Since having the 2 girls,uwan and maid at home.. banyak benda yang mama kena fikir..things to settle before going to office,items to buy during lunch time,things to pick up before going back.Mama lunch's time is no longer selit2 nak shopping at ZARA,MS etc but a must stop at either Jusco supermarket or Cold storage to pick up fish blocks,veges,your M&M,kueh for uwan,diapers,formula etc.Because of this mama got selected friends as "lunch buddies" as only these few girls understand the "compulsory" stop and mama non stop craving for pastas since carrying you and now after 2 years still crazy for Olio Spaghetti.Going back in the evening is a wonderful experience watching you and sometimes uwan waiting for mama,jumping,singing and watching sharply at the shopping bag mama carrying. Like yesterday mama bought sweet corn for you durian for uwan, we sat in front of Tv and mama asked Tia whether she wants to watch "Mr Bean's Holiday" again,Tia said " Abean,abean somemore" but Mia protested and asked for "HullaBullo pung pung pung" fun watching you both, two little people yang dah pandai demand,marah,merajuk buat trick etc.The most meaningful one of course bila mama hilang sabar dan marah,bab bab your hand both will quickly come and put your heads on mama and say "sayang,sayang" and sometimes bila mama tak lembut lagi Tia will say "soyi mama (sorry mama)..that is so sweet.After sometimes picking up,buying things,running here and there is no longer chores to mama they are all pleasures.

These are what mama had for lunch today,fresh fruit,Hoagies Tuna sandwich,potata salad and sedap the sandwich,once dah cuba tak boleh stop.

Mama so tamak bila sampai kat gerai cut fruits tu..nenas nak,nangka nak,rambutan nak..kalau tak malu,semua pun nak nampak fresh semua..

This is the delicious Hoagies,originated by Vietnemese yang migrated to Canada,the story goes..since the fresh bread is expensive in Canada and vietnamese people cannot afford it they came up with their own bread which turned out to be a hit.Yeap the bread is so nice,they are light and crunchy, the shop is not kedekut with the filling..lots and lots of veges..if you do not like parsley this is not your kind of sandwich.

Give Hoagies a ll love it..this is what mama currently crazy to Olio pasta and Ceaser salad..and the list can go like "gulai telur itik asam belimbing" asam pedas ikan terubuk,tempe goreng tempoyak,nasik daun pisang,steamboat international mama punya tekak kan..

The potato salad is nice too..for the set you can choose either potato salad or fruit salad and lemonade or soya bean

Mexican buns for 2 budak nakal...

Nyonya kueh for uwan...

mama washed the grapes mama bought for you in the office so that bila mama balik dah boleh grab and yumm..yummm

Ni lah dua orang budak poyut muncit yang dah pandai nak tengok Mr Bean,Cook like a Chef gambar lama masa datang office mama not so muncit..rambut pun dah panjang banyak..

Since watching Mr bean with mama and papa that nite Tia has started to get hook with Mr Bean..Abean,Abean she said..

Since watching Mr bean's Holiday..yang scene mostly in France and cannes..mama dah nostalgia kenangan kat cannes..the lovely and romantic Cannes..bila lah nak pergi lagi ni...

Even the bus station is beautiful in cannes..

Cannes/Nice have wonderful banana crepe..they are yummylicious..

masa bujang2 dulu pergi ..tak pernah nak beli hiasan bila tengok gambar2 lama menyesal besar..

Old days mama used to travel like twice a year to cannes..didn't shop much especially barang2 hiasan..yelah duit pun bukan sebanyak mana..allowance office jer.

Mama is so crazy about provence things now and cannot get this items in malaysia..kena lah beli online lah,mintak tolong kawan lah..looking at this old picture mama regret it very much..dulu asyik lalu lalang kat kedai provence ni..tak pernah masuk and of the reason they are expensive.. if sekarang mama ada kat kedai ni harus balik kena"overbaggage"..
Sungguh untung your mom Azu, bila u balik keja beli macam2 untuk dia.. hati seorang ibu mesti tak terkata betapa bersyukur dia melihat kejayaan seorang anaknya kan. Tia mia too both so lucky to have u as a mom.. hari2 mama balik bawak buah tangan yer... u pernah tak beli lain2 barang azu? ke kena beli sama untuk both? kalau lain derang berebut tak ek? Opis u pun dekat ngan Ou kan.. lagi lah best tak terkatanya.. kalau kurang iman sket i rasa mau tiap2 hari pergi sedekah duit kat situ kan.. ekekke..
ReplyDeletere: Azu even u're not a staying at home mom like me tapi u pun beruntung.. opis dekat je dengan rumah.. sampai rumah matahari masih ada.. hari masih terang boleh dapat main2 lagi dengan anak2.. and weekends u full with lovely activities with the girls. sometimes its not about the quantity, but its all about the quality times that u've spend together kan.. :-)
ReplyDeleteTia&MIa suka Mr Bean ye.. memnag dah pandai demand by their age now.
Ahaa.. u dah sampai Cannes mcm tempat Mr Bean tu kan? :P
Lepas ni kalau tersesat sampai sana lagi, mau 1 kapal terbang penuh brg u! ;)
Eizan hari2 minta tengok dvd Bee Movie & Mamma Mia. hehee.. Mcm org tua tgk Mamma Mia.. Siap dancing lg..
Kiss kiss to the twin!
Hoagies looks good. Where can i find? if me in kl nak jugak rasa.
ReplyDeletei like banana crepe.
mestilah sayang mama, cos mama selalu ingat tia mia, uwan walaupun kat ofis.
i believe you have volunteered to storytell at tiamia's kindy. an involved parent will always make a difference. our children will be so happy if we take part in their school activities.
they'll be happy to show their friends their wonderful parent and for tia mia, it's their mama the talented storyteller :D
hi ann,so far i only know one outlet that sell hoagies which One Utama,LG,old wing in Bandar Utama,which is next to my office,if you are in Kl and coming down to One Utama area just give me a buzz:)yeap..banana crepe,crepe suzette so nice kan:)
ReplyDeletekesian yasmin kan..mudah mudahan Tuhan selamatkan dia..
ReplyDeletewoo..tia suko mr. bean yo..give me 5..same2 here..hanya oghang yg ado brilliant sense of humour yo yg boleh appreciate mr. bean..confirmed tia dah developed her sense of humour...
sedap la nampak hoagies tu nanti nak lari pi beli masa lunch... selamat menjadik surirumah tangga waaaa mesti best takyah berlari2 makeup pepagi, drive laju2 bila dah lambat sampai nak langgar guard sri pentas then bila masuk lif dgn org dok jauh, bagi reason sama jam.. padahal rumah sekangkang kera, tak payah tengok muka boss, tak payah jawap telefon... nak cutiiii jugakkkk
ReplyDeleteAmboi... 2 lit pple tu boleh kawan dgn Azeef yg juga byk demand...hahha. Tapi Gif I garang la.. mcm kak zue's twin, queen control. Gif saya King control in the house.. haha. Sedap tu sandwich.. love eating it. Tapi Gee plak suka Orbeams. Even Express yg depan gloria jeans kat kpmg tu pun best tau.. chicken sandwich dia..ermm, last week sanggup tu stop jap beli. hehe.
ReplyDeleteRe: Mama Yong, jln kajai? eh,mcm pernah dgr dulu ur boss & suridah cakap dpn I.Nowdays semua pun costly. Probably cost of living dah started naik balik.Tp k Zue,if anything for the childrn klau expensive but the return is good, why not kan kak zue..Kita anggap mcm investment, returnnya lama.. :->