Friday, January 6, 2012

Home,Garden Plus School & Hospital.

Salam semua:):) Hopefully all of you had a great week&weekend:) It was a really busy week for me but as promised i ll answer all comments below.

Selain menguruskan day today tasks Tia sakit pulak,dua kali jugak turun naik TMC and she nearly got admitted,Alhamdullilah dah baik now,macam tu lah nak membesarkan anak2 ni kan,sakit,jatuh,luka semua sebahagian dari proses membesar.

It was an extra busy week for me,as usual January is appraisal time,tak senang nak appraise orang ni,macam2 aspek kena di lihat..hmmm hopefully semua orang pun ada rezki.Minggu ni pulak setiap fb,blog mostly bercakap pasal anak yang baru masuk sekolah..and so cute sesetengah tu the papa yang pergi tunggu si kecil so bila dia buat posting kat fb tu rasa seronok baca.Tia and Mia going to be 5 this June,so banyaklah yang bercakap mesti register dah,ada orang register sekolah sejak umur 4 tahun pun lagi.Risau jugak lah dengar..hee..hee takut anak tak ada tempat  nak masuk sekolah nanti kan.So me and husband pergi lah check few school,we went to check out government and private schools.Apa pun setelah berusaha we berserah pada Allah Swt,mana yang terbaik,rezki Tia and Mia minta di situ lah dipermudahkan..and we really like one school hopefully ada rezki di situ.

Friday we visited one school...

It was a very meaningful day for the papa..experience mencari school untuk anak2.

This school has friendly and good environment for standard one.

The Library is very nice too..many good books inside it.

It was a good tour from the Admin office..thank you very much.

Our Saturday started with breakfast in our small garden.

All seeds planted by Tia Mia have grown nicely.

Bittergourd and Angle Loofa,it seems that we have to get bigger pots to transfer the plants.

Then Saturday evening Tia tiba2 batuk teruk,it was a frightening non stop cough..every time she cough she will vommit and she can't hardly eat anything..due to the non stop cough she suffered headache too..we took her to TMC..bila ada kurang sikit tu tersengeh dan gave her antibiotic and few other ubat but langsung tak ada effect..kena lah bawak for a second sangat risau especially bila dia sakit kepala jugak..Sunday morning Alhamdulillah dah ada perubahan..nampak baik and less cough..Alhamdulillah,Alhamdulillah.

Today we tak pergi mana just berehat kat rumah..biar Tia pulih betul2 dulu..i made some activities for them..asked the papa to be uncharged..and i saw him taking his time carving the butterfly on the cut potato..hee..heee..nasib baik Tia Mia tak suruh carve gambar ballerina:):)

Fun time ..stamp,stamp..Tia said she is making a wall paper for me:)

Good day for everybody..

I tak beritahu lagi kan..Tia's rabbit si Heart hilang,Heni as usual very careless masuk bagi makan tak tutup pintu,gate rumah pun Heart escaped keluar..Tia was very sad.

Saturday after hospital..we went to pet shop to get a replacement for Tia..Alhamdulillah we got yang betul2 same..until Tia tanya mama is this my heart? did she walk back to this shop?he..hee so the new one ni she called "cottontail".

This is my 'wallpaper" exclusively designed for me by Tia and Mia.

Today as promised i tukarkan anak2 sayur Tia and Mia into bigger pots.

i put support sticks using the old chopsticks..hee.hee..

we hooked garden wire from pots to fence to enable plant to crawl...macam ni lah limited space kalau ada ruang besar mesti saya dah pergi tebang kayu dalam hutan untuk buat sokongan..:):)

Since hot soup is good for everybody i prepared steam boat this evening..we had candle to give some nice ambience too;):)

Jom kita steam2;)

Tia with her ballerina swimming suit and mia with her gown:)

The kain pelikat man incharged;)

i love being at home very much..dont have to do many fancy things..sitting down with the loved ones is a bliss.

My lemon tea really laku..sekelip mata dah nak habis.

Home sweet home..let your fingers wrinkled from washing dishes, back pain from too much laundry,face filled with cobwebs and brittled nails from cooking..i still love trading:)

Yeahhhh steamboat sudah sedia untuk di makan.

Uwan habis asar pun turun nak makan steamboat.

bak kata orang makan sampai tergolek..betul tak cottontail? you so cute lah..i love bela rabbit ni..something for me to look forward too in the evening beside the loved ones..i suka bagi they makan..dia panjat2 rasa seronok and i love hidupkan api lilin malam2..macam rasa nyaman dan aman:):)

Okay lah tak menghampakan peminat gulai masak lomak dia gulai udang dengan pucuk peraga..i masak lepas makan steamboat tadi,uwan mana kenyang makan steamboat masakkan dia gulai ..favourite dia ni.

gulai uwan sudah sedia.

Dah hidangkan siap2 baru naik atas maghrib..selamat makan malam uwan.

and limau mandarin dah membanjiri pasaran..kita org pun tak ketinggalan membeli jugak:)

Pakcik came on saturday and brought us this beautiful basket..pakcik beli dari OKU yang datang berjaja kat rumah dia ni..boleh letak banyak makan inside..very useful thank you pakcik and makcik.

Finally..i wish everybody a happy week ahead..lets borak2 kat bawah:):)

Dear daydeck86-bunga orkid memang cantik kan apatah lagi kalau ibu kita yang tanam,Alfatihah buat arwah, Lady of Leisure - thank you..seronok lah kalau dapat gardening dengan Aman nanti lady,Arrri and Molly pun boleh datang tercegat tengok,rumah baru nanti banyak kawasan ya..seronoknya:):) yeap uwan dah balik and i start lah masak cilipadi balik;), nyza- camana bercuti?hope fully semua okay,seronok they nyorok2 kat dalam tu nyza and corned beef tu tak berapa same dengan mince beef,salty a bit and ada bau kuat,selalu orang buat chilli corned carne,or burritos or yg dah goring sedap drizzle on baked potato, Farrah- so sorry to hear about yr mom,dont stop praying moga satu hari nanti dia pulih semula,jgn putus asa and keep talking to her.and thank you for the salam. mummy miqhael orkid rimau tu orkid kampung kan..bukankat subaidah,saya kat sri utama,dekat ajer lah dgn subaidah tu, and pasta sauce tak payah pakai tepung jagung nak pekat cuma biarkan dia pekat sendiri atas api, Julie Aberdeen- thank you...amboi banyak barang ni..kalau dekat boleh lah kita tolong,memang syoklah lah ada aga tu Julie..kalau yang colour biru atau kuning sangat sesuai dgn dapur french angan2 ajer lah duli Julie,hopefully jadi kenyataan:) take care ya, Saniah- tak apa lah bersimen pun boleh buat potted garden,pun best dan cute, Shinnaz- tahnk you!, Salam Marya Yusof,i am glad to have you as blogger friend too,many things that i can learn from you jugak..alhamdulillah:), Hanis,tu lah kena lah jaga sama2 baru best kan, susumanis-thank you very much, fiezhachommel,thank you ya, zira-nice day to you too, dear arielle, thank you for dropping by, i am sure makati@fiilipine has many beautiful parks and garden:), mamaalifsarah- try lah masak lomak pulak, dear Ann- thank you,indeed gardening brings  happiness to many people,you become so close to mother nature,tiamia always suka try apa pun mama buat,so i got to be careful;),wish you wonderful year ahead ann,may happiness will always be with you,p.s that lampshade is not expensive and chosen by tia mia;) Cacah- happy new year to you too,all good wishes and doas from akak;), Hi Somuffinns- thanks atas perkenalan, glad to know you too,may years ahead bring happiness to all of us, Kak zaitun- terima kasih, kita pun akan tua satu hair nanti,melihat diri sendir i dalam ibu sebagai peringatan, Maya Marissa- happy new year to you too dear,i love eggs too kalau tarok memang heaven kan cuba my mom ajar tak berapa suka telur cair2 ni, mamamarissa-thank you,happy new year to you ya,  mamalisa-thanks so much macam rumah org lain jugak lah kalau time tiamia buat sepah pun haru jugak., Suraya harris-reban ayam ayan lagi comel:), Rosma-you can just call me zu,bebudak office ajer call me macam tu,dah kawin pun masih cik,beruntung i :),so true of what you have said,selain doa yg utama,we are in charge of our happiness kan, umiyumi,salam buat orang perth,saja buat suka2 the kids, linda-reban ayam doa2 kan lah ya;), Cikayu-thank you sudi singgah ya.


  1. harini dah ade masak lomak...very the tempting masak lemak udang dgn pegaga tu...dah lame tak buat padahal pegaga banyak tumbuh kat belakang rumah...

    macam mane la heni leh careless sampai heart bole terpelas..ish ish... nasib dapat jumpe yg same..

    kak zue, school to be tia maia tukat Sri KDU ke?

  2. Hi, how are you and ur family? dah lama i follow ur blog actually :) since masa u renovate ur semi-dee tu..

    Dulu i pernah tanya the playschool u sent mia n tia yg kat ttdi tu... can you tell me the name of the place again? thanks a lot.

    I have to tell u that I love reading ur blog bcoz u always show gratitute eventho' most of us know that you are one of the fortunate ones to have a wonderful life. :)

    keep on writing zu..:)

  3. Hi mamatiamia, i ended up sini while tgh google for homestay @ k.pilah :)
    Love your blog very much, especially your two cutie pies.

    Just to mention something about that school - kena pakai kasut putih (very the leceh) dan i tak berapa berkenan dgn demerit system. Prefer positive reinforcement. But dunno la kot skrg dah macam lain.

    Looking forward to read more stories:)

  4. TQ Kak,
    Cadangan saya rasanya akak dah boleh bukak mini galeri lukisan dekat rumah akak sebab dua orang budak ticik tu suka melukiskan.

  5. Salam Kak Zu,
    Bestnya dpt mkn home made stemboat.Oh tak lupa masak lemak buat Uwan.TiaMia dah ready nk pergi std one,ye

  6. pucuk peraga tu pucuk apa ya? kot-kot ada nama lain...eheee.....

    by the way, mamatiamia, i 'copy' cara u reply entry readers.....harap x kisah ok? sebab i rasa cara u buat org feel appreciated....thanks ya sebab bagi idea yg bernas itu.....

  7. salam mamatiamia..wah bestnyer sek tiamia ya..cantik n npk fun sgt..kuih tu pun npk sedap, garden pun cantik, masak lomak uwan buat i terliurrr la sgt..hehehe..nway semlm i dah coba masak ketam lomak cili api wt tomato guna resepi mamtiamika..hubby bg 11/10..yeay ..tqsm for yr kind sweet sharing, semoga tempat mamtiamia n yr loved one sgt indah disurga nanti due to yr sincere sharing to all of us..ok bye..kiss kiss to tiamia ya...:)

  8. salam kak zu...sedapnya steamboot tu...favorite family la sek tiamia..kt ner kak..

  9. semoga ada rezei utk tia mia dapat school yg best dan baik.. wah steamboat kat luar.. tengok pun dah rasa best.. terasa mcm nak join sekali.. he..he..

  10. Salaam mamatiamia, kemana la agaknya si heart tu pergi, harap2 la selamat..jgnlah terjumpa dengan stray dogs..saw your main gate tu tutup dengan kayu, berat tak after add house tu gate dia tu jarang jarang besi dia..ingat nak tutup jugaklah kalau tak smua pun partly so that bole jugak buat steamboat kat luar, selalu kalau kat dalam kan..berasap satu dining hall tu :-)

  11. Hi kak azu,I'm one of ur silent reader,think almost 2 years I've been following ur blog.ur blog give ideas n inspiration ,hugs to that 2 little princess .my daughter is same age like them. Oh btw,is that British international school ? :)


  12. kesian mia kne beli arnap baru untuk mia..kne ganti yg hilang mesti sedih mia...

  13. Salam Zu,

    I notice my message has been removed :-(

  14. wah cantiknya the school library!
    sekejap kan anak kita dah 5 years!
    insyaa Allah tia mia dapat sekolah yang terbaik.

    so nice, seeds dah grow well! sure tia mia feel proud and mama too.

    gambar uwan on the swing, cantik! di laman bunga, dikelilingi tumbuhan dan arnab2 comel dan gelagat tia mia yang sentiasa beraktiviti. kebahgiaan buat uwan.

    so sad heart hilang. syukur dapat cottontail, the twin sister.

    tia bersteam in swim suit ;) senang hati ibu bila dah sehat.

    mesti la u love be at home, cos u have dearly made ur home so beautiful, full of live, love and colours.

    we tengok gambar aje pun dah fall in love head over heels :D

    cantiknya green basket tu. and ur tiled tabletop pun cantik.
