Saturday, April 9, 2011

We just pack and go!

Masa tak kahwin dulu dgn hb selalu masuk kereta drive to nowhere,berenti kat mana2 resort or hotel,pergi local store and beli shirt,underwear,pyjama utk seronok masa tu..tak payah plan2..pernah naik frasers hill utk lunch terus decide nak bermalam,puas lah masuk local store yg limited kat situ carik barang,dapat lah seluar apek tua.tshirt pagoda utk pyjama but we had so much fun.Now as i am typing we are already in a hotel by the sea:);) Pagi tadi after breakfast kat rumah,cakap kat hb,jom lah kita pergi somewhere,uwan pun tak ada pi rumah maklang,so i browse internet kejap..viewed few hotels,first nak ke bukit tinggi,then frasers hill..but hb said bagi bebudak main pasir lah,so we end up kat Swiss Garden Resort and Spa Kuantan ni.

First we booked family suite,then rasa besar sgt sebab ada extra bed pun budak dua org ni nak menyelit tidur with us jugak,so i changed to Junior Suite..oklah besar jugak,the girls really happy;) P.s tadi we berenti R&R for lunch,papa had his ikan patin tempoyak,i as usual tak really makan patin,was looking for my asam pedas,tapi org pahang tak jual asam pedas lahh;)

Then the girls really happy kat beach,the water is clear,beach is clean.

See tergolek tergelantang budak sorang ni;)

Sibuk si Mia mencarik shells sini semua hidup shells ni.

Yeayyy so much fun..they water seadp betul

Semua shells hidup dan merayap.

Another stop..

We asked the girls:you wanna go down to eat at the restaurant or room service,both jerit room service!

Olio Fettucine for the girls.

Oxtails soup for papa..aduhhh ngantuk betul lahhh..rasa nak tidur dah nite,nite semua..esok rasa nak jogging di pantai..tersasar sikit makan malam ni..nak buat camana..bercuti kan..selera pun sedap:)esok cerita lagi.


  1. wah bestnye...tia n mia mesti happy sangat2.:)

  2. bestnya mama..jgn main air smpi berkilat ye..hv a safe journey back home..
    kitorg kat cni mandi pool je ptg td.. :)

  3. I miss this place..tak jauh dari situ ada pakcik jual satar sedapp..and we love to drop by beserah to buy fresh fish..have fun yaaa..

  4. Hi Mama, love the pics here.
    And yes, nothing like travelling on the spur of the moment or on impulse....planning sometimes don't turn out as expected.

    I used to travel to Kuantan very often back in the '70s, '80s....staying at the Merlin or Hyatt hotel at Telok Chimpedak.

    Can see your kids really having fun.
    Incidentally have you gone to Tanjong Jara Resort in Trengganu. Just an hour or so from Kuantan?
    I love that place.
    Have a pleasant Sunday.

  5. bestnya! good u save these sweet memories here. sure tia mia will treasure them seeing their happy faces growing up :)

  6. Azu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yup.. dulu masa belum ada anak, nak gi mana tak perlu plan pun. Belasah je... Sekarang ni, mcm2 kena prepare. hehee..

    Seronoknye... Tia&mia pun happy je dpt berenang. cantiknye pantai kat sini...

    Enjoy ur weekend!

  7. hi all..thanks singgah nanti i singgah kat rumah you all pulak ye..we just got back,bawak balik ikan banyak lerr:)

    hi ann..yeap it was a sweet escapade..tiamia had good time there;)

  8. wahh best2..ikan fresh yang tak kena ais lagi rasa lebih manis..dulu pasar tu tak jauh dari jalan besar..ada papan tanda besar pasar segar tapi kecik stall dia tu..ada 2/3 gerai rasanya..tapi memang sangat rambang mata tengok ikan2, udang, sotong kat situ..usually kalau we all nak kesana..beli kotak gabus tu siap2...tinggal beli ais ajer..dekat tanjung lumpur, seafood dia pun not bad jugak.
