Monday, September 27, 2010

Splendid Perth : Chapter 1- Anabel House and Mussel Bar.

Alhamdulillah,we have arrived safely in Malaysia,the girls were  feeling a bit sad leaving perth especially leaving the goats,horses,kangaroos etc. It was a splendid 11 days and the holiday was Tia Mia's yours truly because they enjoyed every bit of it. For a three years old both were really good,we didn't expect much from them as this is their first time but they were great travellers and companion,the liven up the journey and we received warm and sweet welcome mostly from everybody.Perth is a great place,well quite laid back but people there enjoy the quality life,not many drive fancy cars like what we saw in Cannes or Paris or live in mansion or villa but they have home sweet home with beautiful verandah,porch and garden.We have made a right choice by going to Perth,many have said nothing much in Perth but this is the kind of place we like,we love sitting in the park,sipping hot chocolate at the marina,licking gelato at the port.Overall Tia Mia love it very very much,they received lots of hugs and sweet compliments from the people there,when went for boat cruise one mat salleh, makcik even voluntarily baby sit both,singing insy wincy spider,mary had a little to them so that mama papa can take pictures.They said at the age of 3 tak banyak sangat you ingat bila dah besar,its okay,they have enjoyed it so much now,mesti the sweet memories nanti ada yang tertinggal satu dua.

Now dah back to normal life lah,for the past 3 weeks mama was the full housewife,well not too bad,everything was under control,kinda like it,some said our house were more tidy masa ni...haaa..haaa that is because  mama tak bagi the girls sepahkan..mama nasihat and they dengar.We arrived earlier than heni,mula2 sampai depan rumah ada 3 lori daun mati,sampah,garden chair berlumut,habuk tak boleh cerita and lecah because of hujan,mama bersihkan semua,buang ranting mati,potong bunga2 mati,sapu daun kering,bila pakcik datang dia cakap 'ehhh elok pulak garden kau zu,macam tak kena tinggal,semua bunga segar,tak der daun mati"..hmmm pakcik mama dah menyinsing lengan before that tau!Lepas sehari kita sampai baru Heni sampai,sian dia,kena "cukai" secara haram di Jakarta,habis duit dia yang papa bagi nak naik teksi dari KLIA ke sini,itulah orang Indonesia sendiri yang tak kesian dengan orang dia,di KLIA heni called mama cakap dia nak ke rumah tak ada duit,mama suruh dia ambik teksi dulu ke sini,nanti sampai mama lah dah tengah malam,bila heni sampai dia cakap ada orang malaysia yang tolong dia bayarkan teksi RM84 ringgit,baik hati orang malaysia,kumpulan bendera tu patut lebih banyak otak dari sampah di kepalanya.Heni bawak ole ole jugak kat kita orang,anak dara dia siap kirim hadiah kat Tia Mia,dia pun tak lah serik sangat nak berkemas,mama dah buat mostly,baju pulak papa dah siap cuci di vacation home sebelum balik KL,so mostly bersih.So hari ni,lantai berkilat lah dikerjakan heni tapi hot water pot buka tak tutup,tin milo ternganga...hmmm apa pun syukur dengan ada maid,banyak membantu walau apa pun dia pun nampak sangat happy balik,that is the most important.Tia Mia pun tambah pandai bercakap,Tia bila tanya dia "which place do like best?Kota Damansara or Perth?" She gave a thumb up answer " I love Kota Damanasara but i like Perth too and want to go again".

Finally baru lah dapat nak update today..come see the first chapter of our Splendid Perth!

At KLIA Airport-mama woke both up at 5.00 a.m,our flight was at 9.45 and cab came picked us at 6.45,mama prepared a very long list,we said bye bye to the house and off we go to Airport.At Airport an International talent scout spotted Tia and Mia and gave mama his card,he asked to send Tia Mia's profile to him for advertisement...hmmm tak apa lah dulu..nakal lagi dia orang ni..banyak lagi perlu belajar..Muqaddam pun kena lancar dulu:)

 The budak kenit was busy betulkan sana sini..

 Then buat muka pulak kena suruh duduk diam2..sibuk tanya "when is take off?"

 Then buat lah activity dia orang..pandai nak letak headphone etc..

Good Girl..makan pun okay..we took one row with 4 seats only..senang tak kacau orang lain.

 Sampai perth papa dah siap arrange satu keta sewa..kenit saja untuk bawak kita jalan2 sana sini..

 Sampai Anabel house or known as "The Urban Owl"..semua with good quality equipment and gadget.

 Love the old stove..

Tia Mia love the traditional bathtub..tak sabar nak masuk berendam..tak tahu sejuk budak2 ni..

Oppsss lupa pulak nak tunjuk barang2 kita orang mula2 baru sampai..haaaa macam ni haaa..dah nak balik nanti lain cerita pulak:)

haa.haa toilet pun nak tunjuk sebab squeaky clean..everywhere in the house is squeaky clean..two thumbs up!

 Anabel sediakan tempat main untuk Tia Mia..

See dua orang ni tak sabar nak main walaupun baru sampai flight 5 1/2 hours plus ambik kereta semua adalah 7 jam baru sampai Anabel house..tapi dua orang ni energy masih penuh..

 They were glad to see the doll house at the backyard with the door bell and many gadgets inside..

Wildflowers are blooming in the garden.

 Laundry house Anabel located at the backyard..semua lengkap with dryer,iron and board etc..

 The first bedroom has black and white theme,the bed is really soft and the blanket are fluffy with nice,fresh smell.

 The wall are nicely done and decorated.

 Mama loves the kitchen is was small and cute but fulled with good equipment like nespresso machine with pods,sugar,coffee etc,

 Untuk Nespresso machine ada supply coffee pods yang banyak,all kind sof flavour,sangat senang guna,masuk dalam machine,tambah fresh milk for froth dah dapat coffee or latte sesedap Coffee Beans.

 If you dont fancy coffee the house has selection of teas,darjeeling,English Tea,Green Tea..

 The Bathroom is complete too..for Tia Mia Anabel get ready the Johnson baby bath.

 Kalau lupa bawak cleanser etc..dont worry..semua ada.

 Nite ready nak keluar dinner,terjumpa Uncle Papa di Perth Airport datang meeting,memang nasib nak jumpa,dia keluar awal sebab naik first class tapi lambat keluar airport sebab terlupa nak isi landing card..papa dah bertahun tak jumpa dia walaupun duduk sama di KL..papa sangat happy terjumpa uncle@paksu dia..walaupun penat and mama prefer nak makan dekat2 and balik tidur cepat,mengenangkan papa mama pun complied lah setuju keluar dinner..paksu nak bawak kita orang makan seafood di Freemantle malam tu.
 Sementara tunggu Paksu Sudin datang ambik kita orang macam2 lah mama snap kat rumah Anabel.

 Dua orang ni melepak di Tv room first..macam VCD for kids ada di sediakan..

 Dah pukul 8.30 malam Paksu papa tak sampai jugak lagi,mama hilang lah sabar sikit,kesian kat the girls last makan kat flight pukul 2.30 petang..mesti dia orang lapar and penat,cuma tak bising sebab excited jer..

 Lastly papa sms paksu dia cakap kita orang keluar dulu kat restaurant dekat rumah nak bagi the girls makan...rupanya paksu papa GPS dia rosak..dari hotel berkali-kali lah dia pusing nak datang ke resedential area kita orang...staff dia yang drive pun tak berapa familiar agaknya..

 Dah lewat pun sempat lah kita orang berpose-pose dulu:)

 Budak ni pun tak sabar nak makan dah..kesiannya dah lah sejuk malam..makan lambat pulak..tapi dah nasib papa nak jumpa paksu dia,keluar jer dari rumah pusing sikit,nampak paksu dia dalam kereta opposite the road..papa pusing and we all masuk satu kereta pergi makan seafood di Freemantle.

 Penat menunggu akhirnya sampai lah di Mussel bar di Freemantle ni..

 Berbaloi sangat lah..paksu ordekan semua benda..Mia nak lobster,so ada lobster,crayfish,crab,scallop,fresh oyster,mussel,fish,prawn,cuttlefish..macam tak percaya tengok makanan boleh ke habis ni..

Seafood chowder untuk Tia..seafood kat sini sangat fresh and sedap..seafood chowder kaya dengan seafood dalam dia..lemak berkrim..yummm..yummm

 Ni scallop mama sorang,starter tak share sapa2..he..heee..

 Lobster Tia Mia..suka dua orang ni makan.

 Mussel Bar..our first restaurant in Freemantle..

 Macam2 lah papa cerita dengan paksu dia..kita orang perut dah kenyang mula lah boring ni..

 Walaupun weather waktu sinag nice..dah jauh malam tetap sejuk mencengkam tulang..tapi dua orang ni tak tau sejuk..keluar jugak berlari..

 Nak tau..Tia dah boleh di harap ambik gambar...banyak shot yang elok dia ambik..better than papa actually:)

Ha..haa gambar mama tergolek dengan Mia Tia ambik..Tia syik suruh kita orang smile,smile dalam sejuk tu tergolek lah kita orang was a great first day..paksu hantar kita orang balik..kita tidur nyenyak..the next day banyak lagi wonderful pictures..until Chapter 2,bye bye.


  1. Kak Zue!! sonoknya awak pegi Perth! :-))

  2. Hi there! I'm so glad you enjoyed Perth so much especially Tia n Mia. But a bit terkilan on my part sbb tak make extra effort utk jumpa you guys, so sorry ye :-(. We were so busy with the house moving tu yg rasa too tired to do everything else.
    Hopefully, if Tia n Mia nak dtg Perth lagi, maybe we can meet up :-).

  3. Glad u enjoyed the entire trip. Post more pics ok dear. Its nice to see Tia Mia having fun there. Meragam tak on return flight?

  4. welcome home !..nice foods, cottage, and pics of memories esp the last candid photo took by Tia..auntie likes it..

  5. Hi dear, Best Best Best tengok gambar2 kat Perth ni. Everyone looks soooo happy especially the cutie Tia&MIa. The food is so yum yum! Me too love the last picture, tergolek dog sikit LOL! Anyway, cannot wait to see more pictures soon! Take care dear!

  6. Very cute.Many thanks for everything!

  7. Seronok betul u satu family ke sana..semua ceria2..seronok baca..mcm rasa ada kat sane je.. :)

  8. pandai tia ambek gambar. sure enjoy semua best. tia mia tentu story2 dan nak pegi lagi. rumah anabel cantik sangat!

  9. Wah Azu.. cantiknya rumah dia... I like white! sungguh sesuai dgn jiwa u. hehe.. Patut lah u book cottage tu.. it's so 'you'.
    Tia&mia sungguh comel dgn boots & keket :P

    *tergolek kelakar.. comel lah!

  10. hheee.....tak jemu baca lagi sekali and tengok gambar lagi. best best. lagi lagi lagi......
