Sunday, October 11, 2009

Good Makan2 With Good People

Sunday we had good makan,small group of people about 40 turned up. Happy to see people eat your own cooking,all penat lelah berbaloi,it was no "David Tutera party" but nice gathering with people we know and like.Since mama cooked alone with no help except heni,mama planned food yang tak meletihkan to cook,here mama would like to share few tips: if you are cooking for group of people around 50 and you are alone without any help, avoid cooking food that preparation cannot be made the nite before like,nasik type,mee goreng etc,those you need to cook near eating time.Mama cooked nasik impit with lodeh and sambal,spaghetti bolognese,tomyam and homemade lemonade. Nasik impit can be cooked the nite before,all ingredient for tomyam and kuah lodeh can be shared,chop all the veges and keep in the fridge,chop your onion,your chicken etc and keep allso in a fridge,mama cooked around 8 in the morning alone with 2 naughty and super active girls,papa went office as he had to finish his paper, by 10.30am mama finished all the cooking and guess will only come around 3pm, mama had ample of time.Prepare all other items that your need the nite before too,like putting cookies in jars,spoons and forks in basket,plate and cup in its place,serviette in its stand.After you have finished cooking you can cut the cake, have sometimes for yourself,bathe your kids,feed them so that they wont be hungry.It was a good day yesterday and mama hopes all the guess feel the same too.

Sunday morning.

The table was only used after 5pm as it was hot before that.It was a simple setting,mama went to our new house at monterez on Saturday,our neighbour in the bungalow called party planner for their open house,they have mobile toilet placed outside the gate!..big screen,lights hanging from the trees and their white tents was placed near the golf course amidst the greenery.Really impressive!

Ni tetamu kecik..bangun jer pagi tu dah seronok.

Tia happynyerr..ketawa hilang mata lagi..

All 3 of them were summoned to have breakfast at the kitchen that morning so that they wont make a mess at the dining table..hahh..haaa..uwan was overnite at maklang place,belum balik lagi.

The 3 Companies really makan pasta banyak..mama so semua tukang test food pasta dah approve to go.

Mia and Tia love the pasta very much..mama used to add pepper to the pasta now with the 2 around tak boleh la..

nasik impit dah readyyy..

semua jenis periuk pun keluar..asal boleh guna..nanti new house new pots lerr:)

The super hot and spicy tomyamm..

After mama took tomyam's foto..semua gambar pun ada kabus punya effect kat tepi due to camera kena steam tomyam.

See the kabus effect..kak ikin with masrina,anak sedara wan nor mama punya housemate yang supposed to come..but kelakarnya,ada miscommunication,mama thought she's coming down from Kedah yesterday but she's coming next week..tak pe lah ada rezki jumpa was really nice meeting up with masrina yesterday,she got twin sons.

The cookies..

The plain butter cake is nice,mama bought from bakery yang mama suka..they are homemade..moist and yummy.
The tiny guess with big cute this girl.

Kak Nor and family..thank you for coming kak nor.

Tuan rumah/tukang masak taking foto with masrina before she's going back..muka dah berkilat2 lah tukang2 ni.

Wah auntie narimah looks jelita lah in this foto..gambar ni kecik tak berapa jelas,behind is her husband yang complaint auntie narimah nak turn their brown house to white house,lady in blue dress and purple tudung is one of mama's good friend auntie sudarnee, another lady in blue is kak has,mama's senior and used to be housemate at desa pandan for a while,lady in orange is sham,mama's classmate at uni,very rich lady staying in a big bungalow at damansara height alone,travel regularlay to London just to buy her shoes,she operates her own legal firm.Another lady yang tak nampak in turqoise is siti hida from mama's company,banyak duit jugak this lady ohh.So all the people with banyak duit tengah duduk bersembang yang tak banyak duit macam mama snap2 foto but really happy they can make it,hopefully next raya we can have bigger space so that friends can have their own space to catch up and relax.

The two love birds kak ikin and abang din tak sabar nak pergi tengok rumah baru jugak tu..hias cantik2 yer nanti we all datang.

Ni anak auntie narimah Nina,sweet kan..having light moment with Mia yang nak pose sweet jugak tapi ada puting pulak.

dah petang..the anak daras,small and big duduk kat depan..

makan orange pulak rupanya..

Bila dah senja..the girls dah mandi..maklang makan nasik kat luar,suruh heni buat sambal gesek,goreng ikan masin pekasam,rebus kacang boncis ,goreng ikan bilis dengan cilibawang besar..ayoo semua anak daras berlari masuk ambik nasik sampai tak de gambar ni haaa..

The girls really nak berkawan dengan abang amir..siannya nyerr..duduk jauh2 sikit

hari dah malam..maklang and companies duduk kat luar lagi..uncle siap main lagu dangdut lah pulakk
Tetamu malam yang sangat di alu-alukan,yang kanan sekali anis baru balik dari kursus,tengah anak dara niza,kiri sekali office mate papa,cik siti kamesah baru turun dari cameron highlands,thank s for coming we really appreciate you all datang..and thanks so much for the tomatoes.

Ni satu lagi tetamu malam yang last sekali..anak sedara mama apit,ni wife dia Ara dengan daughter dia..dekat jer rumah kita orang tapi jarang jumpa..since apit is anak sedara mama,anak dia ni cucu mama la...wah mama dah jadi uwan la.

Pagi tadi goreng nasik walaupun heni masak nasik lembik malam tadi tapi mama creative kan la supaya jadi sedap..pas tu makan dengan fresh cherry tomato from cameron highlands,potong tomato tu gaul dengan garam sikit and perah lemon..wooo sangat sedap.

Breakfast pagi tadi masih makan macam2 lagi la...

papa snap gambar candid mama dengan seluar katok,so kenalah edit sikit2..uwan tengah makan lontong tu..maklong cakap lontong mama sedap..since maklong orang johor pakar buat lontong dapat pujian dari dia..banggooo mama..hehh..hehh
Thanks pada semua yang datang,banyak rezki di terima,duit raya,chocolate,kueh etc.. macam buat house warming pulak.
Note : Untuk gee di riyadh..wahh sambal sardin and pulut kuning tu sungguh mengancam,lawan towkay nampak dah ni..heh..hehh..nanti balik malaysia lah raya next year.


  1. makasih lerr tiamia walau auntie dah ikut jln ke mont terez tu hahh.. sedap2 sumanye sedap2. walau tukang masak dah longlai tetap maintain cun .. ha ha kelakar org sibuk nak balik tiamia pun sibuk nak alik nak alik lupa kat rumah sendiri he he

  2. nerry..tu la anak aku,sibuk la pulak dia nak alik,nak alik..tak sempat aku nak membelek muka dah..gasak lah ropa apa pun..nak maintain cantik kono catering haa..nina and adif,nanti auntie anto duit raya kat mommy yo.

  3. amboi best baca citer makan2...wpon bersilat ngan 2 budak comel tp boleh gak masak tomyam yg nmpk sungguh lazat...slurpppp..

    suka la kita tgk pic last tuh...bkn sbb suka nengok mama tia mia dengan suar katok hehehe tp best nengok makan kat luar..amik angin...rumah kita taleh buat cgini psl ado anjing sebelah suka memekak..dok dlm rumah sdr pon kene tutup pintu sll...

  4. idida, kalau makan sambal gesek bagi kat anjing tu sikit..diam la dio..ha,ha..maemang sakit jiwa anjing camtu kan.

  5. sedapnyer....tomyam tuh...
    ni yg buat adex ngidam nih...
    huhuuhuhu..mmg best r akak...suka masak memasak nih.....pehtu dpt mkn amik angin luar....adex pon xleh buat cenggitu...sbb umah ku flat jo...huhuhu

  6. Hi Mamatiamia, hheeh kita org pompuan ni suka berangan2 kan, Kalau I kan, tak sudah2 berangan tunggu orang bagi blank cek boleh?? I understand dok kat Kota Damansara tu sungguh condusive! Everything under the sun ada kat KD tu kan! I like that area too. I am sure the new house will bring you joy as what u have now. BUt anyways abt your veryyy cute open house tu, I tumpang seronok tengok gambar2 yang sungguh ceria itu! Terrer deko and terrer masak jugak. oh and I feel u when we have to cook ALONE for A LOT of people, careful thoughts of time management and preparations kan! Good job dear!

  7. gd u share tips on how to masak sendiri with gd planning, so tak kelam kabut. sesibuk memasak sempat jugak snap photos for us, so thoughful of u. preserve sweet memories specially for tia mia :)

  8. hi ann, i like taking and looking at old fotos,they bring back all the sweet memories.hopefully oneday i can post your foto here:)

  9. Thx Chek Zue...jempot 3 mosquitos ni hah...biasa la malam2 baru nk merayap...siang2 byk agenda, x lekat kt umah.

    Sonot kan buat mkn2, jempots kengkawans...Kak Anis slalu kata, nnt kita rezeki murah. So, maksud nyer tu...look forward le Chek Zue buat mkn2 kt umah baru lak...keh3.

  10. sama2 niza..hopefully ada rezki kita lagi untuk makan2..apa pun kita makan ketupat paleh dulu hari isnin ni no.
