Monday, October 20, 2014

Food,People & Love.


I tulis update ni petang semalam, semasa hujan renyai meniarap tepi tingkap:) Tiba2 gelap..zzzzz..hari ni baru sambung- tapi sebab tak larat tak kuasa nak edit bawah ni:)

Hmm.. I am lying on the floor near my bay window on the ground floor while updating this blog:) A bit full and tired:) Had lovely people came for breakfast this morning- it was unplanned but turned out to be  great- they were my niece and husband and Bff and family. I texted my niece whether she want to meet up and lepak at Secret Recipe over a piece of good cake but she replied " Maksu's nasi lemak is much much better than SC's cake" - so i cooked them Nasi lemak this morning not only with one sambal but with 3 sambals:) My maid is singing her heart out at Chow Kit today with her friends so i have this house all by my self- it is nice once a while;):)

Not much story but busy lately at the office, to many outside meetings and i had limited time to do paper works at office.Tomorrow i am going to have meeting at CyberJaya and another one in Putrajaya on Wednesday- hence i update my blog this evening- Since i ve been cooking since morning and we kinda of stuck in the house i ve promised to go out with Uwan and the girls this evening:)

And terima kasih banyak2 yang meninggalkan komen ya- You all so lovely:) Sebab tu penat kadang2 tak ada cerita menarik pun i update jugak blog.

Last week- lunch with BFF at French Cafe called Miam Miam- this pasta is called Miam Miam Spaghetti (Miam Miam means yum yum)

My friend ordered Black Ink Squid pasta- pasta dakwat hitam sotong! Hitam nya kan:) I rasa sikit..boleh lah- i still prefer my Olio yang biasa.

But this is a winner- Matcha@Green Tea  Latte- so sedapppp:)

Balik rumah petang tu i cooked talapia asam pedas with chili turkey and bunga kantan…so Miam Miam:)

Tak ada cerita lain food ajer kan- dinner the following night was grilled  chicken wings.

Plus the lamb chop- i tak suka- masak sajer for the girls and thier papa- they love it very much:)

But penat balik masak selalunya hilang- macam malam ni they played me Swan Lake on their keyboard:)

Saturday masak lagi! Ada replacement class for the school- before picking up the girls kena masakkan Uwan lunch dull- Uwan loves terung- so i made her Chili terung Jelita:)

And lemak ketam menggoda:)

Picked up the girls and took them to the mall- they said they want to buy stickers- tapi sampai jadi Lego pulak:)

We went Daiso for the merepek-repek RM5 each things:) We bought else this cute bikini- Elsa you look sexyyyyh lah;)

Bought Tia Mia these cute meal bag too:)

And fabric file for ustaz Khalis class.

Sunday my niece and husband and my bff came for breakfast.

It was unplanned breakfast but we had fun.Since my niece suka sambal i masak 3 sambal for them.

Sambal sotong rendam.

Sambal bilis petai..sambal tempoyak goreng tak ada gambar kat sini:)

Love to see my girls bonding with my bff's girl:)

Good girls:)

My Masala tea.

Kak Sofia duduk sini!

Petang masa nak update ni lah- i telah bersiap sedia untuk meniarap di sini:)

Tapi sebelum tu kena kacau dulu dengan yang 2 org ni…tapi akhirnya berjaya jugak ZZZZZZ kejap:)

Now Monday already! esok Tuesday- lepas tu Cuti weyyy:):)



  1. I want thay masala tea & sambal petai tu.yumsss

  2. Memang tak menghampakan everytime nak idea untuk masak2. AKak kena update tau... bila akak cerita santai-santai macam ni, kami pun turut terasa santai2 sama hehehe.

  3. Oh sungguh tenang bila membaca blog mu sis.. Hindangan itu really menggodaku ketika perutku ini sedang lapar.. Hehehe

  4. menggoda sungguh sambal sotong tu hihu

  5. Assalamualaikum kak...I love reading your story...especially about uwan n your cooking...tq..

  6. still love to read n tengok all your foods pic kak..

  7. cerita-cerita terbaru yang sentiasa dinantikan. gambar2 menarik hati..tak cukup d blog..d fb juga. suka terutama cerita uwan kerana sy tidak berpeluang melakukan perkara yang zue lakukan terhadap ibu zue..

  8. baru dpt tgk view n deko rumah kat meja makan yg ada tiamia n fren tu.. nice english deco. tak sarat... n i takkan pernah puas menatap gambar2 food by zu.. heheheh

  9. kak zu , baru arineh nak blogwalk start from this entry ...
    betapa rindunye nak baca ur update ..
    seronok baca 3 in row skali gini ...

    suka la all the sambals ... love u !
