Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Magic Eye Tumbling In The Sky.

This week a lit bit of rajin- sebab tu ada new update:)

Hari tu buat test kat fb 'which nationality suits you?"-  i pilih white for my favourite colour,saturday for my favourite day &  i cooked breakfast everyday..terus dapat Japan..kih kih..sebab orang Jepun suka masak breakfast everyday kot:)

Last week Mia wrote this 'deep poem"- berseni jugak budak ni- when i asked her she said' the magic eye is the ball, she played the ball by throwing it into the air with the neighbour's daughter, the ball hit their heads- she said she will not let it happen again"- Mia loves art- she always berseni:)

Last week i took a day off on Friday- kesian the girls,boring tahap gaban kat rumah- long school holiday definitely not so nice untuk budak2 kecik- good news is they enjoy being at school- that's a good thing- So cuti I bawaklah pi tengok movie kat TGV- this time "Frozen Sing a Long"- dah tengok lebih sepuluh kali pun masih hot Frozen ni:)

We watched early morning show at 11.45 a.m- while waiting for the movie to start i belanja them macaroons with snow flakes motive on it- just to get the feel.

We booked twin seat- besar tapi sakit lah belakang mama duduk tengah2 tu- kena lean ke kiri ke kanan to the girls:)

One Picture in the Dark :) First time for me watching Frozen- so kenalah sabar mendengar what is next from the girls- no thrill at all- semua dah tahu dengar dua pencerita dalam gelap tu- but we had fun:)

After movie i took them to eat their favourite Yong Tow Foo soup at Food Republic OU. Mia suka ladies finger:) Mesti ambik kalau we makan sini:)

Balik dinner i cooked simple dishes but membuka my selera- goring ikan jenahak masin then buatkan sambal hijau- i just tumbuk cili hijau besar ,bawang putih and merah,goreng tambah garam- kena nasik panas truly sedap.

Perfect match for ikan masin and sup bayam merah.

And sambal ayam bersantan:) Macam buat sambal ayam biasa cuma tambah sedikit santan- lemak pedas berkrim- sedap.

Morning buat breakfast- tu lah sebabnya dapat nationality orang jepun- kih kih- rajin masak jepun ni:) One of our favourite drink is Strawberry tea;)

I made campak2 toast- brush some butter inside your baking dish- lay the bread- spread leftover bolognese sauce on the bread- some butter and break one egg on each bread.

Bake until the bread turns crispy and the egg harden a bit. Yummy if you are an egg lover.

Dah makan telur lets burn our calorie- Driving range near our house is the best port.

Swing it girls.

They are quite good at hitting- can hit 200 balls easily but they are lack of discipline- byk gangguan- nampak org buat itu tegur- ketawa banyak- kejap berhenti minum- kejap bukak gloves- boleh lah ada basic dan untuk exercise.

This is Mr Olaf and his daughters Elsa and Anna- he he..demam Frozen lah balikj-Mr Olaf took us to Nasi Arab Ta'if on that day- TQ Mr.

Me and Mr Olaf love humus very much- cantikkan presentation Humus kat sini- RM5 only but berzaman jugak menunggu nak keluarnya.

And i love Yoghurt salad- nyaman jer makan dengan Mandy Rice- sebab berjam menunggu org arab ni prepare Mandy Rice- sampai jer terus makan tak sempat snap picture.

In the evening i buat Pengat keledek dan pisang for Uwan. One of her favourite ni.

Yesterday was a busy day for me- meeting at few places- balik anak2 pulak- Mama2 I am hungry! So letak chicken wings under the running tap- campur "Rosemary Chicken Mix dari Mc Cormick' campak dalam Magic Pan, bubuh Olive Oil sikit:) Kejap jer dah masak- 

Tak bercakap yang dua org tu makan..sedap lah agaknya- berbaloi penat pun membuatnya- my sister kata dia tak berapa suka magic pan sebab ayam tak crispy- nak garing tips dia- masak dalam keadaan tertutup dulu- bila buka tengok dah masak dan berair lagi- buka tudung magic pan dan biarkan air kering dan flips the chicken until crispy sikit.

Today i took the girls to my Bangsar Office- they been asking nak ikut me pi office- tahu lah budak2 cuti sekolah ni thrill dapat pi office mak bapak:) Kena duduk dalam bilik sembahyang sepanjang sepanjang masa sesekali keluar check itu ini:)

Bawak them breakfast kat cafe office- thrill lah dia org sebab ni first time datang office Bangsar selalu office di Bandar Utama saja.

Ni Bee hun sup Utara Jalan bangsar yang popular dulu-sekarang Mat Misai Sup Utara ni berniaga di Cafe sini- sini yg bestnyer boleh ambik cili jeruk, cili api or cili tumbuk walau sebaldi pun:)

One picture before we left the office.

Lunch was at Old Cafe Asia BU- Sang Har noodles- their favourite- setengah hari lagi duduk office Bandar Utama- Office sini suruh they all really senyap sebab satellite office di Penth House satu floor dengan Group Managing Director- since tak boleh melompat dan bising- asyik tengok jam menunggu pukul 6.00 ajer nak balik- kih kih-but they learnt alot today- tahu jauh dan jam dari Bangsar nak balik our house- so now they know sebab apa mama sampai lambat- Belajar Organisation Structure a bit- pergi check pantry room etc.

Itu lah cerita seorang Wanita Jepun hari ni:)



  1. anak2 saya pun tengah gilakan frozen skarang..pagi petang malam pakai baju frozen, esok baju frozen lagi,,smpai habis x sempat berbasuh koleksi baju frozen hihihi

  2. Cerita makan- makan paling seronok...ikan jenahak goreng dan sambal hijau tu yg tak tahan...menceceh ayo lio nengok.

  3. all time favourite kot Frozen tu..

    comel both your angles tu..

  4. As Salam... haiii im new silent reader... best baca blog u.. masak2... interior design rumah u cantik suka sangat.. n now dpt tau u satu company ngan i ghopenye.. salam perkenalan zu.. :)

  5. I guess yang berseni tu mesti ikut mama kan :)

  6. senyum je baca ..
    hai kakak jepun hehe
    cantek n deep bahasa Mia .
    tulisan dia pun cantek .

    have a nice day ya kak ...

  7. Assalamualaikum..

    Sentiasa suka & seronok baca blog Kak Zu..Walau mcm mana sibuk tetap ada masa untuk masak best2.. I salute you sis ^_^
