Last nite at 9.45pm the girls snuggled up to mama,dah ngantuk,suddenly Tia stood up,climbed the sofa,look outside the window and said "mama,look star"..Mia quickly bangun and joined Tia,first mama wanted to ask them to come back to the bed at once but then mama think,seeing a twinkling star must be a big deal to them -MAGIC. Mama joined them, yes a very bright star twinkling in the sky,mama told both "wish upon a star"..just for fun, always see that in movies..sort of powerful and romantic.Papa sat next to mama and whispered " that's a satellite"..mama said "let it be,let them enjoy their twinkling star". Small thing can light up the whole family hearts.We sleep with ' Wish upon a Star" in our heart:)
Today mama bumped into one of ex practical trainee's blog,last time we had 4 girls from University Islam Antarabangsa, Law School in our department doing their practical. Mama kind of amaze when she said the biggest lesson that she learnt from mama is "believe in the power of love", mama never said that or taught her anything about love.The girl said she saw frame at mama's office with the line "Believe in Love" and she said she can feel the power by looking at all the photos in etc.If mama has inspired her to believe in love that is good,mama hopes she can manage "the power of love",whatever power that you have in this world you have got manage it well otherwise it will destroy you.
Last week maklong came to our house,maklong is kak nur's mum,wife arwah abang sulung mama dulu.Maklong loves arwah paklong very very much,of course arwah bukan perfect macam orang lain jugak.Banyak ups and downs dalam life dia orang but maklong always see her husband as number one, as the leader,as some she should always respect at whatever cost.Their love is so great to the extend when paklong passed away maklong's health starts to deteriorate,she lost her partner,lost half of her life...maklong bertongkat now,jalan pun tak berapa larat.At one hand mama really respect her as it is not easy to achieve that level but on the other hand mama wishes that she be stronger. Tak senang berpisah,hidup atau pun mati, the only different as uwan said " yang mati akan menjauh hari demi hari as Allah swt is great,if we have the same miserable feeling for the rest of our life what is going to happen to this world,berpisah hidup pulak kadang2 lagi sakit,especially kalau nampak dia bahagia dengan yang lain". Apa pun memang tak mudah, some people can really manage it well, bangun dari kesedihan,hilang satu cinta diganti dengan cinta yang lain;cinta pada anak2,pada kehidupan yang baru.
Tidak ada satu formula dunia yang sesuai untuk semua dalam mencari kebahagiaan dalam hidup,setiap satu kehidupan ada cerita berbeza,tujuan berbeza.Hidup kita, formula kita, carilah satu yang sesuai, boleh belajar dari yang berjaya.Jangan lupa ada tempat rujukan untuk memberi ketenteraman hati iaitu percaya sesungguhnya pada kekuasaan Allah..mengadu,meminta hanya padaNya,bak kata uwan lagi siapakah yang lebih faham,yang boleh tahu kita luar dan dalam selain dari Pencipta kita.Hidup satu perjuangan..hmmm..sebagai manusia kadang2 malas betul nak berjuang..kalau boleh mesti nak senang lenang,nak dapat semua yang nak and sungguh manis kalau nak sesuatu boleh hanya "Wish Upon A Star"...tapi mana nak jadi kalau star tu pun hanya satellite..he..heee..heee.
akak..blog akak ni kalo dibukukan..jual on9..mesti ramai yg beli..hehehe~ sbb,tulisan akak memang best,best n best.bkn bodek tau..tp mmg best.sy dpt rasakan kasih syg n kenangan yg akak nk smpaikan pada tia mia=) owh,sy berharap utk ada bb now...huhu~ doa utk sy yer..
ReplyDeleteaduhai.. just can't imagine life without the other half.. waktu tu kena guna power of love to the max i guess??!! yur uwan n my mom are dealing wth tht now.. kurniakan mereka ketabahan, ya Allah...
ReplyDeleteWowww...so sweet....
ReplyDelete"Wish upon a star"...hmm...my wish... :)...secret***sigh...:)
See...Tia Mia...ur mama sweet sangat...be nice ok ye bayang ...bila besar nanti.
nice girls to apprciate the star and all creations and then feel the LOVE for our CREATOR :)twinkling star, beautiful like a diamond :)
ReplyDeleteyes, only TRUE FAITH gives PEACE.
tia mia, surely u love ur sweet mama, just like all those whom she has touched with her sweetness :)
Azu, I memang suka sangat baca bila u tulis something yang boleh motivates people camni.. since FP lagi..I have the same thinking like yours, but I really dunno how to express it in words.. but your words memang menyentuh hati orang yang membacanya. the objective is clear and so meaningful. Thanks Azu :-) Tia Mia will surely appreciate this one day. They will understand, feel loved and they will keep it forever in their heart. Lucky girls they are!
ReplyDeleteps: Azu, can I share this in my blog? I think this is good to share with others too.. and of coz to Irfan as well :-) I'll put credit to u. Thanks in advance Azu:-)
u memang kreatif dan kritis la...banyak perkara yang boleh dijadikan cerita menarik dan boleh memotivasikan pembaca...bertuah Tia Mia dapat mama yang besttttt cam gini...the point is i memang setuju dengan "the power of love"...hidup lebih bermakna dengan cinta...susah boleh menjadi senang...duka boleh bertukar suka...yang penting ada cinta di hati kita...