Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trapped like a Rabbit!

Nearly 11 years ago before i got married and when i was stilled slim and weight less than 53 kg i had an illusion in my head that i was heavy and signed for a weight loss program. I was not really sure what had into me at that time,maybe i was comparing my cekeding weight of 44 kg when was in Uni,that i felt heavy at 53 when i started working..if now i stilled weight 52kg i sengih happy ,tergolek tergelantang manjanglah dgn weight tu.Anyway back to the program, after i signed it i had attended about 6 or 7 sessions and stopped sedangkan the session has about 60s.The centre had been calling me after that but i didn't go because i didn't like the process of wrapping and been left under the hot blanket for 30 mins,macam ikan siakap kena stim.Few years after that as i thought dah burned dah my package they called me,persuaded me to come and finish it and they even offered to shift it to facial program.I agreed but in the end i stilled didn't go as i couldn't find time etc.Last few weeks they called me again and i was impressed as i think they are so good after 11 years they stilled keep my pacakage! They asked me to come as i stilled have about 16 wraps left,thinking that i should lose some wight since nak pakai kebaya nanti i pun pergi lah last week..and stilled impress with their honesty and sincerity.Once i reach there,they have my record ready,they took me to the room,measure my body and showed me the "perkembangan" of my body..haaa..haaa..of course lah berkembang dari 11 years ago:) But my 'kegembiraan" thinking about their honesty and sincerity vanish after the session as after that they showed me the whole range of supplements," a must buy" package to compliment the old package,sebab the old one dah tak effective etc..when you are there you are really helpless you can't really say no and they are damn persuasive..i ended up buying the drink supplements etc as well:) instead untung boleh habiskan package lama..duit baru pun melayang..kena ketuk2 kepala,ingat!!!! next time should never walk into their shop!Never,never..they are like a sucking machine,they will suck you and you'll never get out alive! Just like me, i was trapped like a rabbit and this rabbit better lose some weight!

Sebab dah kena trap..this rabbit tak larat dah nak tulis keterangan kat gambar2..tengok ajer lah ye:)Oh yaaa i ada beli rabbit..sebab peringatan kat diri sendiri:):)

Finally, i am just a human, sometimes i am vain too..let myself be trapped like a rabbit but dah kena insaf lama,hopefully another 11 years Lol, my emak doa your daughter to be strong and not vain ya:):)


  1. Dear me you tak gemuk mana pun.You untung sebab tinggi.

    I sekarang ni rajin berpuasa sunat.So far Alhamdulllah sudah turun 2kg.

  2. Salam...
    mama tiamia ni masih cun lagi la,kalau pakai kebaya pun lawa...tak nampak gemuk pun, dah memang u tak gemuk kan...

    saya pun penah terkena...gara2 temankan kawan pastu diorang ayat sikit punya bagus sampai terbeli jugak..hahaha

  3. hehe..kak pun hampir gak terkena masa g slimming santuary semalam..haha..funny..kononyer dpt voucher utk free 1 session post natal slimming treatment..seb baik smlm consultation je,bila dorg terangkan..sebelum dpt free session tu..kena purchase 1 treatment..adeh..ati da meronta2 da mcm "nak,nak,nak" seb baik asben yg pegang kredit..bila call dia.. tanya pendapat..dia kata..BIG NO..hahaha..dia ckap bayar..pastu stakat turun 1 inch..then makan x jaga,baik x payah..hahaha..maka..terselamat la sy dr melaburkan duit ke,dorg punya staff baik2..lega ati..dorg layan sgt baik :)

  4. salam nadiah..insayallh puasa memang terbaik.

    ummimiqdad..asja aje lah nak terjebak ni..lama punya cerita.terima kasih;)

  5. bella..haa..ha ya ke..dia org ni memang pandai corner kita kan..bila dengar t..hishhh susah betul nak menolaknya..akak anggap beli juice powder tu sbg supplements ajer lah..dan akak better makan:):)
