Sunday, January 10, 2010

Old lady cannot eat chocolate lahhh!!

Story 1

Uwan : bayanggg (panggilan over sayang to the girls) uwan nak cekelat sikit.
Tia/Mia : uwan old lady, orang tua cannot eat chocolate..orang tua boleh makan petai jer..uwan makan petai okay,okay.
Uwan : Yo laa..orang tua boleh makan potai yo laaa.

Story 2

Tia : mama sit down,kakak nak do tocang dekat mama hair..kakak nak do two tocang,mama sit down okay.
Mama: hmm Tia always pull mama's hair hard..sakitlah mama tak nak.
Tia: No..kakak do nicely okay,cantik cantik okay..sikit jer kakak do..cantik2 okay.

Story 3

Bedroom scene,angry mama decided not to talk to any of the "too much menyepah girls" mama sat with a long face,read magazine and pretended couldn't care less with what they were doing.

Mia to Tia : Apa sepah2 ni..cannot do this ,kemas2..kan ni nak raya,mana boleh sepah2..nak rumah kita buruk ke? tak malu ke? nanti pakcik datang..haaaa..rumah kita buruk..tak malu ke? kan nak raya ni..kena kemas2 lah mana boleh sepah2.

Note : hmm the 2 1/2 recalled every singles words that mama told them few months back about kemas rumah nak raya and cannot sepah2...hmm mama is speechless.

Story 4

Merajuk mama sang "biarlah aku pergi" and 'anak ku sazali'..the two girls had tears in their eyes,came and hugged mama "mama,kakak tak suka lagu tu..stop,mama,stop kakak/adik sayang mama,sorry mama..kakak nak manja mama..sikit jer..sikit jerr.

Story 5

Mama& Papa with the 2 1/2 in a car,
mama : ya allah bodoh betul kereta depan tu.
Tia : mama,cannot say bodoh,bad word,bad word mama..kakak cerdik kakak tak bodoh..kakak pandai..jangan cakap camtu.
mama : okay ,sorry darling,yes mama cannot say that..mama didn't mean it okay.

Two 2 1/2 can say and think about so many thinks pakcik said "their vocab is too much" it seems they memang too much dalam semua lah double joy and trouble:) apa pun mama&papa always sayang,lectures and bab bab is because sayang okay..okayyy.

New love..what is it?
Chocolate waffle at Centre every saturday after class they will run to the waffle kiosk.

Me ..comot and adorable kann..kannnn

Then they have fun laughing to each other saying "eeeeee Tia so comottttt".."eeeee adik lagi comottt..dirty".....rides to and from shichida always fulled with laughters and sometimes tears..but less tears..always giggling.Mama& papa will enjoy every moment of it..despite tired etc..we will not trade these moments with anything.

Sunday, we had lunch at Pizza of their favourite eating place..haaaa..haaa 2 1/2 already have favourite eating place, the man sat at the cashier,which we assumed as owner or at least manager always welcome us and tell his staff to get us bigger table that can seat 6 people..he..heee thank you..Mia loves their seafood olio pasta very the extend papa went and asked the manager whether the outlet is under franchise and any new branches to be opened.
dah kenyang we had fun at Toy r Rus..both were quite good..walaupun they love most of the soft toys there but when mama asked them to leave it as they are 'orang lain punya"..they obliged..and we went back with the two girls each carrying bucket of playdoh with baking accessories.
Fun,fun..jumpa macam2 character.

malam..kacau kain batik "old lady " pulak..memang suka pergi kacau bilik uwan..

Dua orang budak baju kaftan (their first kaftan,mama bought at kompleks PKNS) main2 dengan kak nur..kak nur came with mak long..mama cooked chicken curry,mushroom soup, fried sawi and omelette..hope sedap..mama was too tired to snap gambar banyak2 lah semalam..macam2 buat..nanti datang rumah lagi ye kak nur and thanks for the chocolate....haaaaa uwan jangan ambik chocolate kita..uwan makan petai jer lahhhhh.


  1. Wah...speechless la kak ikin baca
    Bijak2 betul
    Kak Ikin bukan old lady...kak ikin nak Chocolate waffle boleh tak. Dah leleh leleh la ni...

  2. Kelakarnya baca keletah Tia & Mia.. Uwan kena makan petai je ye.. hehee... Dah pandai bercakap ye both of them.. Banyak vocab dah tau... So sweet...

    Pas ni Mama sepah rumah, abislah kena bebel dgn Tia & Mia.. hehee..

    Eizan belum pandai ckp lagi.. masih pelat.. tp mmg kelakar bila dengar membebel...

  3. nanti bukak kaunter counselor and id kat cafe ehh he he ok aku bersemangat ni hah nak membolot harta pas nihh seperti yang ko sarankan kih kih kih

  4. hahaha kesian uwan. ahhh dah bijak budak dua orang ni kan, seronok tengok ;-)

  5. tia mia buli uwan yo...babab montot nanti...
    budak2 mmg cepat jer tangkap dan smpan dlm kepala dia...nanti lama skit dia akan ulang balik apa yg kita buat...kelakar kan kdg2...kita ni la yg kene hati2 bila bercakap kan...nak nak pulak tia mia yg tak roti dok ontok2...ahahha..

  6. cerdik nya tiamia, mcm mama dulu kcik2 ke..
    girls mmg selalu pandai cakap, my 2girls selalu kena label mcm maknenek.
    tia mia, kwn tia mia kat sini pun fevret choc waffle, selalu suruh beli bila go angsana :)

  7. hi ann..mamang girls uka cakap banyak agaknya..macam2 lah dia cakap..kadang2 terperanjat i dengar..wahh tia mia got choc waffle day we eat together okay:)

  8. nerry doa lah aku dapat duit selepuk haaa..boleh bukak cafe..macam2 counseling aku bagi nanti for now duit tadak counseling diri sendiri ye la and mana2 kawan2 yang sudi dengar aku suka bercerita ni.

  9. actually i find it really cute bile kids makan comot2 camtu. lagi2 if cam icecream and such =)

  10. they are brilliant la k.zu...seronoknya baca keletah dorang...sambil dok imagine eventho tak pernah jumpa..heee
    they say what we've said, they do what we've done...mmg kita(parents) role model depa :D
