Today 24.06.09,1st of Rejab our Tia Khadeja and Mia Ayesha are 2 years old,syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah Sbt,mama puasa today.2 years ago at Damanasara Specialist Hospital,Damansara on Sunday Morning at 8.00 am with the best team of Dr Guna (Gynea),Dr Musa (Paeditrician) and Dr Helmy (Anaesthatis) mama was pushed to the Operation Theatre to be prepared for Epidural Procedure.Your were prematured babies, came out at 7 months plus as both had complication in mama's womb that can be very dangerous.During the normal check up Dr Guna found out that Tia has taken all nutritions from Mia and Mia has stopped growing and Dr Guna couldn't wait anymore,mama was admitted immediately,however the ceaserean couldn't be performed immediately as mama's BP has gone up to the dangerous level in a sudden due to the complication and stress and it has to go down before mama can be operated.Dr Guna monitored mama days and nites even from his home as if problem arises mama got to be operated even middle of the nite,after 3 days when mama's BP was stabled that historic Sunday 24.06.09 mama was wheeled to the OT. Mama used to be the most penakut person on earth when it comes to hospital,ambik darah pun boleh pengsan,just imagine the feeling at that time,mama had opted for Epidural,waist down jer bius.Epidural was a very scarry procedure,more sacrry than the ceaser itself,nurses wheeled mama to the OT mama sat in a very cold room and they give mama one pillow to hug as mama needs to bend down on the table,Dr Helmy asked mama to baca bismillah and doa and using a really big needle he pressed it in between the spine,it was not painfull but the pressure of the needle when press into you back was really really great,it was like you being hit by a train at you back and it didn't stop for at least 10 minutes.After that they asked mama to lie down and asked whether mama has started to feel the numbness from waist down, yes after few minutes mama didn't feel anything from waist down even they prick mama's heel with needle,then papa was asked to come in and Dr Guna,Dr Musa came to the room,papa held mama's head and hand and Dr Guna greeted mama and said he will start the procedure.Mama was awake the whole procedure and can hear the clink clank sound of the knife etc but mama didn't feel anything at all.The only indication that they are doing something is you feel that your body bergoyang to the left and right and suddenly within 5 mins mama heard "waaaaa''..Tia came out she was bundled in a napkin showed to mama and given to papa for azan, mama was really busy asking papa "is she ok,is she alright"..papa said " she beautiful,she ok,all complete"..3 mins after that at 8.45am another "uwaaaa" mia came out,mia was really small just 1.7 kg while Tia was 2.1kg ,both were rushed by Dr Musa to the special unit.Dr Guna closed mama's tummy within 15 mins, when everybody left the room so that the nurses can prepare and transfer mama to the strecther mama felf a very great pain in the chest as cautioned by Dr Guna there will be some wind trapped inside but not going to be as bad as if you go for General Aneasthatic(GA),mama thought mama had a heart attack and going to die,mama was so worried thinking about you both, in the end we made it,mama syukur so much as mama didn't feel the pain at all,the next day mama can bangun sendiri without any help,can take shower and can even use the hairdryer..the Dr said mama is very strong but thank you to the morphine that stucked to mama's back for 4 days..sebab to tak sakit langsung but that morphine was so expensive, four days supply can take two adults going holiday in London! We had to stay in the hospital for 10 days because mia tak boleh balik until she achieves at least 1.9 kg,mama papa stayed at hospital as lodgers because mama was discharged after 4 days, so we sewa the room only no more medication,after 10 days mia kena tinggal sana lagi and mama had to take Tia back sebab mama dah sakit belakang tidur katil sad leaving mia behind mama cried everytime mama thinks of her.Dr Guna,Musa,Helmy had done a very good job,no sacr or pain at all and recover in no time..itulah kelebihan yang Allah sbt bagi agaknya after mama dah sakit teruk selama 5 bulan carrying you both. Now Dr Musa dah pun Dtuk dah popular after sambut baby TengKu Nazrin and Tengku Zara,sama jugak dengan Dr Guna semua orang nak guna dia,Erra Fazira,both they really nice masa Tia and Mia sakit kena dangerous virus admitted to hospital Dr Musa came immediately walaupun masa dia tak bertugas,mama boleh call handphone dia anytime.After that banyak lah yang manis and yang pahit,Tia kena colic everynite nangis,problem bila ada 2 maid etc..apa pun kita dah slamat melalui 2 tahun yang penuh mama and papa macam dah ada 2 anak yang besar,rindu you all masa kecik yang chubby,yang bulat the smell etc.Nothing else that mama can say just SYUKUR,SYUKUR YA ALLAH. No celebration today,we jsut have small makan tonite as we gonna cut cake this coming Saturday at our club,kak ikin going to bake the cake.We syukur pada Allah today sayang and we thank everbody for all the support.Amin.

Dulu macam ni lah..both tidur dalam cot tak der lagi this view kat rumah.

mama was admitted during the 3rd month pregnancy,mama had a very bad headache and severe vomitting..hilang air kena masuk air kat hospital.

masuk 6 bulan dah ok..suka la melawa masa ni..asyik beli baju kat laura ashley,Zara, semua cakap memang mama anak perempuan.

sempat papa tunaikan hajat mama duduk kat VVIP room walaupun 2 hari masa kena operate breast pulak due to stale least mama dah duduk bilik yang tengku ZARA duduk masa deliver anak dia..heh,heh..

This is the VVIP living room.

mama while waiting for BP to be ok...

4.00 am in the morning on 26.06.07..dah tak boleh tidur..

When you were 2 months..

Seronoknya tangan penuh babies..

The two mulat2..masa ni seronoknya cium2...

Mata has round eyes...

Tia pun sama..

Ni baru berapa minutes jer keluar..Tia lah ni..

Mia was small and pale..sian betul anak mama

1 month at home...

Tia 2 bulan dah bulat..tengok poyot tu

Mia 2 bulan yang tiut miut...

mama dengan maid kita yang banyak perangai,menipu etc..dia ni suka melawa lagi dari mama..masa ni kita ada 2 maid ,this ani and heni...after mama found out her behaviour..masa tu you all dah 8 bulan..mama berhentikan dia 24 hours..until now our maid heni jer la

bolattt nyer tia....

Mia si tiut 4 months

geramnyer masa 4 bulan ni..bulat2 jer semua tangan kaki,muka...

then dah 1 tahun..last year sambaut birthday at the club,this year pun sama jugak la...

kat dalam bilik air club pun sibuk ambik gambar ni..

1 year plus..masa sambut Father's day last year..happy betul papa

both love Mc D....

Tia loves to dress up...

Mia loves to eat....

The cheeky Tia...

both were really comel at 6 months..

suka pergi playroom Mc d...

Mama's Tia...

Mama's Mia....

Today anak mama Jujidah dah besar..dah 2 tahun dah pergi Shichida pun..
Happy Birthday to Tia and Mia.
ReplyDeleteKejap je dah 2 taun. Alhamdulillah...
U all la buah hati pengarang jantung semua orang termasuk Kak Ikin
Semoga bila besar nanti, bila Tia ngan Mia baca entry mama ni, u all dapat bayangkan pengorbanan seorang ibu untuk anak2. So, jangan nakal2...sentiasa comel...and jadi anak2 yang solehah tau.
kak ikin sayang u all berdua...mmuah...mmuah...
**maksu ,teringat la masa maksu masuk hospital ...macam2 drama. Tapi tu la yang kita ingat sampai sekarang...itu la yang kita boleh cerita kat budak2 tenit ni bila dah tak tenit lagi...
askum mama jujidah...
ReplyDeletesori la sgt2 psl lama tak masuk sini...
ummi pica tgh tak tentu arah skrg ni psl itu ini begitu begini..poning palo sumer under control lg...psl taleh nak lepas kat mana pon ..hehehe..mesti pikul jugak...
dah baca dah entry psl tips bg bebudak ni makan ni...berguna gak nanti tuh...thx sesangat sudi buat special entry menjawab soklan kita..hahahha...
dan suka la jugak kat entry khas utk papa tia mia tuh....shomel2 mmg tembam nembam tia mia...heee...bahagia jer nengok papa tido sebelah tia mia...papa jgn tido tak hengat yer smp himpit tia/mia ok...keh keh keh...skrg masih tido sama tia/mia ke?
dan paling2 suka mesti la entry terbaru ni...mmg seronok tgk pic anak2 dari kecit ke besar ni...xsangka dari macam2 dugaan ms nk lahir tp skrg alhamdulillah selamat sihat membesar dan makin lasak pulak yer...hehehehe...takper tia mia...mama & papanya suka tau uols nakal2 skit...baru meriah rumah..hehhe..
azu...xsangka rupanya tia/mia lahir prematured...bila baca kisah ni tingat gak ms perut kita kene zass 5 bulan yg lalu...sama jg mcm kat entry ni...
tergelak nengok pic no 3 tuh...amboi2 mak buyong melaram tak hingat yo..hahaha...dan alangkah bestnya kalu kita pon bole jd mcm dlm pic no 9 tuh...
ok la..panjang lebar lak dh...HEPI BDAY TIA & MIA....bye
Tuanku Zara mesti murka engkau dah lanyak2 katil dia.. he he Happy birthday Tia and Mia. Untie Nerry was very surprised when tau TiaMia inside mama. Masa tu untie Nerry dalam pantang 12 days tapi kat Curve tengah cuci rambut kat salon. When receive sms from mama terus call sbb nak type sms cam lambat, tak sabar nak share the happines....suka sumanya jadi happy ending.....mcam cerita puteri2 comel zaman dulu
ReplyDeletenerry memang aku ingat lagi masa tu..aku sms kau sebab aku ingat kau kat rumah dalam pantang nanti tak tau pulak,rupanya kat curve cuci rambut baru 12 hari bersalin,tensen lah macam2..hehh..hehh..nasib baik ko sekarang happy ending kan.
maksu masih ingat semuanya,ikin datang haospital maksu tak de kat katil..haaa..hahhh..BP den naik stress la apa la,macam2..apa pun terima kasih banyak2 abah ikin support maksu alot..hope tia mia jadi anak2 baik and sayang kat semua orang yang sayang dia.
happy birthday tia mia. your birth was memorable and though challenging sure it was worthwhile to everyone in your family cos both of u give lots of joy to ur mama, papa, uwan, and cousins, including us who enjoy following your stories. To look at cute innocent baby photos always blissful. No longer baby chubby but still maintain adorable :) Soon both of you will tell sweet stories just like your mama. Enjoy being the terrific twos :)
ReplyDeletehi ann,thanks for for sweet and kind words,it likes we have known you for long,so nice to have a friend and feel good about her even we never see face to face before.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, seronok sangat bila baca apa yang mama tulis tentang TiaMia.. tak sangka u both are prem babies..tapi tengok now.. alhamdulillah.. dua-duanya sihat dan comel2 pulak tu..
ReplyDeleteTia Mia, auntie wants to wish u both a very happy 2nd birthday. Semoga both of u membesar menjadi anak2 yang baik budi pekerti, dengar cakap papa mama, sentiasa menghiburkan hati papa mama, sihat tubuh badan, terang hati dan bijak ok! Sentiasa ingat pengorbanan both of ur parents k!
ps: Azu ada keturunan kembar ke? camne ek nak dapatkan anak kembar? :D
re: ya lah.. it always a memorable and happy times seeing all of irfan's progress.. esp this 2 years after i quit my job and doing photography full times i have much times to spend with him.. For this.. i feel really thankful :-)
happy birtday gurls..
ReplyDeletemcm mimpi jer buah hati pn zuraidah & en azam da makin besar..
gadis2 tenit yg sweet agi disyagi ramai..
k.nur & maklong doakan di bln rejab ini agar kalian menjadi anak yg solehah & cemerlang ilmu akhirat&dunia..
yg paling penting jgn pernah melupakan cinta suci mama & papa yg tiada tandingan didunia ini..
happy birthday babes!!
ReplyDeletewow..nice story touchy too.. must have been such challenging years for both papa and mama...and now to see them growing up day by day... may U all hv the sweetest years together and forever more...
So sweet.. entry yang paling best...
ReplyDeleteSatu jer Lynn respect .. Perut masa ngandung dieorang nie punyalah beso.. dah tu bila dah keluar maintain jer macam anak dara.. Fuuhh.. Lynn dulu kembang sana sini.. hehehe..
Teringin betul nak dapat twin.. Kak Zu dulu pregnant naturally ke? or buat IUI or makan pil..& etc
Syukur sangat kan bila Kak Zu dikurniakan bayi kembar yg comel.. Banyak dugaan rupa2nya masa mengandungkan mereka. Entri terbaik dan suka sangat melihat gambar baby yg comel dan cute...
ReplyDeleteSetiap hari Nur akan go through entry Kak Zu yang lama2.. Bertuah Tia dan Mia sebab dapat parents yg sangat penyayang...