Salam Semua...I have gone through the hardest, the longest and the saddest time in is small test from Allah Swt and we are redho. As human in a time like this no matter how strong we are,we easily break,only doa to Allah and support from families and friends keep us solid and going.
Uwan had gone through a very high risk operation, it was so sudden,Friday morning she was at home and at 10.30 at night she was already in operation theatre..i had to make the hardest decision, she had serious and fatal intestinal obstruction,according to the doctor if operation is not perform immediately she might not make it and if i send her for operation we have to be ready with the worst.It was the hardest signature i had to endorse in my entire life,it was saddest moment looking at uwan old face on the bed outside the operation theatre..i held her hand,told her everything is in Allah's hand "dari Allah kita datang,pada Allah kita kembali" and sesungguhnya minta lah kepada Allah dengan sesungguh hati seolah-olah Allah dekat seperti urat nadi di leher kita...she was so weak..i told her to be strong as Tia and Mia are waiting for her at home,i kissed her forehead and sent her in. It was the longest night,she went in at 10.30 and at 2.00 am she stilled not out,i felt like hiding in a that time i prayed so hard..only Allah knows what was in my heart.
She came out from the OT,she's stilled breathing and our Alhamduillah is non stop like a heartbeat in our body.She was doing great on the 1st and 2nd day but 3,4 and 5 th days were the hardest. Uwan is a strong lady,she reminded us many times that she is old and Allah has granted her 88 years of life,if the time comes she asked us not to cry but to remind her of Allah The Greatest so that she can go in peace...she even taught us again and again to ajar her mengucap,she said if she in pain must remind her to be sabar,Allah member kesakitan kerana sayangkan kita.
For the past 6 days my morning was filled with tears,everything in the house reminds me of her..i feel that if i can trade anything in this world.. i will do it for her without i wish she is sitting again at the my breakfast table.Listening to Maher Zain "InsyAllah' in the car every subuh when commuting from ICU to my house was a sad times..tears came down non stop.I never imagine that one day the hot water counter at 711 will be very useful for me,at 6.00 or 5.30 am i will be standing there mixing tea or coffee for me and my sister.
Today is the 7th day,Uwan is stilled warded she has shown good improvement..she is stilled very weak but recovering...tiap kejadian ada hikmah..apa pun yang akan berlaku di masa depan kita redho tapi sebagai hamba yang lemah kita tak putus meminta..dan kami meminta supaya diberi peluang bersama Uwan lagi..doakan lah Uwan supaya sembuh dengan segera dan dapat pulang ke rumah..Amin.
Ada masa setelah Uwan sembuh saya akan berkongsi perbagai pengalaman di tempuh semasa kejadian ini...sungguh menakjubkan.Terima kasih pada yang mendoa kan di FB and jugak di sini.Salam.
MamaTiaMia@Tropicana Medical Centre - Room516 Sleeping at hospital with Ayan my niece.12.00 a.m.
We all love Uwan! Pray for speedy recovery! She will be back home soon and stronger ! Insya Allah. Take good care of yourself too!
ReplyDeleteLamanya rasa tunggu akak update fsl uwan..
ReplyDeleteDapat tahu berita pun sb baca fb ayan...
Inshaallah uwan akan sembuh nnt. saya doakan uwan akan sihat kembali. sedih laaa...
Saya dpt rs camne kebimbangan seorang anak pd ibu dan kebimbangan cucu pada nenek sb pnh brada d tempat ayan... tp tu lbh 5tahun dulu....
rs cam baru lagi... kakak tabah ye. uwan strong...inshaallah she can go through dugaan Allah ni.. sayang uwan...
saya dah agak, there must be something not right since you haven't update your blog for so long!
ReplyDeletei'm in tears when i read your 1st & 2nd paragraphs :( maybe because i can somehow put myself in your shoes. uwan, sembuh cepat! i'm praying hard too that uwan will be safe and sound, and back to kak zue's place ASAP.
kak, if anything goes not according to plan, i'd like to pay visit to your hometown in kuala pilah. sbb my grandmother tinggal di serting tengah, takde la jauh mana dari kuala pilah...
Salam Zu, banyakkan bersabar and be strong. Semoga Uwan cepat sembuh. Amin..
ReplyDeletesalam, semoga uwan cpt sembuh
ReplyDeleteSaya doakan uwan cepat2 sembuh ye...semoga ujian ini merapatkan lagi hubungan dan kasihsayang akak dan keluarga serta kita sbg insan Nya..
Sabar banyak2 tau...sayang uwan : )
p/s: tak pernah miss every entry...wlwpun dah lama tak komen
Aslmkum mamatiamia.harap mamatiamia sabar menempuh saat begini...kuatkan semangat.InsyaAllah moga Uwan cepat semboh... pulih kembali dan dpt segera pulang ke rumah ceria bersama tia dan mia.
ReplyDeleteSalam Zu, I doakan semuga Uwan cepat sembuh, InsyaAllah dipermudahkan.
ReplyDeleteLa tahzan Zu... Insya'Allah, she will get well soon...
ReplyDeleteAssalam azu
ReplyDeletekuatkan semangat and be strong, insyaallah uwan akan kembali sihat... percayalah setiap apa yg berlaku ada hikmahnya, kite akan sama sama mendoakan agar uwan sihat seperti sediakala... insyaallah
not only u're crying. even though we have no blood relationship with uwan, i still love her though. may Allah bless us all and give the best to uwan. amin ya rabbal alamin
ReplyDeleteAssalammualaikum Zu,
ReplyDeleteI can feel your pain and heartache. Let's hope that Allah listens to our prayers and grants Uwan the best of health post-op.
Take care!
Azu, i can imagine how trying these times are for u.
ReplyDeleteuwan has always been the centre of ur family's life and Allah has blessed her with a good life. InsyaAllah she and u and family will go thru this test with sabar and redha and will get the rewards of the thankful servants.
we share ur feelings of anxiety. Alhamdulillah u n family understand that everything is from Allah and we as servants have to go thru it in our best effort.
i have been coming here daily and was kind of worried that there was no update. I dont have an FB account as such i wouldnt know of any updates.
we too have grown fond of uwan thru this lovely blog of yours and our prayers go to uwan, u and family. InsyaAllah kita doakan segala kebaikan buat u sekeluarga dan uwan sembuh dan sehat semula.
Be Strong Zu...I sentiasa doakan yang terbaik untuk Uwan dan you sekeluarga.
ReplyDeleteHope ur mom will have a speedy recovery. Be strong n take care zue
ReplyDelete- dina
semoga uwan kembali sihat. take care kak zu...and be strong...
ReplyDeleteI'll pray for her best kak.. Insyaallah
ReplyDeletesedih nyer.. semoga uwan cepat sembuh... sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mrngetahui yg mana yg terbaik utk hambaNya.
ReplyDeleteAssalam Kak Zu... Saya doakan Uwan akan kembali sihat hendaknya... Semoga Allah Yang Maha BaikHati akan melindungi Uwan...
ReplyDeleteSaya doakan uwan cepat sembuh dari segala penyakit hendak-NYA amin
ReplyDeletekak zu, mudah mudahan uwan selamat dan sembuh...
ReplyDeleteSalam Zu.. Harap Zu byk2 bersabar.. Doakan yang terbaik utk Uwan supaya cepat sembuh, InsyaAllah...
ReplyDeleteSalam Kak Zu,
ReplyDeleteDoa dari Fieza sekeluarga moga Uwan cepat sembuh.Insya allah
salam zu...doa i untuk ur mum..betul kata u zu..dari Dia ia datang kepada Dia ia kembali..Allah beri sakit dan Dia yang akan menghilangkan sakit..doa bynk2 zu..moga Allah sembuhkan ur mum cpt n be with u n family..segalanya ditangan Nya..jaga diri u jgak..jaga kesihatan u sbb nnt nk jg ur mum..
ReplyDeletetake doa to uwan..u are a strong woman too..remember that..
Allah tidak membebankan hambaNya dgn ujian yg tidak mampu kita hadapi.
ReplyDeleteAllah sayangkan mamatiamia sekeluarga.
Be strong and insyaAllah uwan will recover soon. Apapun planning Allah itu yg terbaik.
Take care ya!!
Salam mamatiamia, doa dari kami sekeluarga utara moga uwan cepat sembuh Dan kembali ke rumah you
ReplyDeleteSalam Mamatiamia, Allah akan beri yang terbaik untuk kita semua selagi ada iman dan takwa, itu janji Allah. doa kami sekeluarga untuk Uwan. Salam dari ibu ayuni.
ReplyDeleteSalam mamatiamia,
ReplyDeleteI sentiasa mendoakan moga uwan diberikan kesembuhan dan kesihatan yang baik.. InsyaAllah..
salam mamatiamia..Allah knows best..prays for the BEST,..banyakkan salawat dan istigfar utk tenangkan hati ya, do plays surah surah al quran untuk uwan in her room..insyaALLAH ayat al quran adalah ubat yang terbaik...semoga uwan sihat kembali..insyaAllah..amin Ya Rabb Ya Rabb Ya Rabb...
ReplyDeleteSalaam mamatiamia, may allah grant uwan a speedy revovery and give you and your family a strenght and patience to go through this test. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. My prays for uwan..anminnn
ReplyDeleteHi zue, i was wondering wat happened when your block is quite for the pass few days... I trully understand what you are going thru. My prayers to uwan n zue, pls take care as you need to take care of uwan. Hugs from me & my twins - Aina & Aini
doa dari kami sekeluarga semoga wan kembali sihat.
ReplyDeleteTerkejut dengar cerita ini. Semoga uwan cepat sembuh. Kak azue, bertabahlah....
ReplyDeletemamatiamia dear,
ReplyDeletebe brave & be strong. Just remember that ALLAH will test the person whom he knows can withstand the obstacle.
having said that, speedy recovery to ur mom. InsyaALLAH.
ReplyDeletetercari2 jgk kenapa kak zue lama x update, rupanya dugaan datang.
mpga akak tabah dan moga uwan cpt2 sembuh.
sabar ye.
Allahuakbar, sebak mendengar berita ini.. semoga uwan kembali sembuh dan sihat semula.. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur uwan... take care zu..
ReplyDeleteSemoga uwan cepat sembuh, dan akak sekeluarga diberikan kesabaran & kekuatan yang melimpah ruah untuk tempuhi detik2 sukar ni. amin.
ReplyDeleteKakPinat doakan semuga Allah sihatkan Uwan spt sediakala dan mempermudahkan segala urusan mama Tia Mia.
ReplyDeleteTeruslah memohon dan teguh pergantungan kpd Allah.Yakinlah Dia Maha mengkabulkan doa dan permohonan hambanya yg tulus meminta.
Semoga uwan cepat sembuh ye.
ReplyDeleteSalam Mamatiamia
ReplyDeleteKak Zie turut mendoakan agar uwan cepat sembuh dan segalanya dipermudahkan . Insyaallah . Take care..ya!
InsyaAllah everything will be alright.. Take care.. :)
Ya Rabbi, Kau peliharalah uwan dan Kau sembuhkanlah penyakitnya..
ReplyDeleteTake care Zu, i feel you.. believe me...
Prayers for Uwan and your family. Take care and be strong.
ReplyDeleteSalam kak,
ReplyDeleteByk bersabar and moga Uwan cepat sembuh.
Salam Azu,
ReplyDeleteBaru tgk blog & fb pasal Uwan. Prayers for Uwan & semoga Uwan cepat sembuh...
You have to take some rest as well.
Take care dear
as'salamualaikum dear - am your silent reader. may Allah SWT hasten uwan recovery, ameen. uwan is loved by everyone here, masya Allah.. be strong sis. you're always in my thought and my dua's..
ReplyDeletebe strong dear.. moga uwan segera sembuh..
ReplyDeletesedihnye...padanla akak senyap je few days ni... moga uwan cpt sembuh and blk umah. menangis saya bc entry kali ni, akak be strong ok..
ReplyDeleteSemoga uwan kembali sihat dan dapat bersama tia mia sekeluarga..
ReplyDeleteZue be strong dan banyak berdoa, saya juga pernah melalui saat begini dulu memang sedih dan perlu tabah disamping sokongan dari keluarga. Moga uwan cepat semboh.
ReplyDeleteSemoga uwan cepat sembuh..
ReplyDeleteSedihnye..semoga uwan cepat sembuh! Amin
ReplyDeletesemoga uwan cepat sembuh..Nizs
ReplyDeletekzu, harap akak kuat menghadapi segalanya. Doa sy agar semuanya kembali seperti biasa.
i know how u feel...
assalamualaikum kak azu,
ReplyDeletesemoga uwan cepat sembuh dan sihat macam selalu...
Salam kenal MamaTiaMia,
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, syukur ttg perkembangan kesihatan Uwan ...
Mudah2an Uwan cepat kembali sihat sepenuhnya.
hati rasa bercampur baur..alhamdulillah..smoga segalanya kembali pulih..