Saturday, November 6, 2010

Avillion Admiral Cove.

On Diwali the 5th we went to Avillion Admiral Cove,Port Dickson.It was a last minutes booking,if you call any hotels directly on the eve of any festivals you wont get a room as it will be fully booked,the tip to be shared is contact the agent outside Malaysia as they normally be allocated by the hotel at least 10 rooms,so we managed to get a room.As usual mama browsed tripadvisor to get comments about the hotel,it was a mixed comments with some good and not so good pictures and comments.We booked a vista unit a new wing at Admiral through agent in Bangkok,no additional fee and we were given rebate of USD5 everytime we make booking which can be redeemed in the next booking.To mama's suprise  it turned out to be really good,the room was big and new with very modern fitting,the view was really nice as  it was located by the marina..boleh angan2 at French Riviera,Cote D Azur specifically as when you look outside the window you will see the luxury yachts and boats.The food was great,the restaurant was really nice.located so near to marina,the ambience was just right,the people were good to us too..unlike some of the comments we read from the reviews,the manager talked to us,checked on the kids,the guard bow and the waiters and waitresses made an afford to say thank you and gave us warm smiles..i guess we were lucky:)With that Admiral Cove is now on our list next to might not be 5 star,no room service,no convinience store..but  we cant find any other complaints,that made up to lack of "no room service'..which normally a must to us:)One Alamak thing was mama left camera at office and all pictures below were from papa's blackberry....we can't take great photos..jadilah buat kenangan.

 Vista Room at the new wing equipped with modern fittings, kitchenette(which was really useful for washing the milk bottles),long working table and day bed.

 This little girl..senang dah jalan..tak payah berangkut VCD,toys macam dulu..ada crayon and drawing block plus internet cukup lah..they can draw for hours..buat macam2 cerita...mama suka lampu kat head board tu cantik kan..

 Modern bathroom..the rainshower was really nice..

 The view from the room was perfect..this is Matahari,you may rent it for cruising at RM8,500..he..hee..naik banana boat jer lah..and there were 2 private bungalows at the back with private boat and jetty..
 Beautiful view..

 Then this girl apa lagi..hit the was well tak panas..that is the plus point..

 Tia Mia had fun here..sampai tangan kecut2..

 We went for buffet at the Straits Trader restaurant..a very nice place..located next to the marina.

 We sat outside to see the sunset in while filling our hungry tummies..

 Nice kan..mama teringat Cannes and Monte Carlo very much...hmmm..bila2..bila..nak book hotel on the hill at the old Cannes yang facing the port ..teringat remaja dulu everything is about Tia Mia..that is our happiness:)

 It was a peaceful evening..kalau ada proper camera mesti dapat ambik good pictures..

 The sun set in..we stilled tak bergerak makan..

 The girls pun boleh tahan makan..tak rugi buffet..lagi pun they ate for free..they ate a lot of grilled prawns and each took 2 bowls of mushroom soup..makan sampai tuang2 the last drop..dashat lah..kalau kat rumah tak lah heran sangat..

 Malam tak balik lagi..ABC,maruku,cake..etc..etc..

 Dah puas makan and duduk2..baru we jalan masuk hotel..the hotel was in another building..

 They have nice mediteranean garden too..

 dah kenyang..duduk pulak kejap kat garden..slipper ni dari Cottelsoe ,Perth..sangat mahal sebab beli kat souveniur shop tepi pantai tu..macam harga kasut..tapi cool jugak..slipper pantai ada bling bling..

 The next day sebelum balik,we went to the beach..both nak main pasir..

 Mama pilih shaded place lah..tak tahan main lah puas2..mama boleh take a nap..

 Papa lah tukang layan..part ni must give credit to him..dia buat macam2 cake untuk tiamia..cake pasir bertingkat 8,10..macam2..

 Love you papa..muarghhhhh...

Happy lady..dah kenyang..breakfast dah bantai teochew porridge,omellete,hashbrown,bread pudding,dimsum..aiyaaa..nak type pun  takut..rupanya so banyak haji sure makan banyak lagi..manyak susah hati ke susah hati..he..heee..


  1. Hi Mama, Holy Smoke! Is that PD? My last trip there was in the '70s! For a moment I thought you had posted Nice or Cannes.....
    I guess PD has really transformed itself into a glamour resort now.
    And the hotels, marinas sure looks very European too.

    Love the pics, and thats a nice shot of you with that blue hut....
    Feel like asking, 'Kak, ada lagi goreng pisang'? Ha ha ha. Just kidding.
    Have a beautiful Sunday, Lee.
    ps, is Cape Richardo still same name?

  2. omg mama, we could have bumped into each other! my familia & i was also in pd! we stayed at Selesa Beach Resort, a stone throw from your place. takper, ada rezeki kita jumpa yea, bole Cha Cha main dgn Tia & Mia.
    btw, my Cha Cha pun suka main sand castle

  3. hi uncle Lee..ha,ha only ceratin part of PD had been upgraded..the rest just an okay..aiyoo kakak tak mau jual goreng pisang laaa..yeap cape richardo is stilled the name.

    hi maya..oh ye kee..i ve stayed at selesa once..the beach is nice there..yeap very near indeed..we beli ice cream pun lambai2 motor dari selesa..insyallah one day.

  4. omg mama, we could have bumped into each other! my familia & i was also in pd! we stayed at Selesa Beach Resort, a stone throw from your place. takper, ada rezeki kita jumpa yea, bole Cha Cha main dgn Tia & Mia. btw, my Cha Cha pun suka main sand castle
