Thursday, July 21, 2011

Celebrity setengah hari:)

2 Months ago I  agreed to become a speaker at The CopyRight Seminar and Meeting organised by Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).As usual tak prepare until the very last minutes,submitted my presentation to ABU semalam ajer:) This morning instead of taking Federal Highway to IPPTAR at RTM i took NKVE,sesat dalam jam dah pukul 10.00 masih on the road,staff ABU dah sibuk called my mobile..haa..haa those representatives from Australia,Korea,Japan,Pakistan already there,me from Kota Damansara masih sesat di jalan:) Finally dapat reached IPPTAR at 10.45 and my session started at 11.15,ok lah dapat sengih2 dengan orang dulu.Ohhh cerita celebrity setengah hari nya macam ni,tak lah se glamour mana:) Sampai RTM punya guardhouse kena berenti ambik pass,so i tunjuk lah office ID,so abang2 guard tu sibuk lah bercakap "ohh dari MPB ..ehh dia ni yang baca berita Inggeris tu..ha,hantar lah pi dewan tu nanti dia lambat" i was escorted by the guard to the hall..nice jugak..masa nak balik abang2 guard tu tak abih lagi sibuk lah bertanya "ni cik ke puan?"..saya pun cakap "terimaksih ya layanan baik,saya ni puan dan tak baca berita pun"..he..hee:)

It is great to be able to join ABU seminar again and share my experience.I used to be active before,never fail to join the meeting and seminar all over Asia Pacific Countries,my last meeting was in Tokyo,at that time i was heavily pregnant with the twins..after i gave birth berehat lama lah tak join their seminar and meeting.

This year supposed to be in Iran but they cancelled it at the very last minutes and finally Kuala Lumpur hosted it..hopefully next year will be somewhere nice,wish it will be in New Zealand;):)

So this Minah perasan lah setengah hari;)

This is what i got apart from layanan mesra,peluk cium dari kawan2 lama dan makanan lunch yang sedap..thanks ABU.

Ohh ramadhan and raya is just around the corner i can't wait to eat raya cookies,i bought this dahlia cookies from Ratu Sari is really delicious made using butter..lembut di pegang dan cair dalam mulut..tia and mia pun suka.

And nak cerita jugak pasal budak kenits ni..bagus jugak perkembangan reading dia after teacher claire buat balik revision "phonic" with them..they can read quite yesterday i was quite impressed when tia said " mama why is this octopus called "miow,miow" dia boleh baca miow miow tu walaupun dalam bentuk macam tu:)

Finally this is gambar budak busyuk..ada dalam my camera,the papa snapped it this morning as he feels good seeing his girls start suka golf..bangun pagi dengan punting2 busyuk tu mengadap "golf set"..he..hee..weiii budak2 busyuk mama love you..nanti weekend we go main scooter dekat park ya:)


  1. haaa i got a cousin working in ABU!!! hehehe

  2. kalau lah jadi buat kat NZ tu kita mesti contact each other ok :) i am in Wellington :) Wellington ni capital city of NZ tapi kecik je macam kampung the way, i nak balik beraya di malaya thn ni, will be there for 5 weeks inshaAllah :)


  3. hi drama ke siapa? i kenal lah a few kat situ,kak hanizah,robana,kim:)

  4. Salam yatie..wahhh seronoknya nak balik malaya ya,5 weeks pulak tu:)kalau ada rezki kita terlanggar kat belakang mana2 ya:)mesia kat mana yatie?Yatie,i suka town mat salleh kecik2 ni..big city like London tu sehari dua dah cukup..tapi kalau small town just duduk2 kat local cafe pun nice kan..insyallah one day kalau pergi we contact ya.

  5. mmg cunlah celebrity ni.. he..he.

  6. huishhh terbatuk batuk saya hanis:)

  7. wow!
    kakpinat tumpang bangga dapat kawan dgn celebrity..Alhamdulilah

  8. salam lah tu;)

  9. my parents house kat ampang so kalau balik malaysia mmg dok situ je la :) you kat mana?


  10. hi yatie..i duduk kota damansara,selalu nya seminggu raya balik kampung lah...i give you my email address just in case kita nak chat2 lagi- ada kd second week tu, on the 3rd week 15/9 insyallah will be fyling to sydney bawak budak2 for two weeks.
