Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I had the finest Caviar from blue beluga!

Ye ke kenits makan caviar ni? The most pun makan fish roe on sushi jer:) last nite papa came back early for dinner,he said ' come we have dinner outside '..but alamak mama already have gulai asam keladi,goreng kacang panjang with chicken liver,sambal tumis bilis petai,goreng ikan kerisi and sambal tempoyak on table.. offer to eat at Marche or Italiannies cannot beat the menu on the table..hee..hee.So mama had to decline but we took papa's offer for ice cream treat after Maghrib.

Yoghurt ice cream with chocolate caviar.

Tia sampai mata steam makan ice cream hari malam..yoghurt masam2 pulak sikit tu.

Adik mulut besar:)

Kalau katup macam ni lagi manis adik.

Thank you papa for the ice creams.

Tia walloping papa's cappucino .
Opppsss lupa, got funny story yesterday: mama was walking behind this lady at office's building,she is beautiful,polish look,long translucent legs,thin waist, rose petal skin,immaculate hair,when she walks she sways her body to the left and right that her flattery above the knee skirt swirls like a model,she hold her nose high... she didn't bother to look at mama or give a smile...she got the very elite look and feel.Everytime she shakes her head and toss her super fine and immaculate hair she releases the dreamy smell of fine and expensive perfume.At that time mama feels very unsophisticated, mama's waist is much too wide,hair is coarse,skin is like weeks unwashed car,mama can't sway but walk like a police woman..hmmm..hmm well back to the story suddenly mama's phone rang and mama had to stop and the lady continued her swaying walk to the toilet,sway left and right, as for mama it was a wrong number and mama followed her to the toilet too,need to use the tolilet urgently, so mama went to the room next to her....3 mins after that all the the ke kaguman and 'the how i wish"..ohhh..ohhhh and ahhhh diminished when she released the most unfamous sound "puttttttttt..proooooooottttt... loud and clear!!!
The End.


  1. nerry sila bayar rm50 dulu baru tau:)

  2. hehe..original kira ok lg la my office area, jgn mudah terpedaya..ramai yg tak ori..
    tgk lengok, jln, dressing mengalahkan perempuan. bila dgr suara, takut makkk *LOL

  3. ye ke banyak yang tak ori..sini ada ler jugak:)

  4. hehe.. the way u describe her tu yg jd lagi kelakar.. rose petal segala.. nway, 2 kenits jgn lupa gosok gigi sblum tido.. sedap aiskrim tu.. :) bila mama nk buat roti?? ;)

  5. Tia mia ingat apa doctor cakap okay..gossok gigi:)nanti dah buat roti kita eksen tunjuk kat sini syanashwa

  6. cheh zue mata duitan.. mana boleh membazir bayar ko punye gossip nak kena beli kain crepe nihhh.. ha ha nanti aku tungu kat toilet jerrr then baru tauuu

  7. haha.when you gotta go,you gotta go.

  8. haha seruan alam very the semulajadi ;)
    sound tak leh control la..
