Sunday, February 15, 2009


We have special Doa for our beloved Kak Ikin yang nak undergoing some procedurs kat Pantai Hospital nanti..we love you kak ikin..see Tia ia praying for you,she put on songkok and says 'Allah kobat " (Allah HuAkbar).

Tia Said " Kak Ikin don't worry you'll be are brave just like our ll be like a brand new after that can bake yummy choco cakes for us"

Mia said " kak ikin,kak doa for you too..don't be scared..hold my bam bam hand and you ll feel good ..i ll promise sayang you"

Our new house is now undergoing painting works..all handrails,doors,door frames are being painted white..hmmmm..hopefully both girls can behave as white is not easy to good ok girls.

The 2 engineers are checking the works done.." i think this gutter needs to be replaced..hmmm the stairs look big enough to play up and down,up and down..lets go and check the rest first..ok assistant come follow me"

Engineers taking rest...hmm we have a place to do barbeque..make sure you do it mama..we will help you..bring in the big table with bench so that we can dine here...

Engineers are tired..siap bawak bekal air..checking the laundry and wet kitchen area.."hmm not clean yet..can't really see the colour of the kitchen' s tiles..we think the butterfly and rabbit wall tiles at laundry area are nice...much nicer if you add small fountain there that we can mess it up while heni hang the clothes!"

"i like this batik dress kak ikin thank you..unfortuntely i can't sit like a lady..hmm i m an engineer right? its ok"

" Vrooomm..vroomm batik girl is here to rock the nak lalu"

Dinner for our kak lului(2nd cousin) and kak nur..asam pedas ikan pari,sayur manis lemak with potato,paru bercili and ayam masak lemak cili padi berserai.

Kak Nur and Mia..kaka nur baru balik office..singgah rumah kita.Nanti datang lagi yekkk..kita shuke...

This is kak lului or her full name is nurul atikah..from JB..we love her very nice to us..she is sweet and cute.

both girls sayang kak lului very much..semua benda nak buat dengan kak lului..pagi tu bila kak lului dah balik..both tercarik-carik...sedih..bila tak nak makan..mama said "kak lului said Tia pandai"..terus nak makan.
many things happenned this week..we hope for the best..semua berjalan lancar and may Allah Sbt bless us in whatever we are doing.
p/ cute thing..since Tia and Mia spent most of her time with uwan yang speaks N9's slang they can pick up one or two now..they can say ubek(ubat)..but the funniest was..yesterday Tia was trying to pull the sticker from the paper..she couldn't do it so she said "ishhh pek ni..(ishh tak dapek ni...) ..a complete sentence in N9 's slang..quite an achievement for a 20 months old baby!..ha...haaaaa...haaaaa..again darling "ishhhh pek ni".


  1. TQ Tia and Mia, maksu & family...for all ur support and love.Hihi...Tia...ur sweet smile with songkok..and Mia...ur 'cute' posing with batik dress plus with all doa..have made me stronger now....:)

    wahhh...cantikknya rumah maksuu...tangga colur putih sangat la..
    nanti tolong design umah kitorang plak la..

    hisssh...kemain lagi engineer2 konit ni...siap bawak botol air lagik...

    ishhhh pek ni...hahhaha...kelakar la.

  2. kerinting rambut budak cenonet 2 orghang nih!
    ikut sapa tak tau??

  3. ur hse looks so sweet even b4 its done ..he he!! bet it 'll be even more beautiful whn its done!! get well soon Kak Ikin !!!

  4. ish ish zu cantik nyerr suma putih and tangga kat luar tu aku bayangkan depan nyer terus ke pasir pantai yang bersih dan nyaman....wah so the mediteranean tu lum campur engkau punye bebunga liar....sukaaaa. taman aku dah ada bebunga liar rumput lalang cam kat kg dulu kih kih

  5. Salam Azu..
    Tia et Mia makin comel...suka tgk rambut diorang... dah pandai beraksi depan kamera.
    Rumah Azu tu kalau dah siap pas ti cantik nnti. Tak sabar pulak nak tunggu siap.
    Asam pedas tu tetap menjadi pujaan hati ku hehehe
    re; Dah Sofia lahir pun musim sejuk tu yg suka sgt dia time winter ni...esp. masa snow hari tu hari2 nak keluar main snow, last2 mama dia yg kena cold & flu + batuk2. Now dah ok, baru lega. Kisses to Tia et Mia.

    Niza et Sofia

  6. wpon lom masuk rumah lagi tp dh dpt bygkan camner cantiknya nanti...jelesnyer...kalu buat house warming jgn lupo jomput den yo..bule borak2 dongan uwan sekali...ahakss...

    2 org engineer cinonit jgn conteng2 tau...mmg susah nak jaga kaler putih nih...

    apokono la taleh komen kek ateh tuh..huhuhu

  7. suka tau entry nie..

    ului da anak dara...lebih besar dt maksu & wansu dia..
    blk umah xabes2 cerita tia mia wansu cumel&cerdik sgt..

    kak ikin we all will alwiz pray 4u..we all luv u..
    thax maksu masak sedap utk we all aritu..

  8. Luas betul rumah Kak Zu.. Kecik2 dah pandai ckp loghat negeri..hebat! .. hehe.. Sedap benor tengok menu2 tu..
