Wednesday, November 19, 2014

No Pink Dress for Children's Day&Class Party & Birthday Celebration!

Salam ! Thanks for doas:)

Like any other mommy out there- my girls darjah satu pun sibuk2 ada School Party:) I saw pictures on Fb all girls dressed up nicely for the Prom night, Party etc. Some with kembang dress, etc etc- as mommy kita pun teruja- teringat zaman kita kecik2:) But my girls since kecik lagi kot -never ask for new dress:) They sibuk tanya apa goodies nak bawak pi school and so worried about paper plates as their teacher specifically asked them to bring paper plates- Kesian. Semalam i went and look for new dresses- tapi i tak lah beli the kombang2 one:) nanti dah habis party duduk bertapa di almari- i nak beli yang practical ajer nanti boleh pakai bila2 pada waktu biasa- tak nak yang mahal2 sangat jugak sebab budak2 cepat besar. I know the girls love pink- i can't stand too much pink! I selalu cakap " black, white, silver' are nice okay:) Pink is okay once a while but not all the time:) When i was small my brothers and sister semua dah besar- dah kerja, dah kahwin so dia orang tukang beli my baju- my baju colour hitam lah, brown, putih- tak pernah pink so i tak lah giler pink macam zaman Barbie ni:)

Belek2 baju i bought the girls these two:

They look elegant and sweet to my eyes:) Sorry to dissapoint you girls no pink, but trust me you ll look nice in this dresses okay. I bought new coin purse and hairband too. I hope tak gaduh lah dress lain2 ni- tak tahu siapa suka yang mana:)

Gold hairbands to add glamour to the dull colour dress;)

The cute coin purse- At least you have something pink for your party.

Kesudahannnya Tia and Mia berebut for the silver sleevesless dress- padahal my first choice is the polka dots one and mahal lah sikit dari yg silver- haiyaaa- Tia had the upper hand to choose- since she managed to get hold of the shopping bag first when i reach home- Mia was in the bathroom:) Puas pujuk2 Mia she finally agreed to wear the polka dots one- after lots of hugs and kisses you:)

Let see the result this morning!


Tadaaaa… they both look nice to my eyes- mommy always like that lorrr:):) Hmmm my girls dah besar- you must have read thousand of similar comments made by mommy this year end kan- kih kih- just bear with us- we are mommies- can't help but mengada-ngada when it comes to our children- Any tiny achievement is a big achievement to us- anak dapat A darjah satu pun seronok mengalah anak dapat 10A SPM he he..I baca tanda akhir zaman ibubapa berlumba-lumba bermegah dan menunjuk-nunjuk pasal anak2- moga tidak termasuk di dalam golongan itu- Sebagai kenangan buat kita moga tidak melampau batas-Moga kita dapat membuat niat yang betul- Nauzubillah. Ampuni lah Ya Allah sekiranya ada terlanjur hati atau perbuatan.

My two girls:) bangun pagi2 bila nak pi party- bila sekolah- kena cucuk pinggang nak bangun;)

Acara berebut nak pegang hadiah birthday kawan sudah bermula:)

merajuk tahap tinggi sudah bermula:) Muka moncong mama tak peduli ambik gambar jugak:)

Finally- I can't stand your face- terus sorang lari sini sorang lari sana;)

Happy- yeayyy i can hold the present box! Hu En is my bestfriend i should be holding the present!

And what my husband said to all these- "They are just 7, camana kalau 10 nanti??? Kalau 17 pulak howwwwwww??? Kih kih- In sha Allah they'll  be okay papa- we bimbing,doa, tunjuk contoh yang baik just like our parents buat kat kita:):) 

Have fun kat school dearies!

Balik dari school makan rendang mama dah buat malam tadi tau!

Taaaa Taaa- those yang minat nak beli carpet from Tun's Rug and deco pls call her at 019 2862680.

Bye Mommies- Hope all of us have fun during this school holiday- how i wish kan cuti2 malaysia sebulan!



  1. Salam mamatiamia..

    So sweet...dua2 comel.
    Anak2 membesar memang tak rasa...tup2 dah besar dari kita.

    Alhamdulillah..semoga anak2 kita menjadi anak solehah dan berjaya di dunia dan di shaa Allah.

  2. Kak, i have twins jugak so i know what u deal with. Berebut barang jugak selalunya. even berebut siapa dpt duduk sebelah umi kalau keluar makan...adoiii, pening!

    Bab beli baju masa diorg kecik2 best sbb kita boleh pilih apa kita suka. But now at 9 diorg nak pilih sendiri. selalu x puas ati dgn apa kita pilih...huhuhu

  3. Mia & Tia.. dua2 pun chomel <3
    Bab merajuk2 tu memang biasalah kak, takyah kembar yg anak aida sorang laki sorang perempuan pun lebih kurang gak.. heheheh expecially kalaau masuk kete, berebut2 nak dok tengah sebb nak kene aircon. uuhuuu.. jenuh jugak kak.. :)

  4. kann...baru 7, nnt teens macam mana la. sweet pulak tengok dorang gaduh2 merajuk macam tu, baru lah happening yer tak heheheh. mine ni umur baru 6mths old dah pandai nak berebut dengan kakaknya.

    Both tia mia look great :)

  5. Awhh Tia and Mia are so cute ! and I get it ,why they wanted the silver one ..sebab ada love2 !! lol

  6. dedua nampak comel.. me also cant stand pink all the way to my baby..

    sekali sekala nak gaks warna lain kans..

    rendang tu nampak sedap

  7. akak..
    I bought the same polka dot dress for my daughter!..geram kan tgk semua dress kat h&m cantik2 & affordable

  8. Zue,
    My twin going to be 18. Now sitting their SPM. Dah takde masalah nak berebut dah. Infact sorang in science stream sorang doing vocational. Geng pun dah lain2 since they are at menengah atas. so no worries

  9. kite suka yg polka dot jugak kak zue hehe ...

    have a nice weekend ~~
    tak sbr tggu post kak zu mggu depan

  10. Salam Kak Zu,

    Seronok baca citer akak.. Saya ada seorang anak lelaki so takde lah adegan berebut or baju pink.. Hehehehe..

    Tak sabar tunggu entry akak akan datang.. Okay, take care Kak Zu..

  11. i told my 7 yr old...being a girl is not about pink and she replied then about frozen is ok sbb takde pink:-!
