Thursday, October 21, 2010


As mentioned earlier in the previous entry mama has opted to put wallpaper in our bedroom instead of painting it.Our bedromm was badly done when we first move lah masa tu rumah baru..renovation semua focus kat living room,dah tak ada budget sangat masa tu..extra wiring kat bilik pakai track jer,plaster ceiling pun tak buat etc.After 6 years plus dengan Tia Mia yang berminat membuat macam2 deco kat dinding..our bedroom's wall has called for S.O.S.Well is not easy to choose for wallpaper too..kalau salah pilih boleh semak,congested etc..the options mama had in mind was classic,elegant (expansive lah) or cosy and easy going.Looking at our situation plus our future plan classic elegant is not mama opted for cosy and easy going..meaning ambience yang warm,sweet tapi tak payah "beriya-iya" sangat lah..that is more suitable to us.So no elegant,classic and expansive Damask wallpaper for us,mama pilih the traditional sweet country design..the design is pale and not too crowded.

 Sangat susah pilih wallpaper..this design is very traditional, very biasa..boleh jumpa kat most old english hotel..yet tak lapuk dek zaman jugak..easy going feel.

 Bagi newlook at our small writing table by adding tablecloth and flower from British Homes ..anyway..BH is on 50% sales..they are closing sad..mama will miss it a lot.

 Buat cosy corner untuk baca buku and magazine kalau bebudak dah tidur..

 Mama loves these cushions bought at British Homes at 50% off..

 First time letak stencil design kat rumah..nice kan..tahu kat mana mama letak..

Yeap at our toilet wall ..haaa..haaa..toilet pun nak ada right ambience okay haaa...weekend will do few more changes to our room..hmmm mama likes doing these..theraphy to my mind:)


  1. salaam mamatiamia, BH kat KD tu ingatkan yg kat SJ je wat closing down...haruss pegi nie..I am eyeing their venetian mirror..entah ada lagi ke tak..Damask is always my choice for soft interior..wall paper pun cantik.I like..very sweet..but never success to convince dear hubby to guna wall paper for our wall..

  2. hey..very nice selection thr !! sweet jer ..hahaha the last pic tu npk cam ade tgn tgh ambik camera ..heheeh.Tia or Mia tu ..hehe

  3. Salmi..kat KD banyak lagi the mirror..hurry:)

    Sofea..tu tangan mama:)

  4. hhaa gambar yg last so cute ada tangan tanpa badan with camera...ehhh must go BH laaaa x sabar nak balikkkkk nanti habisss

  5. nerry..bila masa pulak ko kena tunggu masa balik nak pi shopping ni haaa:) kan bebila pun boleh bawak puad sekali ..haa..haa

  6. wakhhhahhha ye la aku dah lupa aku boleh keluar bebila hahhhhaa

  7. rindunya nak komen2 kat blog :). maksu sihat. wallpaper sangat cantik. sweet. ada lagi ke bh kat kota damansara. 50% den pun nak beki throw cushion.

  8. Hi Mama, now thats what I call the classic look! You certainly have not only creative ideas, with the style to go with it. Love your pastel colour cushions too.

    Looks chic and kind of sophisticated too. I have always loved mirrors boleh naik turun, ha ha.

    Oh ya, will be displaying your delicious mee Hailam tomorrow when I put out my new cherita. Credit you of course.
    Okay with you, kan? No Royalty or surat lawyer, ha ha.
    Outang you one teh tarek lambong tinggi.
    Have fun, best regards, Lee.

  9. Zu,

    Boleh I tahu you upah curtain dimana? or any shop you can suggest and advise?

  10. hi nadiah,so far i pernah bujat langsir kat 3 tempat jer,one was at Kuala Pilah,good quality,cheap but tak boleh lah recommend kat you:)My favourite is Frangipani,a personal shop at Taman Tun,a bit expensive but really satisfying cuma the kedai really private mcm doing for friends only.My current curtains buat kat Macy,they are okay too,price pun reasonable cuma choice tak banyak especially kat ikano punya,kat seri kembangan lagi banyak.Bukan senang nak buat curtain kan..kadang2 pilih2 tak dapat hasil yang di harapkan,first must get kedai yang boleh buat dengan elok,means bila gantung terletak,tak bersepah,jahitan pun mesti neat and most important juga material and design mesti lah kena..for biasa2 punya i dont mind going to macy again..cuma nak kena carik corak yang sesuai susah sikit if i ada extra budget i will opt for kena burn pocket sikit:)ikea pun not bad kalau kena pilihannya cuma a bit common,walaupun most it modern once a while they ada keluarkan yang classic choice.

  11. Azu..
    Cantiknyeeeeeeeeeee... the wallpaper. so sweet :).. Ish.. ni yg buat i berkobar2 heheee..

    I did bought stencil thing for twin's room. Tunggu pindah nnt baru buat. They are too excited.

  12. ikin..jom kita balik kampung raya haji pulak,cepat pi BH tu.
    Uncle Lee need royalty only 4 tickets to any destinations in Canada would be enuf..haa..haa
    Ita..cepat lah hias2 rumah baru..tak sabar nak tengok,

  13. Thanks Zu for your advise.Ikea tu you mean ready made or I kena tempah?

    Anyway last Wednesday bumped with you at Pasar Segar KD.You so pretty ya....sampai tergamam I nak tegur you.May be next time I tegur you okay.
    Silly me.

  14. hi nadiah,ikea tu i beli yang dah ready made and alter kat bawah tu utk ikut ketinggian tingkap ke you jumpa i..apa pulak yg i pakai nampak so pretty haa..haa..kadang2 kalau nasib tak baik i pakai baju tidur jer kalau petang:)next time tegur lah..i pun bukan kenal orang:)

  15. Zu....I think you baru balik kerja waktu tu.Black pant with white shirt.

    Ok I will check out at Ikea later.
