Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Orang Perempuan suka hati bila...

Saja lah bercerita..orang perempuan bila dapat habiskan duit memang suka hati..hee..heee:) Last two weeks kirim kat kawan pergi Cannes,Southern France beli few bags..hari ni dah sampai suka lah hati.

Miss G...much much cheaper there..less a thousand ringgit from Malaysia.

Longchamp of course lah murah kat France..dah made in France kan;)

Already in the house..

I like Boston bag..so many things can be dumped inside,if you are going for buffet breakfast and yr girls refuse to eat,no problem smuggling inside it..it can easily accomodate hotdogs,buns,croissants,noodles etc..haa..haaa..GUCCI dengar mesti marah ni;)

This cosmetic pouch really lasting, bought 4 yrs ago in Luzern,Switzerland..now time to replace with this one..the bright yellow my niece ikin yg kirim..dia dah nak pergi Paris May ni..tapi tak sabar nak jugak tuuu:)Nanti kita kirim kat dia pulak lah;)

Longchamp pliage long handle special edition..pun sama so many things can be dumped inside..being a mother of two to hyperactive twin girls i need to carry so many items in my bag..don't be surpise to find,straw,spoon,cough syrup,ubat bontot tak boleh berak,swiss army knife,jellybeans,vitagen etc..in my handbag..senang cerita boleh sesat lah semut kalau masuk my bag..hee..hee..i tak boleh bawak bag Chanel or Prada yg comel2 and dainty tu..i kena bawak bag gedabak;)

I ve got a cute matching coins/cosmetic pouch to go with the bag;)

Ok lah enough about the bag..jom makan..gulai daging salai dan seaweed soup with mushroom...sedaplah..ada yg tanya does the mustika ratu slimming gel tu works? Kalau rajin letak insyallah boleh rasanya..can feel it but jangan lah makan nasik banyak sangat and kalau kat office dah makan tu jgn duduk ajer,..turun naik lah tangga 5 tingkat dalam 5 kali ya:)


  1. salaam mamatiamia..sangat eye therapy tengok bags tu..esp the gucci :-)

  2. ahaaa..
    Perempuan mesti suka entry ni...
    Bestnye... dpt mcm2 pula tu....
    Malam ni tido lena lah ye :P

    Azu, sedapnye tengok gulai daging salai tu...

  3. Drool.. :p
    Buntang mata i tgk bag2 tu Mama.. :p

  4. I ni selalu masukkan sayur,cili merah etc dlm my speedy LV.
    Selalu bfore pergi kerja I singgah Pasar segar tu beli barang apa yg dah habis so malas nak hantar balik so sumbat semua dalam my LV.Sampai office masuk fridge.

    My officemate cakap all the vege's so lucky dapat duduk dalam LV.

  5. mmg sgt syok bila apa yg dihajati dah ada kat depan mata kan..

  6. hi all..nanti saya pi visit rumah you all yerr..busy sikit lah:);)

  7. nadiah...wah dasyat lah you buat tempat sayur ajer LV ni:):)..memang beruntung sayur2 tu;)
