Wednesday, March 7, 2012

TiaMia,Uwan in California&Florence Nightingale goes Lebanese@Al Rawsha

Salam All:)

I was Florence Nightingale for 2 nights already,sitting by the bed armed with Antibiotic,paracetamol,ubat bontot and wet towel.Tia was having high fever,Alhamdulillah she is recovering today but Mia has started to have temperature too. With doa and accompanied by effort i tried my best to avoid admission at hospital,so i monitored and gave them ubat exactly like in the ward i.e every 4/5 Florence Nightingale cannot sleep:( gave Tia ubat at 6.00 pm,woke her up at 11.30 pm gave another dose,when she was hot i gave her cold shower in the middle of the night,let her sleep and woke her again at 4.30am for another dose.If Florence Nightingale walked through the ward in the middle of the nights with lantern,i sat with Macbook:);)

Today i am really exhausted, I prepared everything in the morning before going to office including feeding Tia at 6.30 am so that i can give her antibiotic. The funny incident was while driving my car to office and upon seeing water on the road i angkat my long skirt in the car..haaa..haaa takut basah..really penat dan berangan lah me. Anyway Office had big makan2 today at Al Rawsha and i have some sumptious pictures to share.

On another note,to those who are  interested to contact my contarctor Alvin,here is his number 012 2339556;):) and we shall chit chat again soon;):)

Today we had big makan2 at Al Rawsha,No 8 Jalan Kampung Pandan.

We booked a VIP room for 17 of us.

The big has tak habis lagi..tak tau camana nak habiskan ni:);)

The popular Chicken Mandy..very nice.Personally i rasa yang kat Dataran Sunway 'Nasi Arab Ta'if'" pun sedap jugak..the portion just nice and tak muak.

The grilled chicken.

The Big Appetizer, my favourite, i love the humus,tahina and the salad..cannot stop eating it.

Drowned in food..Alhamdulillah.

The super thick mango juice,rasa makan mango ajer..similar to mango lassi from "Insaf resturant".

'The buah Arab" we had tak senonoh jokes and fun over this..heee...heeee..the green one is really nice,made from desicated coconut.

Makan non stop..this is yesterday;s picture with Nerry Nerry Strawberry,we had lunch at Good Evening Bangkok- meraikan one kawan yang dah pencen;)

The daun kaduk appetizer;):)

And my intan payung demam worried anak sakit..moga cepat baik ya:):)

Mamatiamia in california? I found this website of radistation in santacruz in California..they have loads of ouf pictures at their website..hmmm..i have sent them an email.

tak berapa faham apa yang dia komen as the text is quite confusing..i think it is a broadcasting text.

See..gambar Uwan pun keluar kat santa cruz,california ni.

Sister Silent reader from Bangsar said she misses my smiling picture..hee..hee;) Thanks Sis:) Today i letak my penat,mata kecik sebelah,dalam mulut ada buah arab and comot with mandy rice picture:):) Salam All may all of us be blessed by Allah SWT always;):)


  1. Salam Zu, jgn lupa jaga kesihatan diri juga, ok. kalau budak2 demam panas elok minum air barli, lap2 badan dgn tuala basah yg rendam dgn air asam jawa. air asam jawa sapu waktu siang aje. mlm2 takut sejuk.

  2. minta tia minum lebih banyak air.. semoga tia cepat sembuhnya.. comot ke? nmpk sweet aje.. he..he..

  3. thanks for your response sis..I feel so hard to practice because I really don't have any passion in this field..;( but Allah knows the best and may be this is the best path for me..
    p/s : seems like I have to find place to start my chambering now..

  4. as'salamualaikum sister in deen, may Allah SWT hasten tia (mia) recovery and may Allah SWT reward you with abundance rahmah and hidayah, ameen. take care dear sister and mention us in your dua's.

    p.s. - you sister in sg :)

  5. Mana Ada comot comelah tu macam Kak yan sikit2 pun Ada jugak anyway satu lagi petua kalau budak2 Panas badan letak air daun bunga raya pun ok jugak tapi Susah nak cari sekarang ni sebab orang tak tanam bunga raya lagi kan kan

  6. azu,
    i nak kenal dengan sister in sg kat atas tu ;)
    peminat u sampai california.

    better to be treated at home, selesa juga for u, the caregiver, as long we know what's the procedure. at least tia mia tak demam serentak.

    hehe cute la u angkat skirt!
    cantik colourful window panels.
    the food looks good, must gugel for kg pandan.
    thanks azu, i get a glimpse of dear nerry :)

  7. You pakai eyeliner brand apa?cantik la

  8. kak zue.
    alrawsha dh ade bukak kg kg pandan eh, wah sgt cantik the vip room..harus terjah lps ni.. nk mkn humous hv yummehhhh tuu. nasi mandy too
    selalu niza gi kat ampang..

    you looked blue sis, gojezzz.hihihi

  9. Sian tia....get well soon ok...
    Sian kat mama jg....cgitu la kn kalau anak sakit...kene bjaga mlm...risau dgt..penat ke ngantuk ker blkg ksihatan diri sdr kene jg juga.....

    Caca pon tgh dlm ward ni...rotavirus....

  10. Sian tia....get well soon ok...
    Sian kat mama jg....cgitu la kn kalau anak sakit...kene bjaga mlm...risau dgt..penat ke ngantuk ker blkg ksihatan diri sdr kene jg juga.....

    Caca pon tgh dlm ward ni...rotavirus....

  11. salam azu...sodap nasi arab mandy tu..baru isnin lepas mkn dgn kawan..tak terhabis...kesiannya Tia demam..ingat lagi waktu anak2 aku kecik2 dulu..kalau diorg demam memang kita tak boleh tido mlm..kalau nak tido pun kena gilir2 dgn hubby..itu pun dgn cool fever, air asam jawa kat kepala katil..memang tak senang hati.. tapi sebenarnya sampai sekrg w'pun mereka dah besar tapi bila demam aje still kita tak boleh tido mlm jugak..auntie sham doakan semoga Tia dan Mia cepat sembuh supaya boleh gediks2 lagi...

  12. comot comot pun still cantik la sis ;)


  13. makan makan lagi...

    wah cantik ye al rawsha kg pandan...
    yg penah pergi al rawsha ampang..

  14. kak zu...

    site tu macam google translate je bahasanya... macam dia amik post dari blog akak then dia guna google untuk translate... so, some of the words cant be detected so google translate will leave them as they are... sebab nampak macam campur2 jer bahasanya... :)

  15. cute jer muka akak dlm pic yg last tu :)
    kesiannya tia mia demam. saya doakan both cepat sembuh. amin.

  16. Assalam..

    Hi dear...wowwww! so cute dgn hijap hitam and baju biru! mata mana ada kecik.."booollaattt" lagi ada la... molot yg x thn tu..ada makanan! thanks for the pic dear..anyway...sgt2 cantik tuan empunya diri...(and i know u are happy now kannn..walaupun anak tgh demam!)

    For both your lovely twins, get well soon yer dear..dr pembacaan i, rasanya dua2 tu cam x byk kerenah bila sakit...alhamdulillah!

    And....apa khabar Uwan? Moga dia terus sihat dan kuat menjalani kehidupan di samping anak2 dan cucu yang soleh...

    * Everyday letak pic u pun x per dear...suka tgk mata boolatt u tu! heeheh! with hijab2 yg u pakai, semua nampak kena jer...

    See u again dear...
    -Silent Reader-

  17. kak zu, tqvm no kontraktor tu yer..very nice of you darling...tq again...moga hepi selalu dgn suami, uwan n anak2..hugsssss

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