Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Letting Go the Kelana D Putera Condo

Our dining place at Kelana D Putera condo when were staying there.
Our first sofa and coffee table,the curtain was flown from Kuala Pilah and fixed by papa.
Mama papa is going to let go our condo in Kelana jaya,we have put up an advertisement and have few serious buyers looking into it. This Condo means a lot to us,papa took mama to see this condo when we were just friend,he bought the condo when his salary was stilled small.He sacrificed a lot for the condo,he didn't stay there after he bought it,not enough money to put grilles,cabinets and other things so he can't rent it out, he once told mama he ate maggie because of the condo..yeap RM1700 instalment per month is a lot for a young executive like papa at that time...sian papa.The condo was unoccupied for years after papa bought, when he took mama there,the condo was fulled with dirt and gloomy,when he asked whether mama like the condo,mama didn't reply because at that time mama didn't really serious about marrying papa,we hardly know each other and he started talking about married since day one,so mama thought 'teruk la mamat ni..ingat orang suka ke"..but papa was determined and that shaped our destiny.After we got married we stayed few months at apartment in Desa Pandan, we have small money and we prepared the condo for moving in, mama stilled remember, mama looked as far as kajang for cheap kitchen cabinet and we found one shop that can do for less than RM2K, we were so happy,we brought our small tv there and put up duvet on the main bedroom's floor,we slept on the floor because we couldn't wait to move in at that time,slowly after that we added few furnitures until the condos became so cosy and we had many compliments from friends.Alhamdulillah after a year staying there we had more rezki and then bought our present house in Seri Utama Kota Damansara.We thought that will be our final place, we used all money for renovation and cabinets until we have zero, the place is great and mama do not have a single complaint,then one fine day (after mama had a fight and merajuk with papa)with no money in hand, we bounced into advertisement in STAR news paper about this new launch semi D (our new house),papa took mama there and he booked the unit on the same day using his credit card.Mama was worried, we didn't have much money and we are paying for 3 houses now, once mama had urged papa to let go the new house as we don't really need it and most important we don't have enough money ,mama don't need big house as at that time there were 2 of us only.As usual papa is always determine,tak de duit pun determine, then you both surprised mama, you came right after HR department in mama's office announced that mama has passed mama's MBA,mama got sick terribly and went for check up and found out that the 2 of you had been sleeping in mama's tummy for 7 weeks was a very very BIG SURPRISE and things changed tremendously after that. ALHAMDULILLAH..our family grown in a split second,starting with mama and papa only,we then have you both,2 maids (now only one) and our precious uwan, from 2 people in the house we have 7 then 6 people in the house. Insyallah we will be moving to our new house once its fully completed.It will be a mixed feeling of happy and sad,the later is more as mama sayang the present house so much,all love,sweet memories,precious moments were and are still cherish in this house,whenever mama was away, upon reaching home and seeing the house mama felt so glad and happy, we have wonderful neighbours that every puasa our table will be fulled with foods, mama likes every corner of the house,the kitchen cabinet will always be the best cabinet in the world, our small verandah will always be the cosiest spot on earth and our bedroom is the peaceful and serene abode for both of you.How to leave the home sweet to leave the place where its welcome you on your first day you got back from will be a sad separation..mama prays that the new house will give us all the loves.
To our Condo in kelana D Putera may you find a good owner that will find love and serenity in you.


  1. a home built with love, fond memories. sure sad to let go. life is a journey, always moving to a better place. sure tia mia wil lov their new home. we lov to have 1 like that too :)

  2. Alamak.. tersedih pulak.. :-(
    memang susah kiter nak let go suatu bende yang kita sayang...
    tapi insyaAllah the love inside u all will continuously grow in your new place.. yang lama tu kita ingat sebagai kenangan terindah :-)
    ok tia mia.. i'm sure you both will be the happiest children on earth at your new crib! jgn lupa letak gambar bedroom derang ye azu :-)

  3. You have a very lovely condo. I'm so with the curtains.

    Deirdre G

  4. Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

    - Daniel

  5. Sedih baca kisah Kak Zu... Kondo tu mengingatkan akak dgn banyak kenangan..

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