Monday, May 24, 2010

8 Years Holding Your Hands.

9 Years ago you wrote :

"Dearest Azu, Here I go again....trying to make it up to you for another BLUNDER. U know what..every time it makes me more in Love with you. So, if this is how it feels to be madly in love.. I am all for it.Loving you with all that I ve got.

Signing : Azam -20 April 2001- Habib Day.( A year after that on 25.5.02 we both had inai on our fingers and sealed our loves)

Today 25.5.2010 I am writing :

" Dear Hubby, If Romeo can read your writing today, he will regret taking the poison and killing himself as his words to Juliet are nothing compared to yours. Shakespeare would have shed tears and producer of "Shakespeare in Love " and " Titanic" will be knocking at your door with contracts in their hands:) The most important I hope those words are stilled valid, live in perpetuity with no expiry dates.

HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY YER! We had 8 wonderful marriage years together.Nothing beat the joy of building up life together from scartch, wiping each other tears, wanting and loving someone with all that you' ve got,as you said. Today inai on my fingers are no longer there but the fire of love is stilled emblazing in my heart,may we be blessed by ALLAH sbt always.Amin.

Having said that,there's nothing else that i want from you except a little trip to the Jewellers,revisiting our romantic routes in Vienna,salzburg,Venice,Florence,Rome Morton on Marsh,Bourton On the Water,Top of Zurich,Lucerne,Heidelberg, to have a house with gigantic kitchen,separate pantry room,laundry room,mud room,sun room, reading room,green house and garage attached, eating grilled scampis and scallops with feet tucked under the sand at Cannes' beach, dinner by the romantic canal in venice..etc..etc..etc..Whatt???? you want to change those words that you had written?? Too late hubby, your words are now sealed with the most powerful glue from our two overdoses honey pots!

Dinasour hugs from your first honey pot:)
Dinasour kisses from your second honey pot.
Behind the scenes of the above romantic movie, mama was a bit merajuk yesterday,papa had to go 2 days meeting at Colmar Tropicale , he wanted us to follow,mama want to have small doa and makan today, so papa will cut short his meeting today and come back by 6.30.Last nite he came back with two slices of mama's favourite cakes,after his long day and usual office meeting papa made an effort to stop at the cake shop..thank you papa.
This morning mama woke up with this card next to mama,there's nothing romantic on the cover but papa said " three balloons- three girls in my life that takes me higher in the sky".Tiba-tiba mama emo pulak..papa ingat mama sedih then he said " weekend we go find something you like"..emo bukan sebab nak barang lah papa..tapi since you have said so..okay lah:)


  1. ha ha so sweet card azam... tu semalaman nak cari the cutest ever wordss... siap bawak card dlm selimut .. happy anniversary to both may all dreams come true aminnnn...

  2. thanks nerry..surat yang kat atas tu azam tulis sendiri maso bercinta carik card jer.

  3. kau pun baca surat azam masa tu terus guling2 peluk bantal peluk... guling sampai tangga pun rasa cam kajol guling kat padang rumput dgn background lagu hindustan tukar sari 10x kan kan kan

  4. we share the same date, mamatiamia!! :) congratulations to both of you.. smoga bertambah kebahagiaan dan sentiasa dlm keredhaan Allah..

  5. Happy Anniversary k.zue!
    semoga ikatan kekal selamanya dlm bahagia dan rahmatNya

  6. so very the sweet! ur hubby ni pun pandai with words. but surely it all came from the sincere heart :)
    and the card he made himself?

  7. so sweet..hi am yr new all yr posting :) suzi fauzi
