunch gulai ikan merah berpetai utk Uwan.

Grilled Seabass in Happy Pan for the girls- sorry semua Ikan sebab tukang masak gate tekak batuk tak boleh makan ayam.

Makan cepat! Mana nak pergi pulak after lunch?

After lunch we went to TGV at The Encorp Strand near our house:) So nice ada cinema dekat rumah:)

We watched "Ribbit" animated film by KRU Production- not bad- the girls said " it was cool"- recommended untuk di tonton:)

Happy faces.

Today- we took everbody out including uwan and heni- we went to the beach just untuk santai2.

Let the girls run along the beach and play kite- i just duduk bawah pokok meneman Uwan.

And this is my Craft Project for today- menukar baju barbie dolls budak 2 orang ni- carik2 kain perca jumpa lah lebihan dari kain baju kurung lama i;);)

Dua2 mintak top dan skirt lain2..hishhh susah jugak menjahit nya- i am not good at sewing dulu2 masa bujang sanggup staple skirt! Now dah ada anak2 ni- macam2 boleh di buat- but it was fun- selain menjimat kan they appreciate it very much and can't thank you enough.

Ni jenis jahit kekal- nanti dah boring bukak tukar baju lain pulak.

Sekeluarga lah i buatkan- dah boleh bukak boutique ni- kaftan, dress, kimono semua ada;)

That's our Holiday Story!- Love To All;);)



  1. Happy holiday n family...💟💖💟

  2. salam. ikan laga tu.. yg macam bola kt atas balang tu ape yea. ada ikan ke dlm tu or just reflection je? curious pulak... hihi

  3. spending with love one is so much fun kans.. rasa sekejap jer waktu tu..

  4. salam kak ..boleh tau pantai tu kat mana? macam dekat untuk pegi :)

  5. heheheh comelnya baju kat keluarga pepatung tu ehehe

  6. kak zu !!!
    happy holiday ...
    besday kite tau hari malaysia aritu hehehe ...

    kak zu , all baju barbies sgt cantek .. teringt baju yg hanis zalikha vs asyraff tu buat .. they do a dress doll as model and jual the baju ...

    wow dh ade tGV kat the strand , lama hokeh tak singgah sana ... kat situ ade coffea coffee ,eda suka their coffee .. alwes having espresso shakerato at there using the sweet beans .. best !

    kim salam uwan eh ...
    all the lauk n the lkauk ideas best !
    muach !

  7. Memang akan ada idea yang dapat kita grab everytime singgah ur blog ni kak, thanks... Barbie doll si Jelita dah banyak yang tak berbaju (entah mana ilangnya) so nnt boleh la i cairkan some perca try jahit jugak hahahaa.

    Baru last weekend jugak kami singgah pet shop intai ikan untuk Jelita bela, tapi payahnya nak dapat yang simple, for starter, siap sales girl tu tak nak jual kat kami sebab dia suruh prepare dulu akuarium at least 10 days then baru boleh beli ikan huhuhu.

  8. Seronok cuti kan Kak Zu...haha bukak butik barbie...bagus tu...
