It was a good encounter with nature yesterday. The girls really enjoyed their time with Pakcik,Kak ikin and makcik..where did we go?We went to Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam or also known as Taman Pertanian Malaysia, it used to be a very "cool" and nice place to be as they have the 4 seasons house where you can experience snow,spring..and also padi planting,fishing, spices garden etc..due to the poor management the place is not as grand as it used to be. Now the place is very basic with few animals but the nature is still there,to those who love to cycle,walk in a forest the place is still fine and to the girls, they enjoyed their time there especially with their "pashik",kak ikin and makcik.The place is not far from our new house,morning we stopped at Monterez,we had our breakfast there before proceeding to the Taman Pertanian.
This week mama would like to share few health tips : Saturday,after the Shichida class we went to Cold Storage Bandar Utama to do our groceries,there while we stopped at the meat section a " mat salleh" guy name Ronald said hello to us. We stopped and we had a chat, it was a good one,he is a nutrionist running a personal rejuvenation centre in Bandar Utama. It was quite a long chat, he really enjoy talking to us and tease you both but to sum up there are few good tips given to us :
1. Goat milk is much,much better than cow milk. It is the best source of calcium as it can penetrate direct into you cells.
2. If you like to drink soy milk,to get the maximum benefit you should heat up the milk and add few drops of apple cider or vinegar, it will help to break " the goodness" in the milk and it can go direct into your cells.
3. Try to substitute white rice or bread with brown rice or oatmeal bread as white rice/bread contained a high sugar level.
4. Few veges that can keep you young and fresh are : the star is water crest (eat raw, you can add in your salad), brocolli and celery.
5. If you can afford it try to buy good quality veges which are " pesticide safe" among the brand in the supermarket is " Lushious".Veges sprayed with high pesticide can really endanger your health in a short and long run.
Ronald is from Australia, he was in vietnam serving as an army before, he looks like in his 50s but he is already 63 years old with a muscle as hard as the brick ( he asked us to rasa his muscle..yeahh really keras girls!).After giving us a few tips on "Travelling in Perth" and saying few times of " you are gorgoeus girls.. and very very smart too..i can see it from the eyes"..we said goodbye.
Okay,enuf with tips,now lets see our pictures:

Morning breakfast at Monterez..semua ada, nasik dagang, curry noodles,nasik goreng,fried chicken..semua gemuk2 punya food..exception la yerterday because after that we can burn calories at the taman..excuse..excuse:)

The Trengganu nasik dagang..the curry is really nice..

Everytime datang sini the girls mesti nak tengok vcd teletubbies.

We then arrived at Taman Pertanian..hmm its big...

The girls nak masuk hutan pun sibuk bawak "Play Doh" dia orang..happy dua2..nak pegang dengan pashik aje.

Give chance to mama&papa first..snap,snap

Pakcik helping the girls turun tangga...

Kak ikin belanja us with the bus waiting for the big bus to take us tour around the taman..

We stopped to see Mr "Hallo..Phewitt" ni la..this guy can say many things like " mama guess he's a muslim..he..hee.., he can say Hallo, bye,bye,, phewittt..wahhh..kih,kihhh"..and many others..the girls suka sangat.

Tolong angkat kak ikin, Tia nak touch..

He is the star at the animal section..cakap macam2..pas tu bila orang nak balik buat muka sedihhh..siannya..

Mia excited tengok people cycling...

Sampai tak nak pergi tengok yang lain2..asyik nak tengok Mr "hallo..phewiit ni je...

Mia and kak ikin at rabbit section...

Both tak pernah tengok poccupines..sibuk cakap "thorny,thorny ..smelly.." yeap memang busuk sungguh lah landak ni semua..

Then pergi tengok horse pulak...

Hello Mr Horse..both were really excited...

Mama and Kak ikin relax lah kejap....

Then we stopped for susu..Tia nak manja dengan pashik dia...

After dah turun bas we jalan jauh jugak and the girls quite okay..boleh jalan jauh..

Ni budak Tia..dengan selipar "tuiut..tiut..tiut"..tak nak kena dokong..nak jalan sendiri jer..mama pun dah penat...

Finally we stopped here for chicken soup,tom yam,omellete and cempedak goreng..wahh sedap betulll..
Below are some pictures from Saturday's Walk.

Papa has a dream here..those are bungalow lots surrounding the lake..this is Rimba Riang Park in Kota Damansara, a 10 minutes drive from our present house.The land is pricey here...5 years ago was quite is expensive but papa is still holding to his dream..he said " one day"..its okay papa wherever we live as long as we have love we' ll be fine and happy..

This is our rock...

A man and a dream..
i wish i can have bby twin like yours.
ReplyDeleteSAlam MAmatiamia, DAh lama tak jenguk kat sini! Taman Pertanian tu, Bukit Cerakah ke? Ke I silap? Tapi memang seronok jenjalan dgn family, I really miss that!! TAke care!!
ReplyDeletekemain cinonet 2 orang ni.. ngan topi derang tuu... mesti terkedek2 jeee jalan2 tengok keliling tu eh.. so geramm auntie tau.. its good mama and your papa bring u here.. a good exposure to both of u.. esp bila u all boleh tengok all the animals just like a petting zoo.. is it correct Azu..? that one like petting zoo ke? leh pegang2 tak animal dia..? I read and heard too this bukit cerakah used to be a very beautiful place dulu kan.. ada that 4 musim tu.. tp sayang kan.. derang tak jaga.. should tell the management to improve la kan.. sure lagi ramai orang datang nanti kan..
ReplyDeleteanyhow, Auntie sure u two girls really enjoyed the time u spent together.. surrounded with lovely ppl around u.. that is the best moment ever in life!
Azu,dah besar eh your girls. How time flies so fast.Sofia mesti nak main with them kalau dah jumpa nanti, she is so kakak-kakak. Athira minta baby boy,I kata mama dah tak larat although teringin bila tengok babies.But seriously, am getting to old la.... Zubir dah tak larat, Azam ok lagi kot...hehheh
ReplyDeleteupa..wah pandainya athira mintak baby boy..hee..hee kena bagi tu..zubir pasai apa tak larat ha.haa..bukan dia kena carry..tapi i pun dah close shop ler.
ReplyDeletemamatiamia ni peramah, senang dapat kwn, lepas tu dpt bnyk ilmu lagi, dan kita pun dapat sama, yeh, tnks!
ReplyDeletetia mia best selalu go nature walks, tu yg best di sana maseh bnyk nature spots, disini concrete jungle :D
ann, i tak peramah macam masa tulis:)kat luar pemalu..he..hehh.. but somehow some strangers especially from different race like to talk to us:)malaysia banyak jungle lagi ann,harimau pun ada.