Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Night till Morning with Us:)

Dear Sallyza,Nadiah,Naura,mamalisa,zira thank you for the lovely comments:) Hanis,kalau mkn apa pun dgn cilipadi padi kicap sedap kan,fiezachommel and yanizz selamat mencuba:) Zarina you are most welcome,aida,i ada letak recipe kat bawah gambar pasta tu..tapi tak lah in details because i main campak2 ajer:) acik idida..ye ke..sila lah beli lappy yang canggih acik..awak byk gambar cantik dan budak comel:):) X6 ff sgt cool cermin tinted dia very nice..kecut pulak bila duduk kat depan ff bwk laju:):) rezki dia lah tu..she is a very nice down to earth girl:) Yatie NZ- ye ke..tu lah kenal2 ff tu kat sini since dia selalu liase dgn legal dept jugak,very nice girl..so satu kepala lah bila boleh cakap nogori tu..so small lah this world kan..ff very visionary pandai buat duit lah dia:) so kalau i pi NZ boleh jumpa cousin ff ler ya and boleh cakap nogori tak u?:):) finally Ann..i guess so sebab org singapore takut pedas kot:):) but sedap kan:)

Okay lah macam biasa since i love taking picture of foods..here it goes.

Last night we had this lovely mushroom pie.My staff packed it for me from La Manila Tmn Tun,they said the shepherd pie there is very nice.I took it back,heat it and made mash potato to go with the pie.The pie is a winner,the brown sauce was very nice and goes well with my mash potato.

Yummy..look at the sauce and the filling..lot of soft and fresh mushroom inside..heaven:)

After dinner we had..what? i can't say tea or nescafe:) because we had three types of drink for three types of people.Uwan wants a small nescafe with fullcream milk,papa wants nescafe with freshmilk no sugar,while myself is always a tea person and i love to take my tea with a slice of lemon;)

Morning..i made this super yummy burger..dah lama semua orang tak makan burger and the girls can bring it to school too:)

This is for papa,he has fried onion and soft omelette in his burger..very delicious he said.

No matter how tempting the burger is..uwan stilled prefer nasi goreng..nampak tak belakang tu uwan sedang makan my nasi goreng kampung style;)

Tia is delighted to see the breakfast..for them i have to leave out the onions:)

Nak story..my laptop sudah rosak lah..asyik hanging ajer..so tension nak buat activity kat rumah..i am thinking of getting a new one..what is the most happening one in the market right now? Since tak boleh buat blogging last nite i read my the traveling books... i have collection of insight traveling for number of countries in this world..tak der kerja i buat ulangan;)

See what i found in the book..so nostalgic..berlari lari i tunjuk kat hb..my first eurostar ticket from waterloo london to paris in 2000.It was 12 years ago and priced at GBP 40 only..too many sweet memories came to my mind last night,when i looked at the pages in the book i saw the addresses which had been circled by me, i remember running inside disneyland,eating briyani in paris. etc.etc..now eurostar cost nearly a thousand RM from Paris to London for a standard class..hmmm bila nak pi paris lagi ni papaaaaa?

and i found my friend's Elton John ticket in my book,she went to Elton John concert in London in 1998!..huhhhh..imagine..minatnya dia dgn Elton John..sanggup tu;):)

Yes..we have new addition to our family..Abu,Amat,Ana..since Ryan dah hilang last two weeks dan Eva tinggal sorang..so kita carikkan kawan..ramai dah and meriah lah:)

So Tia and Mia now have Abu,Amat,Ana dan Eva...Tia bila cakap dgn uwan she makes sure all in BM : 'Uwan Tia ada 2 tikusss porompuwan, 2 tikusss laki, yang porompuwan itu orang putehh..yang laki itu orang malayu uwannn" haa..haaa so cute..have a nice day everybody;)


  1. uwaa..best nya kenapa best sgt lepak blog u ni....lepak sini hari tersu rasa sejuk...

  2. tempting gile nampak beuger tu...

    nita pun suke lepak blog ni..but as a silent reader aje..

    kiut tia mia....sayang dorang

  3. Haaa....Tia ada dua tikus perempuan dan dua tikus lelaki. So cute Tia yang bercakap itu...:)

  4. tikus pompuan orang puteh.... hihikhik funny la u girl :)

  5. comeyl..comeyl...comeyl..sgt comeyl tia ckp porompuwan..hehehe..aiyoyo~ tutup mata terimagine plak si qaisara.. hiks~

    haha..lama x komen kat blog akak,since bleh tgok kat fb..tp kat opis now xleh tgok fb..seb baik leh tgok blog..
    hehe..mmg sukeeee.. baca blog akak..pastu sy verangan skali :P

  6. I sangat suka baca blog you...3 hari la I nak habiskan post2 lama you...


  7. terus rasa nak masak burger balik ni.. he..he..

  8. ermmm sedapnya burger....meleleh air liuh....

  9. kak Zue,

    nak add akak dlm FB boleh tak?

  10. yummyness n lazatness ... terus rs lapar

  11. Wow...the bege looks so yummieeee....kelakar tgk pic tia...tergolak acik.....hahaha..azu,nk tanya la..kalu u msk2 nih kan utk heni pon sda ker? Ke dia masak sdr? Atau dia xmkn western...?

    Ooo padan la bilo donga ff ckp nogori botul tajwid ehhh..haha...

  12. salam zu..remember me?yg sibuk tanya u pasal ur camera tu...:) saja nak tinggalkan quick comment ni nak bgtau u..

    (excitednya i..haha) i saw u last saturday tau..dlm ford kan? i nak masuk parking lowyatt n u on the way nk ke jln besar..hemm bila i mentioned u kat my family then my son kata hah mama ni stalker lah...eh eh..mana ada kan..tu je nak cerita..:D

  13. rajin betul la you ni pepagi pun buat 2 kind of breakfast...suka la maid u x pyh dia pepenat nak masak utk family u kan sebb mem super chef!terliur tgk beger tu

  14. hi sis, lappy rosak, apa lagi, sambarlah yang baru punya. :)

    alangkah bagusnya kalau my house sebelah rumah sis, boleh la saya belajar masak best-best dengan sis. paling tidakpun, tumpang makan sekali... :)

  15. Mamatiamia dear,

    For lappy, it depends on ur budget. If u r looking for higher end range, then i reckon u to buy either Macbook or the Sony Vaio range. Durability & reasonable price would be HP Pavilion or Dell Latitude.

    Ur spiral pasta looks good :-D
