Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Massage Me Please!


Thanks All:) especially adik2 yang message pagi2,telling me all the good words:) You made my day!
Anyway short entry today, i ve got tons of things to do before Saturday..huishhh..may di permudahkan;)

Can you recognise this picture? nanti i cerita:) Yesterday my body semua sakit2 and i couldn't take it anymore.The girls dah demam for more than a week before this, selama tu lah tak tidur betul,atas lantai my back said " i had enough! you better send me to switzerland for masasge or i wont cooperate with you anymore!" So late evening i took my body to "Switzerland"..the usual Spa..looking forward to the butterfly fingers, dim light,soft bed and delicious ginger tea:) Unfortunately the "Swedish girl" (imported from Phillipine:):) told me that they have fulled house yesterday sebab school holiday:( :( Frust nyer frust nyer..and i couldn't drag my body to the nearby mall to look for another Spa, so i went to the lower ground there's a 2 stars Spa there. I thought okay lah, i desparately need a massage, they are much cheaper, may be i can go for 2 hours.So i went to  that Spa(not spa pun:)..the registration counter looks okay, i signed for 2 hours for only RM138, wahhh 1/3 of what i am suppossed to be paying for 1 hr session at that Switzerland Spa;);) But when you pay peanuts, what will you get? Dapat " monkey jumping on the bed!!" The bed was small,the lady sat on half of my body to masasge me, no proper room apart from curtain..dah tu asyik dengar the staff bergaduh with people over the phone,my angan2 to sleep during that 2 hours went down the drain..kalau tak selesa mana boleh tidurnya:(
So gambar kat atas tu adalah "dim light" version Spa tu..she ambik tea towel buh atas light..tadaaaa jadi dim light..haaa..haaa;):) malam tadi balik rumah badan sakit sangat..pagi ni i duduk jer atas husband lah jadi physio theraphy nyer..i tak nak layan dia, dia suruh angkat tangan buat exercise, i buat tak tau.. i merajuk sebab i complaint sakit he came late for the rescue;):)..since he knows me inside out,he tak peduli,he just came over lifted my hand up and downand gave me massage at the back;)..i felt better actually but i never it admit it to him;) i went down to the kitchen,put delifrance wholemeal bread in the oven, boiled mushroom soup with fresh milk,served it with cheese,runny eggs and olive..that's a thank you from me ya:);)

After massage semalam i asked this abang bangla to blend 6 green apples for me.. i teguk macam tak minum seminggu..tension kena massage macam tu;(

Then few adik2 asked me " akak selalu ambik gambar muka ajer,akak pakai fashion camana?" Uishhh adik2;  akak punya camera rosak, ambik gambar pakai iphone ajer,mana nak boleh snap penuh2..hari ni akak try..ishhhh..ishhhh tak sampai..takat ni ajer yang sampai..hee..heee

Try..try..i am trying my best..this is the best "full shot' that i have:) See no lah fashion2..biasa ajer..pakai apa yang ada dalam wardrobe..mix and match ajer..kameja casual bubuh belt jadi lah formal sikit:):)

Young female readers like to ask cute fashionista questions " mascara brand apa? ye ke tak pakai eyeliner?tu atas mata tu bukan eyeshadow ke? haaa..not so natural lahhh...brand apa tu? bobby brown ke?"..Enjoy your  time girls:) As for me, i passed that time;):) ( ohhhh am i really that old) i still dress nicely ( mengikut mata i lah) not to impress people..but for my own satisfaction, for my husband, kids..we like to see people in good dress,so dress nicely for our loved ones and also diri sendiri.Kadang2 kita keluar pagi2 husband tak sempat pun tengok kita pakai apa,balik dah salin baju kelawar...orang ajer tengok kita elok2,so kalau ada opportunity bagilah dia tengok kita dress elok2..kalau  so happen you dress overly nice that day and dia tak sempat tengok.,.snap a picture and MMS to him..hee...hee i did that;) then dia balas " wahhhh"..kan boleh senyum sepanjang hari:):)

Ada yang tanya i pakai handbag apa? Grab apa yang sempat pagi2..but this is one of my favourite:) boleh isi segala benda,boleh campak kat mana pun..cuma kalau nak formal tak lah berapa sesuai;)

Letak kat lantai kat mana pun boleh:)

Finally i would like to share this sweet picture:) Last night i posted it at FB with this title " Kasih ibu membawa ke syurga, kasih ayah sanggup jahit telinga Minnie:) Go,go papa make sure the ear not senget!"
Ha,..haaa my friend commented' didn 't know that he is so domestic!" He,he i replied " anak baru baik lepas demam dah seminggu lebih,kot budak tu suruh buat Maruku pun harus dia buat!"

Salam and may all of us have a great day today:):)


  1. Salam Kak Zu,
    Bestnya dapat massage kan?Badan Fieza pun dah sakit2...rasa nak demam pun ada...

  2. Dear Zu,

    One day saya sgt down..and Allah tereksidenkan saya masuk your blog...masa tu saya sdg baca someone blog yg link to your blog..and saya baca how you jaga uwan sakit and your writing tu buat ayo mata saya begenang..and quickly call emak saya..thank you..Zu, jatuh cinta sudaah saya with your blog! i love your writing..and i love your authentic masakan kampung sbb i came from kampung oso...TQ

  3. gigih husband akak yer.. akak nak tny.. mcm mn nk jd +ve..

  4. Aha...nasib baik ada girls yg tnya psl fesyen u...hihi i nk tny simple but yet so nice...:)
    Nk tny lg yg ni tak segan aa...shawl u tu kat belakang labuh tak..i cnfuse la pakai bnd ni..kita tarik dpn bg labuh but kat belakang plk pndek..u pakai shawl besar ke

  5. Salam Kak Zu...Just nak berkongsi dengan kak zu, pasal entry yg sebelum ni..kak zu susah nak cari parking atau ada kesusahan nak mintak Allah permudahkan..kak zu try lah baca surah alam nashrah berkali-kali...yakin insyallah akan dipermudahkan semuanya...

  6. Salam Kak Zu,

    Tersenyum lebar saya baca pasal you merajuk sbb hubby lambat rescue sakit badan, but at the end you ended up making a good breakfast as your sign of gratitude to him for massaging you anyway. Rasanya, bila dah ada anak-anak ni, kita pun takdela terang-terangan benor tunjuk kita kasih dan sayang our spouse apart from showing them through layanan masakan, jaga rumah etc.

    Last but not least, the Minnie Ear thing also cracked a big smile on my face...Untung Kak Zu ada hubby mcm ni. God Bless You Both!

  7. kesian kak zue...but u hav lovely hubby! sweets pic yg last sekali...touching tau!...nnt bila tia mia dah besar, kak zue tunjuk kat diorang bahawa betapa beertuahnya diorang memiliki daddy yg sgt caring n loving!...pandai yer masuk kan benang dlm jarum, maknanya penyabar orangnyerr!

  8. cute la hubby kak zu nk jait tinge minnie

  9. Hati dah senang kan sebab the two Kenits dah sihat n uwan pun dah okay so apa lagi mummy pun posing sakanlah.hai kata orang TTDI bawa handbag branded apa korang orang Kota damansara sorang ni tak mau kalah tuuuuu handbag Paris mari jugak.okaylah just lawak2 okay jangan lah simpan di hati tapi tak sangka kata pandai merajukla pulak bye

  10. nak ckp best kena urut pun mcm tak best sbb tak feel sgt urutan tu dari cerita k.zu.. sebelum ni nak juga tgk gambar full version mcm tu.. tp malu.. nasib ada yg mintak tgk.. dptlah tumpang sekaki.. he..he.. yg last pic tu, klu hubby i yg buat mcm tu, mahu menitik air mata ni sbb dia pegang jarum pun tak reti..

  11. salam kak..hehehhe..part buat maruku n jahit telinga minnie tu yg saya tak tahan ketawa sweet la papa tia mia ni :) tu lah kan kasih ayah...benda yg x sangka pun boleh buat utk anak2 tersayang...

  12. salam...

    nak gelak jugak...papa tia mia leh jahit telinga mini...cayala boss!

    papa papa ni..demi anak ape ape pun sanggup...truth...buat muruku pun sanggup kowt!!

    kak zue beg LC tu cantik...

  13. indeed! he is so domestic... kagum and sgt bertuah azu n the twins... cayalah!!!


  14. Assalamualaikum sis, am one of your silent follower. Adore you so much. I love reading your blog. Everyday mmg xpernah missed punya. I do wish that I hv a sister like you. :)) my payers goes to you and your family. May Jannah be your place. Insyallah. Amin :))

  15. kiut papa pun boleh jahit telinga minnie...nanti ajar papa masak pulak...mama boleh rest sikit...

  16. So lovely la papa mamatiamia Ni.Untung akak

  17. Salam Zu *can I call Zu?*
    I haven't book about Sydney Holiday..insyallh, kalau ada rezeki.. Love the new you..honestly!

  18. As salam...

    So sweet.. and untung akak dapat husband mcm tu... hehehe... anyway salam perkenalan drp saya.. ;)

  19. Salam Zu,

    Satu hari nanti bila sudah hilang phobia you nak ke TTDI I will share with you tempat mengurut yg paling sedap and boleh bawa you mimpi sampai langit ke tujuh....hehhehe.

    I have been there since 8tahun yg lalu.Datin Nurjuma pun sinila tempat dia mengurut and etc.Ramai VIP datang massage disini.Kadang2 tu sambil mengurut kak yg urut tu akan share juicy gossips about VIP ni because who's and who diaorang tak urut disitu but special arrangement untuk datang kerumah diaorang.Akak menugurut tu cakap merasa juga diaorang naik kereta bercermin gelap siap ada orang bukakan pintu.....hehheheheh.

    But don't worry orang2 biasa mcm kita ni pun akan dapat layanan VIP disana.

    Take care Zu.

  20. Kak Zu,

    I look forward to read your colourful life story everyday. Kisah teladan, life tips, fashion...serba lengkap la.


  21. tia mia, u have a very sweet papa, a pefect match for ur sweetest mama. treasure them!
