Saturday, December 4, 2010

Food and Us.

Mama loves to cook,we love to eat..we love to shop but mama not really happy about it:)..we love to gaya2 and mama just smiles:) Come see our pictures:)


  1. wah dah ada gaya model lah tia mia :)

  2. Salam MamaTiaMia, I pitam dua kali, bangun & baru je lepas lap air liur kat lantai depan PC ni setelah melihat gambar2 makanan dia atas!! Tapi gagahkan jugak type komen ni ;-P! Anyway dear,dua2 girl yang comel tu gerenti dapat masuk iklan nanti, sebab no one can never say no to them. Best tau dapat girl and can shop girly girly stuffs. Kalau I masuk Zara, girls section tu I dapat jeling aje tau sob sob! ahha anyway, no matter if you are SAHM or working mom, we all have our own reason why we choose to be one, it is extremely important for mothers to devote sufficient time for the proper upbringing of their children and at the same time layanan, makan pakai suami kita terjaga kan? InsyaAllah the rest kita berdoa agar perjalanan hidup kita semua diberkati dan dijauhkan segala black magic or nafsu macam Zebra (LOL kelakar lah u ni) tu suma ! YOu take care dear!

  3. Wah.. Princess ni dah pakai orange dress Zara ye :) Nice..

    Kalau Mama taruk food nye pic.. mesti Auntie terliur.... nak ketam!!!

  4. Wah.. Princess ni dah pakai orange dress Zara ye :) Nice.. Kalau Mama taruk food nye pic.. mesti Auntie terliur.... nak ketam!!! hehe...
