Kemas tekak?..he..hee..last monday kak ikin came to our house and brought lobsters from sabah.Dua orang budak perempuan sungguh excited tengok lobster,besar,berduri with long claws. Instead of grill or fry mama boiled the lobsters for the girls lagi manis and for uwan mama masak lemak cili padi with terung.Kak ikin said "lobsters pun maksu masak lemak???..haa..haa sodap kak ikin kena pulak dengan telur dadar and sup cendawan..tak nampak orang lalu okay..thanks a lot kak ikin,we love it.

Mama dah lama betul tak kemas bilik kat office,macam dah bertahun,old documents,souveniers,pokok dah mati dan keringl..fikiran mama pun cluttered sikit.Baru2 ni dapat banyak kerja,big contracts to be drafted and the agreements are for the very big boss,to unclutter the mind and to lift up the spirit mama pun buat spring cleaning yesterday. Wah berkilat2 meja dan bilik, baru bersemangat.See the big frame in the above picture dah lama tersadai kat luat bilik office,dulu staff beli untuk hiasan pertandingan gerai,yesterday mama tanya tak de orang nak guna mama pun bawak masuk taruk gambar kita,it just a few dollars frame but with our picture it looks million to mama.

Meja ni dulu sampai tak nampak apa,penuh files,papers and entah apa2,kenapa lah it took so long for mama nak mengemas kat office ni haa?hmm may be the recent bonus gives a boost too haaa..haaaa...and hopefully it will last until next bonus:)

Mama bought new in and out tray from ikea yesterday,the old one given by office were too bulky.It made so much different when you add the right thing, even it is unexpensive and simple. Kebanyakan furniture dalam office mama ni very old,orang lain dah change to new ones tapi mama tak suka because new furniture are made from steels,plastic etc..mama suka wood yang lama ni.

Mama bought small Rm9.90 floor rug from ikea to cover coffee stains on the old carpet.

More greenery in the room now to give more oxygen,this new friend is from ikea too..selling at Rm7.90.It matches the greenery outside mama's window.

kat computer yang bulky ni lah mama menaip walaupun ada lap top tapi kat office mama suka guna this old computer..mama pun bukan jenis hi tech sangat:)..dari corner ni boleh intai2 what's on TV..hilang stress sikit bila menaip contract yang dry and draggy.

Now dah bersemangat berkobar buat kerja ni..pagi2 Tia Mia selalu cakap kat mama 'mama no need office today" and mama always reply " mama loves you both very much and would like to spend all of mama's time with you but mama and papa got to go office to earn money, we need to buy things etc" Then dua orang yang bijak ni cakap " mama go office to take money then we go Paris,London,Australia"..ha..haaa banyak nak pakai duit tu darlings .

Dah kemas2 ni..bila tutup lampu ceiling jadi romantic lah pulak..then mata layu pulak..camana?? but during puasa time,lunch time will be just perfect..hehh..hehhhh.

Pagi ni mama kemas cuping telinga dengan sepasang anting2 mutiara kak ikin beli kat mama di sabah..thank you so much kak ikin..mama loves it,it comes together with a matching pin.Nanti kita pergi lawat rumah baru kak ikin pulak la.
ni yg terasa2 nak pegi ikea and buat spring cleaning jugak ni..teringat yatie yg meja sentiasa kemas dan bersih mcm x pernah kerja.. he he
ReplyDeleteyes nerry jom pi ikea boleh makan meatballs jugak..ye la si yatie teringat dulu meja kemas sentiasa macam2 hiasan ada,wangi2 pulak tu,semua tersusun rapi.
ReplyDeletewahhh...mcm2 kemas nampaknya :D
ReplyDeletesemua pon menarik..lobster...uhmmp..yummy
bilik - comfy...telinga-lovely!
veryyy cantek and nice, nampak comfy & homey sangat bilik u ni!! Nak tidur tinggal situ pun boleh jugak. Bestnya ada TV kat office, is it a must for you to have a Tv sebab kerja dgn TV3? (sorry soalan bodoh sedikit!!)
ReplyDeletefasha semua orang kat office ada TV,each room satu Tv kalau kat luar bilik pulak satu Tv jugak untuk everbody kita kan kerja broadcasting station,semua announcement pun thru Tv..konon2nya..tapi kadang2 tengok station org lain..he..hee.bilik pulak kalau bulan puasa tempat rebah badan lerr..dalam air cond dalam telekung tu paling best zzz waktu lunch:)
ReplyDeletebilik dah kemas, baru semangat nak buat keje :)
syoknye boleh intai tv masa menaip. heheee.. :P
So sorry tak sempat nak visit all your entries... Will read more.. Busy betul selagi tak balik... Nanti Elin&Erin dpt jumpa Tia&Mia.. kita tengok how the twins react!
barang2 ikea murahnya. simple n nice.
ReplyDeletecosy ofis mama :)
btul tu kan Azu.. bila bilik dah kemas and arrange susun atur sikit tengok environment baru.. semangat baru pun sampai.. i last month pun rearrange balik semua and beli few stuff untuk opis kecik i kat umah ni.. dan frame bergantung2.. hehhe penuh dengan gambar family sendiri dan gambar anak2 kecil.. bila tengok muka budak2, sejuk hati.. semangat pun datang.. tapi kusi opis nih nak kena beli baru la.. yang i duduk ni dah patah! LOL! files tray u tu sama la cam i punya.. tapi i nyer dah start selerak balik.. hahhaha! nantilah next month buat spring cleaning balik..
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to find well-informed people on this subject, but you sound like you know what you're
ReplyDeletetalking about! Thanks
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