Monday, May 9, 2011

I baked my own cake for Mother's Day!

Salammmm..hullooooo..wahh it has been quite sometimes i left the blog idle..too busyyyyy..doing what? Ayoyo got so many things to do laaa..ada jugak stress up..not a self inflicetd stress but people suka dtg hantar stress  kat kita..but i sabar,diam,istrighfar..Alhamdulillah the stress poohhh pohhh back to yang hantar happy,no need to do anything sabar really shows it power;) Ehhh now i am extra happylah,i ve finalized itenariries for travelling in September,booked the flight,vacation rentals looking forward to puasa,raya and september!Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah..this is the 4th year i celebrate Mother's Day..this time is special.Tia Mia made cards for me,not 1 but 6!..i ve baked my own cake too..wahhh so proud beb..nasib tak riak..heee..heee and most important tunaikan harapan my mother nak balik kampung dia..she so rindu at her my mom Kuala Pilah is the most beautiful and special place..dia tak heran London,Paris or anywhere..tempat tumpah darah still the best  kan..i feel exactly the same..Happy Mother's day Emak..I love jom tengok i baked cake..wahhh special lah tau;)

Morning dapat all these cards from the kenits..wahhh mama suka..thanks ya all very very much.

This is very special..Tia buat sendiri tanpa bantuan sesiapa siap nyorok belakang pintu nak buat.

Papa took us to Dome for breakfast.

Bigbreakfast,the girls favourite.

Baby Cino with marshmallow for kenits people.

Wahhh besarnya ngangaa...

Thank You darling..sharing is caring.

A picture of mama taken by Tia Khadeja..

After breakfast i went to baking class..we baked carrot and spicy pumpkin cakes this week.

The carrot cake mixture..easy and fast to prepare.

wahhhh..look it is so beautiful isn't it;)

The carrot cakes..fresh and yummy

The proud baker..hee..heee

These are the spicy pumpkin cakes..

My two gorgeous cakes!

Carrot cake topped with cream cheese and to delight TiaMia i drizzled colourful choc on top.

The spicy pumpkin with snowhite buttercream..i give my heart to you girls;)

My two cakes.

Ikin's and London in mind ya ikin:)

he..heee the proud owner again.

Another proud owner.

After class papa took us to park..

Another picture of mama taken by Tia Khadeja.

Tia enjoying her popsicles at the park.

Sunday was really hot..

Once we reach home the appreciative customers can't happy bila masak ada orang happy nak makan.

The girls suka carrot cake.

Moist and yummy.

Inilah pengarang jantung,permata hati..dah kenyang makan they burppp and landing atas katil..mata layu..tangan merayap2 nak gentel tepi baju then terus dozz off...i love you all very very much..Happy Mother's Day to all mothers outhere:)


  1. Happy Mothers Day !!!
    so nice to go for baking classes..
    semua menjadi tu !! very nice indeed...

    And Tia can take really good pics there !!! Semua cantik and tengah2 lak tu ..hehehe..

  2. happy mother's day to you too..
    cantik kek u..

  3. pasni tia mia xyah nk order kek lg...order dgn mama je...
    comelnye tgk tia mia tgh mkn...

  4. Hi MamaTiaMia, jangan stress ke tension, ha ha.
    Wow! I love the cakes and food here.
    Love that big breakfast.

    Allow me to add, you sure looking good....and your dolls having the mother's traffic stopper looks someday going to make boys have heart bypass, ha ha ha.

    Love the pics here, all well taken too.
    Have fun, keep well.....and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  5. Happy Mother's day to u too..
    Wah.. Sangat happy dapat bake cake sendiri :) si kenit 2 orang tu pun sangat gumbira...
    lepas tu dapat aiskrim lagi.

    Azu, baking class tu ada lagi ke next week?

  6. my putri happy mother's day to you too:)..yeap pandai pulak dia set ambik gambar tau.

    hanis happy mother's day to you..thanks.

    kzai..hee..hee harap2 berkekalan lah membuat cake ni:)

    Uncle Lee-wahhh you ve made my day.. i no stress stress lagi lah..i keep one song in my heart;)

    ita..thanks..class tu ikut course ita...dia da sentiasa tapi kena ikut can call and inquire;)

  7. hepy mothers day mama tiamia..makin enjoy baking nmpknye ye..seronok i tgh..
    Skill Tia amik gmbr makin bagus..gud job tia.. :)

  8. so nice the cards from tia mia. 4years of happy mother's day to mama tia mia. seeing them grow really makes us happy and now they are so clever can express their love to their mums in words and acts of kindness.
