Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cooking Damsel With Two Damsels in Distress.

Yeap the undistress Damsel had a great time cooking iftar dishes for family yesterday and said 'boo' to pasar ramadhan:) The Two Damsels in Distress are Misses 3,they are down with bad flu and cough,however the distress only comes during night time when their noses were blocked and they can't sleep well,once the sun shines through the window they will wake up and turn the house into Bouncy Castle!

Anyway let's see the iftar dishes for yesterday, mama cooked every single dish that mama had preached yesterday:)

The Juicy Black Pepper Steak,they must be really  good as papa forgot about "sharing is caring" and ate all three:)

Tiger Prawn with Sweet Bamboo shoots,this is really nice,to me the taste is just perfect,the prawn is fresh and tender and the bamboo shoot is sweet-the whole bamboo in the compressed plastic in the supermarket is really recommended to buy.Papa managed to eat another plate of rice after the eating 3 black pepper steaks due to this and uwan tambah nasi 3 kali:)

My super sodap sardin goreng cilipadi:)

Kangkung with garlic, i never really fancy kangkung with belacan as i feel the belacan taste absorbed the sweetness of the kangkung.

Pewangi Tandas of course..with cilipadi:)

My favourite not so sweet treat,fruitcocktails with mango pudding and evaporated milk,keep in the freezer before break fast..hmmm heaven:)

The only bought food,the kueh bakar from Nyonya Colours,they are money back guarantee good,biarlah mahal.

Otak2 from Nyonya Colours are yummy too..this is for sahur.

When the night comes,the cooking Damsel turned into Owl when Misses 3 transformed into Damsels in Distress- hmmm both can't hardly sleep,woke up every 15 sleep at all for mama last nite...

This morning pakai baju kebaya masa muda remaja yang boleh di katakan antique....ishhhh adakah belon keliling pinggang sudah mengecut sedikit..wahhhh gembira nya:) tapi lambat sangat semua belon nak really mengecut lah rasa nak cucuk dengan jarum jer..and kalau lah boleh belon tu keluar angin..heee..hee


  1. mama tia mia bila nak msk utk adek d yg jeles baju antik msh bole d pakai!!! apekah rahsia anda!!!

  2. intan,datang ler buka posa rumah kita..nanti kalau kita ajak ikin datang buka posa kat rumah boleh ler awak join,tapi awak pakar tart nanas,,heee,,hee..rahsia nya kena jadi burung hantu malam2 tak tidur,kejar dua budak kenits..ha..haa...and perbanyakkan makan potai..jangan lupa.

  3. insyallah nanti bg tau la kalau ikin dtg...pakar tat?nanti intan buat kelas yer...burung hantu burung hantu la nanti takut budak kenits nak ikut blk!!hahahah oohhh susah la sb tak pandai mkn potai :)

  4. aku ingat laaa baju antik tuuu masa 'berjalan di tanah gersang'.. syiokk kat kau kann.. laukkk sooo yummy nak pudinggg mmg heavan ooo

  5. intan..okie kita masak tart pulak yo..nanti kenits ikut ye..

    nerry, nasib baik aku tak berjalan di tanah gersang tu ha,kalau tak gersang lah aku..pudding memang sodap..mai lah ngan dgn intan.

  6. sedapnya nampak udang masak lemak yg Mamatiamia masak.fruit cocktail tu favorit. masak sendiri jauh lagi sedap dari bazar Ramadan...akakpun bulan posa ni balik kerja masak utk berbuka.. lauk ringkaspun jadilah.bazar Ramadan belum pergi lagi. bazar Ramadan kdg2 nampak sedap tp bila mkn tak rasa sgt.kalau pergipun bazar Ramadan beli kuih kuih je.
    Slmt berbuka...

  7. mamasya,memang betul lauk ringkas tu lah sedap kan..setakat eli kueh kat pr tu okay lah,nak menguli etpung bagai..tak kuasa pulak.

  8. sedap! kebaya muda remaja boleh pakai lagi. best! makan sedap2 figure tetap maintain :)

  9. ann..makan petai banyak2 rahsianya..he..heee..penemuan fakta sains terbaru:)

  10. Azu, terliur dgn black pepper steak tu.. Tak pernah try masak prawn +bamboo shoot.. nampak menarik...

    Kuih bakar kalau yg sedap tu, mesti sedap gila. hehee.. mahal pun berbaloi beli. daripada tak sedap & murah. akhirnya takde sape yg makan...

    Menu apa pula hari ni?

  11. ye...saya ingat baju 'gersang' itu.
    heheheh, jangan lupa jemput ikin kalau kak nerry ngan intan datang buka.kita nak rasa tart la...sedap ke? maksu, kuih ikin dah tolong order kan?

    **alahai ...sedapnya kuih bakar :(

  12. Ita,beli daging dah marinate kat supermarket jer pastu balik campak dalam pan,sodap.cuba lah udang with bamboo shoot sedap ita:)kueh bakar nyonya colours memang sodap bonar.

    ikin,ko pun tau ka baju gersang,okay nanti kita bukak posa samo2 lagi k,ye lah den dah order kan kat kak rufa.

  13. salam MamaTiaMia,
    my friend dah reply ur soklan2 kat sini..

    xsure mamatiamia dah baca belom, tu y bgth...

  14. Salam ibu eriem,terima kasih banyak ye,terharu rasanya,saya dah baca and dah tinggal comment kat blog kawan baik ibu eriem tu,nak comment kat blog ibu eriem dari semalam tak boleh pulak.happy anniversay ya,nanti saya singgah lagi.terima kasih sekali lagi.

  15. Salam ibu eriem,terima kasih banyak ye,terharu rasanya,saya dah baca and dah tinggal comment kat blog kawan baik ibu eriem tu,nak comment kat blog ibu eriem dari semalam tak boleh pulak.happy anniversay ya,nanti saya singgah lagi.terima kasih sekali lagi.

  16. Hi Mama, Holy Smoke! Your that udang and bamboo shots is out of this world!
    I love that. I must get my isteri to make that tonight! Cannot tahan already, ha ha.

    Love all the dishes....especially that last dish, last picture, wow!
    You certainly have beautiful eyes!
    And 'baju kebaya'....habis cherita!

    Only hope I'm not driving when see you walking by....not too keen to have an affair with the back of a bus or hantam lamp post, or masuk longkang, arhaaaa ha ha.

    How's your hubby's waistline? Ha ha. Have a nice day, Lee.

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